73 Results
an independent holiday, its own lottery to choose kohen service, its own Blessing, its own offering, not part of Sukkos
baked in pan subject to challah? Blessing hamotzi? fulfill obligation on Pesach? boiled or submerged in water? baked in sun? baked with fire at side?
become impure to do the priestly Blessing
Blessing before and after eating, Blessing for reading Torah
Blessing before and after reading Torah and eating
Blessing on lighting Chanukah menorah compared to Blessing for lulav
Blessing on the Torah with the Torah open or closed?
Blessing prior to searching for chametz
Blessing procedure on Yom Kippur
Blessing said when removing shekalim from collection boxes
Blessings come from God, not a kohen who commits adultery or murder
Blessings of kohanim repeated but not translated
Blessings on stolen matzah?
Blessings on the Pesach offering and the chagigah offering, does either Blessing exempt the other?
Blessings that the kohen gadol says when he reads the Torah on Yom Kippur
Blessings upon building and using the sukkah
Blessings which come to a falsely accused sotah due to the shame she received
Blessings, setting up one’s own lulav, for other people, picking up lulav, praying with lulav, first day, later days, no Blessing after first day, comparison to the Blessing on lighting Chanukah menorah
cancels curses which came after the Temple was destroyed
chazan calls out ‘kohen’ or ‘kohanim’ if there is only one kohen present?
chazan must a yisrael
city whose residents are all kohanim
difficulty of keeping hands raised for lengthy Blessing in the Temple
do the Torah portions with curses require a Blessing
does each person called to the Torah need a before and after Blessing?
dough of dogs, if shepherds eat it too, challah obligation, make hamotzi Blessing, birchas hamazon, zimun, ok to bake it on holiday, ok to make matzos for Pesach, the opposite if the shepherds won’t eat it, in either case it can become impure
eating a small amount in regard to obligation for eating in sukkah, Blessings before and after eating, stories about Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Tzadok
from a non Jew or Cuthi to God, proper answer to when one is blessed or cursed by them
grain grown in a flowerpot without a hole, Blessing on the bread, ’brings bread from the earth’?
hallel at the seder, pause and Blessing during hallel, where to pause
incident with King Yannai, refusing at first to properly lead the Blessing after the meal
incident with King Yannai, refusing to properly lead the Blessing after the meal, joining despite not eating together
kohen gadol reads Torah, choice of clothes, procedures of taking out the Torah, Torah portion, Blessings, source
lessons from Boaz, Blessings with ten men at widow’s wedding, waiting to be told to sit, elders come to feasts
may a Kohen with stained hands, face or other defect bless?, gazing at kohanim during priestly Blessing, minor performing priestly Blessing
mincha or neilah of a fast day?
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - details of the Blessing and curses event
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - of Blessings and curses as described in Deuteronomy 11:26-32, 27:1-26 and Joshua 8:30-35
not eligible to separate terumah, but acceptable if done, because unable to say Blessing or to properly choose
obligated in challah? Blessing hamotzi? obligation of matzah fulfilled with it?
one who didn’t eat, responds ‘amen’ but not ‘bless is the one from who we ate’
one who made a fruit Blessing on a vegetable or the opposite
order of the Blessings for kiddush and havdalah, reasons
orphaned amen, didn’t hear Blessing, plucked amen, didn’t pronounce the end of the word amen properly
parts to respond to, and not respond to, if one didn't eat
previously married women also have Blessings at their weddings with a quorum of ten men as learned from Boaz
procedure of how it is done outside and inside the Temple
proper Blessing for pickled olives and cooked vegetables
Rabbi Chiyah and his sons moving to Israel brought Blessings to the land and produce, but they didn’t personally benefit
reading the Megillah - Blessings said before and after reading
requirement to seek out other locations for kiddush over wine if one doesn’t have his own, Blessings at the synagogue when no wine available
response to a Blessing of a non Jew or a Cuthi
saying a Blessing isn’t appropriate over stolen matzah
saying after drinking wine, while drunk
scripts of Blessings and amulets (even those which include verses from the Torah) may not be saved from a fire on Shabbos
shehecheyanu Blessing recited at Pesach seder? said on holidays or seasonal fruit
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper Blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper Blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper Blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper Blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
Suria - kohen status determined by those who participate in the priestly Blessings
that do or don't require Blessings before and after
the following are only said in Hebrew language : bikkurim, chalitzah, Blessing and curses on Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval, Blessing of kohen gadol on Yom Kippur, passage read by king at hakhel ceremony, decapitated calf speech by kohen anointed for war
the following are said in the language the person understands : sotah, maaser declaration, shema, prayer, Blessings after eating, oath of testimony, oath of a deposit
third cup of the seder, Blessing after meal, fourth cup, hallel completed, another Blessing, drinking wine between third and fourth cups prohibited, reason
Torah reading on Yom Kippur followed by 8 Blessings
trees grow from the trunk, vegetables grow from its roots
using eruv to make the Blessing of hamotzi
where the people stand relative to the kohanim who are Blessing them
writing amulets or Blessings (even ones containing Torah portions) compared to burning the Torah
writing amulets or Blessings (even ones containing Torah portions) compared to burning the Torah
בריכה - can mean a layered branch, a Blessing, name of a person