9 Results
brothers relations with Chalutzah’s co-wife more strict than relations with Chalutzah herself
does kares happen to a brother who has relations with his brother’s Chalutzah?
does kares happen to a brother who has relations with his brother’s Chalutzah?
marrying his divorced wife (or her close relative) who was married between his two marriages to her, marrying his Chalutzah or a close relative of her, child mamzer? allowed to eat terumah? child allowed to marry a kohen?
nine year old boy giving a woman, a widow, or divorcee, a Chalutzah status
virgin divorcee, widow, Chalutzah, or convert, ransomed, freed below three years old, kesubah is one hundred (even if it is determined later that she is a virgin) and there can be no claim against her virgin status
why a Chalutzah who married her choleitz isn't listed in Yevamos 1:1
why a Chalutzah who married her choleitz isn't listed in Yevamos 1:1