90 Results
additions to Bikkurim are treated like Bikkurim if they come from Israel
Apamya - in Suria, sages accepted Bikkurim from there
Bikkurim and terumah are the property of the kohen
Bikkurim brought from low quality fruits
Bikkurim compared to terumah or offerings
Bikkurim more sanctified than terumah
Bikkurim more sanctified than terumah
Bikkurim of Mount Tzevoim was rejected because it was brought too early, discussion about that rule
Bikkurim of wine and oil rejected, must be from grapes and olives, in certain situations bringing wine and olive oil is ok
Bikkurim, terumah, maaser sheni, halachic similarities and differences
Bikkurim, terumah, maaser sheni, halachic similarities and differences
Bikkurim, terumah, maaser sheni, halachic similarities and differences
bought fully ripened field of grain, bought cut grain, bought wheat kernels
bought one tree with its land or two trees or sharecropping on another’s land, is Bikkurim declaration read?
bringing Bikkurim not permitted on one year’s fruit for another year’s fruit
burning impure terumah or Bikkurim
burning impure terumah or Bikkurim
buying Bikkurim or terumah with maaser sheni funds
convert reciting the text of Bikkurim and shemonah esrei which refers to Jewish ancestors, permitted?
convert reciting the text of Bikkurim and shemonah esrei which refers to Jewish ancestors, permitted?
convert reciting the text of Bikkurim and shemonah esrei which refers to Jewish ancestors, permitted?
craftsmen cease their work to greet the ones bringing Bikkurim
day of Bikkurim
designated Bikkurim then it became rotten, stolen, lost, became impure
designated Bikkurim then sold field, responsibilities of buyer and seller in the obligation of Bikkurim
difference between accepting Bikkurim from Suria but not terumah
eighteen decrees, bread of non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked foods, salted foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their Bikkurim
eulogies, fasting, or work on day of
from Shavuos until Sukkos, from high quality of the 7 species, bring Bikkurim and read the declaration, from Transjordan?
fruits that were permitted in the Bikkurim basket despite not being Bikkurim, not being from the 7 species, or not from Israel
fulfill matzah obligation by using terumah, challah, Bikkurim, maaser sheni, todah loaves , or nazir wafers
fulfill matzah obligation by using wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, demai, maaser whose terumah was taken, redeemed maaser sheni, redeemed hekdesh, kohanim can use challah or terumah but not Bikkurim, may not use tevel, maaser whose terumah wasn’t taken, unredeemed maaser sheni, unredeemed hekdesh, todah loaves, nazir wafers, grains used for challah
grapes and olives preferred as food or wine and oil?
growths from terumah, growths of growths, halachic status, tevel, maaser, after growths, terumah from outside Israel, mixture of chullin and terumah, Bikkurim, hekdesh, maaser sheni, redeeming growths of hekdesh and maaser sheni
guardian of orphan’s property, slave, agent, woman, tumtum, androgyne, son, bring Bikkurim but doesn’t read the text
honor of escort determined by the amount of people, not their stature
how to designate Bikkurim, what stage of growth qualifies for Bikkurim, what percentage are given?
husband takes Bikkurim from wife’s property and recites the Bikkurim declaration
inadvertently ate Bikkurim, pay back kohen with produce still attached to the ground?
is Bikkurim declaration read? bought two trees, spring dried up, tree was cut down, brought between Sukkos and Chanukah
juices can’t be brought as Bikkurim except for juice of olives and grapes?
kerem rivai interacting with: shemittah year, maaser sheni, neta rivai, shemittah requirement to dispose of fruits which are no longer available in the fields ">biur, Bikkurim, adding one fifth, holiness, hallel, redemption
kohanim read the verses and the donor would repeat the verses, so as not to embarrass those who didn’t know how to read
laws of Bikkurim similar to terumas maaser, taken from pure on behalf of impure and fruit not in close proximity
laws of Bikkurim similar to terumas maaser, taken from pure on behalf of impure and fruit not in close proximity
laws which apply to Bikkurim but not terumah or maaser sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with a offering, song, waving, and staying overnight
laws which apply to Bikkurim but not terumah or maaser sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with an offering, song, waving, and staying overnight
laws which apply to Bikkurim but not terumah or maaser sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with an offering, song, waving, and staying overnight
laws which apply to maaser sheni and Bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to maaser sheni and Bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to maaser sheni and Bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not Bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not Bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not Bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
layered a branch from his property to another’s property, another’s property to his, or his property to his property with public or another’s property in between, source, reason
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring Bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the temple?
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring Bikkurim, bring chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the Temple?
Mount Tzevoim - their Bikkurim was rejected due to it being brought too early
must be given to a chaver who is serving in that mishmar, who then divides it with the other kohanim who are serving
near ones brought fresh fruit, further ones brought dried fruit, escorts to Jerusalem with much fanfare
non kohen who ate Bikkurim must pay back with better quality
nullified asheirah, can it’s wood be used to fuel the altar ? its branch used as a lulav? Bikkurim?
one does not bring Bikkurim before Shavuos
one who already gave Bikkurim and wants to bring a second species doesn’t read the Bikkurim, declaration a second time
one who gives Bikkurim is only responsible until it is brought to the Temple Mount
placement of Bikkurim before the altar and the Bikkurim declaration, essential aspects of the mitzvah of Bikkurim?
procedure of handing the bikurim baskets to the kohen in the Temple
proper order of tithes, Bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, Bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, Bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, Bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
replacement of Bikkurim, purchased from market, obligation of additional fifth penalty if eaten by
rich used baskets of gold and silver, poor used willow baskets and gave them to the kohanim
sages accepted Bikkurim from Apamya which is in Suria, reason
separated before Sukkos brought afterwards, separated before Chanukah and not brought, not separated before Chanukah
sharecropper, tenant farmer, gangster, and robber of the land, take Bikkurim?
shekalim and Bikkurim are only when there is the Temple, what if a person declared these despite no Temple? grain tithe, animal tithe, first born offerings are required even without the Temple
sold fruit retained the land then bought back the fruit, obligated in Bikkurim?
some are obligated to give Bikkurim and read the text, some don’t read the text, some are not obligated at all
temporary permission from a neighbor , is it enough to obligate Bikkurim?
the following are only said in Hebrew language : Bikkurim, chalitzah, blessing and curses on Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval, blessing of kohen gadol on Yom Kippur, passage read by king at hakhel ceremony, decapitated calf speech by kohen anointed for war
the joy, ceremony, celebration and verses read as the Bikkurim went from the city of origin to the Temple
travelled in groups on the way going, people would not deal with them on the return trip as on the journey to Jerusalem
tree partially inside Israel and partially outside, not obligated
tree partially inside Israel and partially outside, not obligated
wage of a zonah (when paid in fruit), is it obligated in Bikkurim?
wage of a zonah (when paid in fruit), is it obligated in Bikkurim?
what a kohen is allowed to do with his Bikkurim
wheat barley grapes figs pomegranate olives dates, seven species of Israel, not varieties of low quality