23 Results
blessings on the Pesach offering and the Chagigah offering, does either blessing exempt the other?
brought on weekdays, only in pure state, when Pesach isn’t sufficient to satiate, from cattle, male or female animals, eaten for 2 days and one night, may use maaser sheni money unlike Pesach offering
burning sacrificial fats overrides Holiday?
Chagigah and all other cooked foods served with the Pesach offering must be finished by midnight, usually a Chagigah can be eaten for 2 days and 1 night
compared to Chagigah and reiyah
comparison to Chagigah and obligation to rejoice
comparison to reiyah and the obligation to rejoice
deferring some Chagigah animals to the last day of Holiday
from non consecrated funds, or even maaser sheni funds
may be brought all days of Holiday , even Shemini Atzeres, as learned out from Pesach, preferable on first day, not on Shabbos
minimum value
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring Chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the Temple?
minor separating terumah, consecrating, bring offerings, being appointed an agent for these tasks, bring bikkurim, bring Chagigah, bring Pesach offering, maaser beheimah, temurah, liable for bringing an offering outside the temple?
Pesach and Pesach sheni, similarities and differences in law, kares? sources, hallel? sources, Chagigah? sources, Pesach sheni brought in state of impurity?
pledges of specific value of offering
postponed, but not predated
price, reason
slaughtered before Holiday began
two cooked dishes at the seder, one in memory of the Pesach offering, one in memory of the Chagigah offering
use maser sheni money to supplement purchase
when Shavuos falls out on Shabbos
wood offering, Tisha Bav, Chagigah offering, hakhel, Rosh Chodesh seudah , Purim seudah