7 Results
decrees enacted while Bais Shammai was the majority was a difficult day similar to the day the Jews worshipped the golden calf
dispute, yet accepting of each other in marriage under the proper conditions
eighteen decrees in the attic of Chananya ben Chizkiya ben Garon on a day when Shammai was the majority over Hillel
eighteen decrees, bread of non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked foods, salted foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their bikkurim
leniencies of Bais Shammai, stringencies of Bais Hillel?
students of Bais Shammai killed students of Bais Hillel