124 Results
Alexandria - Challah brought from there was rejected
amount of chullin needed to nullify Challah of outside Israel
amount of flour in the dough which creates the Challah obligation, ratio of dough which much be given as Challah
Baitur - Challah brought from there was rejected
baked in pan subject to Challah? blessing hamotzi? fulfill obligation on Pesach? boiled or submerged in water? baked in sun? baked with fire at side?
baker intends to divide dough into small parts, women who gave their small pieces of dough to a baker who combines them
bread from a baker in Suria, do we assume that Challah was properly deducted?
brought from outside Israel was rejected
Caesarea - discussion about the same grains that make chametz are the same grains of the laws of Challah
Caesarea - grains that are obligated in Challah
Challah from outside of Eretz Yisrael may be eaten with non kohen at same table, may be given to any kohen
Challah obligation after it was designated as terumah? terumah obligation after it was designated as Challah?
Challah obligation depends on intent?
Challah obligation on produce which came from outside Israel, exited from Israel, dough found when Joshua conquered Israel?
Challah of demai
Challah of demai in Suria
Challah of demai may be taken from pure dough on behalf of impure dough, on behalf of dough not in close proximity
Challah separation from dough that is less than the optimal minimum size
Challah taken despite it being below the minimum size, if two such doughs are later combined
comparison of combining doughs of Challah and tevul yom
comparison of combining doughs of Challah and tevul yom
demai, maaser, maaser sheni, hekdesh, Challah, terumah, tevel?
dough became chametz them became obligated in Challah, or first obligated in Challah then became chametz, warned for one or the other, strict prohibition over a less strict prohibition
dough became mixed with terumah or exposed to possible impurity
dough bitten by another dough considered combined? biblical law or rabbinic enactment? considered attached in regards of impurity of tevul yom?
dough forming into clumps or larger pieces, Challah obligation?
dough from fennel flower obligated in Challah?
dough from kav of old flour bitting into dough from kav of new flour, from which do we separate Challah? different if the two doughs are different varieties of flour
dough from spelt rye oats, packing stage considered finishing stage, from wheat or barley, kneading or packing?
dough kneaded with fruit juice, obligated in Challah?
dough of dogs, if shepherds eat it too, Challah obligation, make hamotzi blessing, birchas hamazon, zimun, ok to bake it on holiday, ok to make matzos for Pesach, the opposite if the shepherds won’t eat it, in either case it can become impure
dough of non Jew worked by a Jew, gifted to a Jew, partnership, dough of non Jew who converted
dough was made hekdesh then redeemed prior to or after the completion of kneading, hekdesh treasurer completed the kneading while it was hekdesh property, obligated in Challah?
doughs exempted from Challah (rice, terumah, terumah and chullin where the terumah part is more than one hundredth of the mixture ">medumah, belonging to no Jew) connecting other doughs which are obligated but are too small, do not combine to obligate in Challah, doughs which are exempt (other species, belongs to another, new flour dough whose Challah is taken) combining obligated doughs? kav of hekdesh combines, kav of Challah does not combine
doughs of half kav of wheat half kav of barley with half kav of spelt in the middle, kav of wheat kav of barley with kav of spelt in the middle, kav of wheat kav of spelt with kav of barley in the middle, laws from where to separate Challah, differences between cases
doughs which are below the size obligated in Challah, but may combine with other doughs to create Challah obligation
eating or separating Challah prior to when the dough making process is started, death from heaven if eaten after
exactly five ravaim flour of questionable medumah exempt from Challah
five grains are obligated in Challah
five grains are really only 2 or 3 types with the others being varieties of the 2 or 3 main ones
five grains, some combine with each other to create a Challah obligation
five grains, some combine with each other to create a Challah obligation
flour intermixed with terumah, tevel for Challah? obligated in Challah?
fruit juices unify ingredients of dough for Challah obligation? for dough to become impure by touching part? seven liquids only?
fulfill matzah obligation by using terumah, Challah, bikkurim, maaser sheni, todah loaves , or nazir wafers
fulfill matzah obligation by using wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, demai, maaser whose terumah was taken, redeemed maaser sheni, redeemed hekdesh, kohanim can use Challah or terumah but not bikkurim, may not use tevel, maaser whose terumah wasn’t taken, unredeemed maaser sheni, unredeemed hekdesh, todah loaves, nazir wafers, grains used for Challah
grain less then third ripe dragged after ripe grain in which it mixed into? obligated with Challah?
grains of five species mixed together as grain, flour, or dough, combine to form minimum measure for Challah?
grown in Suria, non Jew owned, sold to Jew one third grown, or totally grown under non Jewish ownership, kneaded in Israel, obligated in Challah?
if a person can only produce impure bread, is it better to bake small loaves that are below the minimum size of the Challah obligation, or is it better to create impure Challah which will then have to be burned? baker impure, pure person exactly 4 mil away?
