30 Results
Agent not given instructions should give one in fifty and may deviate somewhat, but not against owner’s instructions
Agent to deduct tithes compared to an Agent to set up an eruv techumin for Shabbos in regard to trust
Agent to receive or deliver the divorce in a specific place, yet does it in a different place
Agent who transgresses on behalf of his appointee, who is responsible?
assigment of agency cannot be nullified with words, if Agent deviated from the original instruction, earlier oral retraction is effective
cancelling a divorce document which had been sent with an Agent
divorce and slave emancipation documents given to Agent, may he back out?
for delivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, however a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
for delivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, however a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
guardian of orphan’s property, slave, Agent, woman, tumtum, androgyne, son, bring bikkurim but doesn’t read the text
husband can’t convene a court to cancel the divorce without his wife or divorce Agent present
husband challenges the divorce document itself after Agent saw it written and signed, verification of signatures needed?
husband gave divorce document to wife’s Agent, divorce is immediate, as compared to giving a gift via an Agent
husband gave divorce document to wife’s Agent, divorce is immediate, as compared to giving a gift via an Agent
husband gave divorce to wife’s Agent, but his language indicates that her Agent will now become his Agent
husband gives the divorce under the mistaken impression that her Agent is an Agent to accept the divorce, however he is only an Agent to deliver it to her
in charge of orphans must deduct maaser, swear he didn’t take anything of theirs, who pays for damages?
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an Agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the Temple?
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an Agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the temple?
misplaced by the Agent and later found, valid?
naarah being divorced, is she or her father authorized to receive her divorce? her marriage? appointing an Agent?
non Jew may not separate terumah, Agent separating, Jew separating for a non Jew who chooses to give terumah
originally husband was able to cancel a divorce Agent without the Agent present, Rabban Gamliel decreed that the Agent must be present due to concerns of agunah and mamzer
permitted to be a relative of who appointed him, but may not be a witness
qualification to serve as an Agent to acquire something on their behalf
situations when an Agent can or cannot appoint another Agent to complete his task
to deliver a divorce may be cancelled prior to delivering it, once Agent to receive has it, it can’t be cancelled
wife appoints an Agent to accept her divorce, husband informs Agent to bring it to her to make it effective, can he revoke the divorce before she receives it?
woman who appoints an Agent to receive divorce needs to provide witnesses who saw the divorce