68 Results
amount of time to become impure upon staying there, eating Bread
baked in pan subject to challah? blessing hamotzi? fulfill obligation on Pesach? boiled or submerged in water? baked in sun? baked with fire at side?
blood on Bread or already on one’s teeth
Bread baked by non Jews, lenient law, obscure law
Bread baking before Shabbos, hot Bread not healthy
Bread from a baker in Suria, do we assume that challah was properly deducted?
Bread of a Cuthi after Pesach
Bread of non Jews
Bread placed at the opening of a barrel of terumah wine
cup size is two by two by one and five eighths finger Breadths
eating Bread of idolators
eating Bread of idolators
eating Bread of idolators
eating Bread of idolators
eating Bread of idolators
eighteen decrees, Bread of non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked foods, salted foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their bikkurim
extra money left over that had been designated for his offerings, left over Bread, wine
fire maintained while tabernacle travelled? show Bread remained on table while the tabernacle travelled? sources
grain grown in a flowerpot without a hole, blessing on the Bread, ’brings Bread from the earth’?
hot Bread unhealthy, bee sting drink cold water, scorpion sting drink hot water
if a person can only produce impure Bread, is it better to bake small loaves that are below the minimum size of the challah obligation, or is it better to create impure challah which will then have to be burned? baker impure, pure person exactly 4 mil away?
impure terumah mixed with more than 100 times of non terumah, made into loaves of Bread
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? Bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? Bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
kohen using impure Bread and oil to light a fire
kometz of the omer, incense of the show Bread burned even if impure and no remnants, impure offering meat with blood thrown accepted, tzitz is effective
learned from show Bread, sequestration of Aaron and his sons only needed at nightfall
loaf of Bread for eruv that one made a vow not to benefit from, loaf of hekdesh, avodah zarah, wine for a nazir, terumah for a yisrael, eruv for a kohen in a bais hapras, kohen in a cemetery?
made the show Bread for the Temple
made the show Bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white Bread to be above suspicion
made the show Bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white Bread to be above suspicion
mention of Bread on its own from wheat or barley, the five species, or even other grains?
nullification of sacrificial Bread and meat
obligated in challah? blessing hamotzi? obligation of matzah fulfilled with it?
omer, two loaves of Shavuos, panic Bread, communal shelamim, goats of Rosh Chodesh brought in a state of impurity but not eaten, Pesach offering brought and eaten, purpose of the Pesach offering is the eating, sources
one fulfills 10 mitzvos in the course of growing grain until eating Bread
person who avoided eating Bread without challah removed, but didn’t care about shemittah rules
previous week’s Bread is no longer valid, however no new Bread is available
putting coins in mouth, cooked food under bed, Bread under armpit, knife in radish or esrog, non facial sweat
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial Bread
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial Bread
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial Bread
replacement show Bread must be placed exactly when older Bread is removed, or may there be an interval?
Shimon bar Va was an expert in peals, yet didn’t have Bread to eat, considered to be of great wisdom
show Bread must be fully crusted prior to being put on the Temple table
show Bread tables silver? marble? silver will heat up and spoil Bread, miracle in Temple that Bread didn’t spoil, don’t rely on miracles
slaughtered a todah offering while its Bread is outside the walls, Bread not sanctified
Solomon made ten tables for the Temple, where were they placed, were they all used for the show Bread
sponge Bread which sticks to the hands, making on Pesach
sponge Bread, honey Bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge Bread, honey Bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge Bread, honey Bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge Bread, honey Bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
stacking two rows of seven instead of six is valid, extra are ignored, incense put near Bread instead of on top
taking Bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking Bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking Bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
taking Bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’
thirteen tables in the Temple made, some marble, some silver, gold, used for various purposes, show Bread
types of Breads challah obligation
Tzippori - kohen who grabbed more Bread than his proper share
used for tamid or mussaf offerings, libations, omer, two loaves of Shavuos, show Bread, public offerings, pay for sefichin inspectors
vow against grain includes Bread due to how people speak
vowed not to have benefit from Bread, warmed his hands
vowed not to have benefit from Bread, warmed his hands
vowed to abstain from Bread, gathered grain, piled grain
was the holy status of the God camps and Levite camps and show Bread maintained during travels in the desert?