12 Results
after Temple destruction Chadash is forbidden the full day of the 16th of Nissan, decree of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai
applies in all places
Chadasha - town in Judea, referenced in Joshua 15:37
did Chadash laws apply to the existing grains and dough of the Canaanites when the Jews and Joshua entered Israel?
exactly what time on the 16th of the month of Nissan was the new grain permitted?
grains that didn’t take root not permitted to eat until the next year, eligible to be the grains for the omer offering itself next year? grew one third only after Rosh Hashanah?
havesting the omer grain permits new grain, or offering the omer permits the new grain?
new grains become permitted when the omer is harvested which is on the second day of Pesach
new produce permitted with cutting of the omer on second day of pesach
rice kernels included in the laws of Chadash?
wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, or any combination of those, cut before the cutting of the omer? laws, sources, reasons