67 Results
amount of cohamin needed to bring the tamid to the Altar, nine, ten, eleven, twelve
amount of fires on the Altar on Yom Kippur, on ordinary days, additional fire on Yom Kippur, sources
Bilgah family mishmar was penalized due to a daughter Miriam who married a Greek officer and banged on the Temple Altar with her shoe, or because they once didn’t serve when it was their turn
blood of bull mixed with blood of goat then placed on the horns of the Altar, sources, seven sprinklings below the horns, source
blood of offering transferred bowl to bowl from one kohen to the next, blood thrown on Altar
blood of sin offering, only valid if poured on west side of Altar base? valid if done at night? need new sprinklings if new animal was slaughtered because the original animals blood spilled? do laws of piggul apply? poured only part of remaining blood?
blood on horns of inner Altar, order of the four horns
blood remaining from bull sin offering and goat offering poured on base of Altar, sources
blood thrown on Altar if meat remains for eating or sacrificial parts remains for burning
brought to the Altar with the left hand, however no other way to do it, going into holy of holies twice
built an Altar, plastered them, wrote the Torah on them in 70 languages, brought hem to Gilgal, for the nations of the world to copy, 3 or 4 sets of stones
burned on part of Altar closest to sanctuary, learned from blood of sin offerings poured on base of Altar closest to sanctuary
can individuals donate wood to the Temple Altar?
can it become impure?
carrying pepper, tar, spices, metals, earth or stones from the Altar, decaying scrolls or covers, accessories of idolatry, substances that give off a bad smell, forbidden items
chametz may be burned using wood from the Altar
clauses such as ‘until the rains’, ‘until the second rains’, ‘i will bring wood (or woods) to the Altar’
cleaned off Altar, originally whichever kohen came first, after kohen pushed and injured another, then done by lottery
collected blood in four cups, used one for each sprinkling, which cups of remaining blood are poured on the base of the outside Altar?
embarrassing misers who use wood of the Altar instead of their own wood
encircled the Temple Altar seven times to commemorate Joshua encircling Jericho seven times and conquering it
extra shekalim or libations, gold sheets for the holy of holies, ‘dessert or the Altar’, service vessels
fire on Altar precedes setting up new wood, separating ash precedes setting up new wood, what if done in the wrong order?
fruit juices aren’t offered on the Altar as offerings except juice from olives and grapes
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of Jerusalem, women who weaved for the Temple, incense, Altars, vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and Jerusalem,
hekdesh for the upkeep of the Temple has different laws than hekdesh consecrated for the Altar, general donations are for upkeep of theTemple, source,
holes in Altar for wine and water libations, one wider than the other, completed draining simultaneously, one or three lug of water? seven or eight days?
horn on corner broke then repaired with salt when Sadducee kohen gadol was attacked with esrogim after doing the services in an improper way
horn on corner broke then repaired with salt when Sadducee kohen gadol was attacked with esrogim after doing the services in an improper way
kohen gadol collected three cups of bull blood and three cups of goat blood, intended to use one cup of each for all sprinklings, he then used each pair of cups for the sprinklings for ark, curtain, horns of Altar, which bloods need to be mixed to pour on top of the Altar?
kohen gadol collected three cups of bull blood and three cups of goat blood, intended to use one cup of each for all sprinklings, he then used each pair of cups for the sprinklings for ark, curtain, horns of Altar, which bloods need to be poured onto the base of the outside Altar?
kohen gadol stands between curtain and Altar after sprinkling to the curtain
limbs of tamid, mussaf, and Rosh Chodesh, designated places on the Temple Altar
lottery for jobs in the Temple, slaughtering, throw blood, clear ash from inner Altar, clear ash from menorah, bring limbs of tamid offering to the Altar, carrying flour of mincha offering, carrying chavitin offering, carrying wine for libations
money paid to prostitute used to buy item offered on Altar, item itself paid to prostitute not allowed to use offered on Altar
must have corners with horns, ledge, base
must have corners with horns, ledge, base
non kohen bringing the blood to the Altar, valid? transferring blood between hands on the way to the Altar
non kohen who set up or lit the fire on the Temple Altar, penalty
nullified asheirah, can it’s wood be used to fuel the Altar ? its branch used as a lulav? bikkurim?
obligation to clean the ash of the inner Altar, sources, forbidden to have benefit from the ash, sources
one who offers parts on the Altar which are to be eaten transgresses a negative commandment, burning sacrifices on the ramp?
part or all became impure, burned at Altar or at home, using word from the Altar or private wood
partially burned, removed with Altar ash, source
parts of animal brought up ramp to the Altar in the same order as a live animal walks
Pesach offering or a different offering, meat remained pure and cheilev impure or the opposite, sacrificial parts pure or impure, throw the blood on the Altar? offering valid? kometz of the omer or its remnants impure, offering valid?
placement of bikkurim before the Altar and the bikkurim declaration, essential aspects of the mitzvah of bikkurim?
placement of the table, menorah, and golden Altar in the Temple
pouring the remaining blood of the Yom Kippur sin offering on the base of the outside Altar, is this essential for atonement?
procedure of putting blood on the four horns of the Altar, sources, two kohanim reported differently how it was done
removal of ash from the Altar on Yom Kippur, holidays, ordinary days, proper time, washing hands and feet before removing ash
sacrificial parts burned on Altar, sprinkling of blood
sages of the court and of kohanim administered oath to the kohen gadol that he would follow the proper procedures and not the procedures of the Boethusians, the sages and the kohen gadol cried, stories of kohanim gedolim that deviated from proper practice of the Yom Kippur incense, parah adumah, water libation on Sukkos, and died, corner of Altar damaged
seven sprinklings on top of Altar, remaining blood poured on base of Altar, flowed into channel that led to Kidron valley
Shimon and Nechonyon, his sons, fought over succession to be kohen gadol, one tricked the other to wear feminine garments while serving, one built an Altar in Egypt
shovel of coals from Altar, ladle of incense, both in the hands of the kohen gadol
size of Altar that Moshe built
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the Altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the Altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the Altar in the Temple
taken from the Altar but blew away prior to being placed on the floor, kometz of the minchah offering that blew away prior to being burnt
vital to the validity of an offering? table, menorah, Altar, curtain, band around Altar, horn of Altar, placement of Altar or vessels
vow is like building an Altar for idolatry
vows with clauses such as ‘until the rains’, ‘until the second rains’, ‘i will bring wood (or woods) to the Altar’
washing Temple floor Pesach which is Shabbos, blood from floor thrown onto Altar, against the will of the sages, knee deep in blood, life blood, draining blood
which part of the ramp of the Altar the kohen gadol uses to ascend and descend