impure kohen who wants to eat Challah outside of Israel, immersing in a mikveh
inadvertently ate Challah, repayment to kohen with non mature grain?
instructions to kohanos what to declare when separating Challah, when to declare? (Friday or weekdays, big or small doughs)
Jews and non Jews in the conversion process who are partners who had dough below the size of obligation then added later
kneading dough when impure if water to become pure within four mil?
laws apply to wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, or any combination of those, sources, reasons
leniencies in the laws of Challah, maaser, and terumah from outside Israel, terumah and maaser was later abolished
leniencies in the laws of Challah, maaser, and terumah from outside Israel, terumah and maaser was later abolished
leniencies in the laws of Challah, maaser, and terumah from outside Israel, terumah and maaser was later abolished
less than the required amount of wheat dough that leavened and then mixed with rice flour
loaves of todah wafers, of nazir obligated with Challah?
maaser, shemittah, Challah obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
maaser, shemittah, Challah obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
maaser, shemittah, Challah obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
made from fennel, apple, crushed apple, apple juice
make kav portions of dough to evade obligation?
man or woman separating Challah while naked, permitted?
many similar halacha between Challah and terumah
mistakenly designated flour as Challah, scholar who incorrectly ate the flour
mixing of the dough or crusting while baking is when status of Challah obligation is determined, compared to maaser status when the pile of grain is smoothed
mixture of dough, some of the dough had Challah removed and some didn’t, tevel and chullin mixed
mixtures of 5 grains made into one dough, non kohen liable for lashes if he eats it
mixtures of doughs with various grains that either combine to create a Challah obligation or cancel each other out
mixtures of mostly terumah and some chullin, obligated in Challah?
mixtures of the 5 grains made into dough, or became connected, Challah separated, non kohen liable if he eats it?
no double portion of terumah in Suria according to Rabban Gamliel who requires double portion of Challah
not designating Challah from spoiled dough
obligated in Challah and exempt from maaser, leket, shikchah, peah, hevker, maaser that terumah of maaser was removed, redeemed maaser sheni or hekdesh, leftover of the omer offering, sources, grain that didn’t grow one third?
obligated in Challah?
obligated in Challah? blessing hamotzi? obligation of matzah fulfilled with it?
obligated in maaser and exempt from Challah, rice, millet, poppy, sesame, legumes
obligated in maaser and exempt from Challah, rice, millet, poppy, sesame, legumes
obligation only on grains that leaven
of Jerusalem obligated to separate Challah?
one may have thought that chullin is more lenient because the word ‘Challah’ is similar to ‘chullin’
outside Israel
person who avoided eating bread without Challah removed, but didn’t care about shemittah rules
preferable to separate from dough that is exempt on behalf of what is subject to obligation of Challah, or to separate impure on pure dough?
produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, shemittah, Challah?
produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, shemittah, Challah?
produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, shemittah, Challah?
pure dough maker exactly four mil away, tamei baker must travel to him?
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, Challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, Challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, Challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, Challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, Challah, orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
rice flour mixed with wheat flour subject to gereirah, to be obligated in Challah?
satan prosecutes in times of danger, women die due to neglect of laws of niddah, Challah, Shabbos lights, unfulfilled vows
separated Challah after pouring of water on flour is valid on condition five ravaim dry flour do not remain there
separating Challah, specify Challah for entire dough
separating impure Challah on Pesach
shouldn’t knead dough if impure, if water available within 4 mil
small doughs that aren’t obligated in Challah can combine to create a Challah obligation if the dough become attached or the baked loaves are placed in one basket
sourdough from wheat dough whose Challah is not separated placed in rice dough has taste of wheat grain, subject to Challah obligation?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from Challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from Challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from Challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from Challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?
subject to Challah?
taking Challah from a pure dough to include the obligation on a impure dough as well, pure and impure terumah
taking Challah from a pure dough to include the obligation on future doughs of demai that are likely to become impure
the size of one woman’s dough in a group dough can affect the obligation of Challah compared to smoothing out someone else’s grain to give the grain the status of tevel
three regions with different Challah obligations
two doughs of the same grain that are touching combine to obligate Challah? if belong to one or two women? being particular about not mixing
types of breads Challah obligation
volume of dough which obligates Challah, exactly five quarters obligated?
wheat and rice mixtures, obligated in Challah? depending on majority, taste, and other grains added
wheat and rice mixtures, obligated in Challah? depending on majority, taste, and other grains added
which grain considered new or old in regard to Challah obligation?
which of the five grains combine with each other to create a Challah obligation
women die in childbirth due to neglect of niddah laws, Challah, and Shabbos lights, unfulfilled vows, satan prosecutes in times of danger
women gave dough to baker, he combines them, an amount that obligates Challah, yet exempt, not considered ‘completed’