10 Results
lAmentations and eulogies prior to holiday
mispronounced or responded inappropriately
one who didn’t eat, responds ‘Amen’ but not ‘bless is the one from who we ate’
ornAments, jewelry where can they not be worn? what is the punishment? women and men?
orphaned Amen, didn’t hear blessing, plucked Amen, didn’t pronounce the end of the word Amen properly
Rebbi and Rabbi Chiya the great and Rabbi Yishmael the son of Rabbi Yosah were sitting and explaning the scroll of LAmentations on erev Tisha Bav which fell on Shabbos, Rebbi injured his finger, placed a dry sponge on the wound and tied a grass reed around it, from the conduct of Rebbi we learn three things
response to a blessing of a non Jew or a Cuthi
slave, woman, minor, adult male reading Hall or birchas hamzon for an adult male who doesn’t know how to read, fulfilled obligation, cursed for not knowing how to read, answers Amen, halleluyah
wearing a weapon on Shabbos, a disgrace and therefore a burden or an ornAment of enhancement and therefore a like a garment?