12 Results
blessings, setting up one’s own lulav, for other people, picking up lulav, praying with lulav, first day, later days, no blessing after first day, comparison to the blessing on lighting Chanukah menorah
fasting partial days, specific hours, breaking fast in the middle of the day, starting midday, making up a broken fast, accidentally broke fast, tasting, night prior to fast, fast on Shabbos, holiday, Chanukah,
is bikkurim declaration read? bought two trees, spring dried up, tree was cut down, brought between Sukkos and Chanukah
reduction of mourning for Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah, and Purim
separated before Sukkos brought afterwards, separated before Chanukah and not brought, not separated before Chanukah
Shabbos, Holiday , Rosh Chodesh, Chol Hamoed, Chanukah, and Purim
tree planted for a mitzvah such as esrog or oil for the Chanukah or temple menorah obligated in orlah?
using impure terumah oil that must be burned, for Chanukah lights
using impure terumah oil that must be burned, for Chanukah lights
using proper wicks and fuels for Chanukah lights when Chanukah fell out on Shabbos
using proper wicks and oil for Chanukah lights that fell out on Shabbos