51 Results
a man who gifts his estate to his Children has rights for himself, his wife, and Children to be supported by the estate
a wife whose husband absolved her of the requirement of swearing, the husband then dies and the wife now has to deal with his Children
an arusah who died in her husband’s lifetime doesn't collect (her Children don’t collect) her kesubah
Bais Shamai and Bais Hillel declared certain marriages to be producing illegitimate Children, yet they married into each other (when illegitimate people weren’t suspected)
Children born to a kohen whose marriage doesn't upkeep a positive commandment doesn't produce chalalim, this rule is held more strictly when a rule that applies to all Jews is violated
Children exempt from offering, but are obligated to attend, parents rewarded for bringing them
Children or woman (even a case of rape or mistake) of an inappropriate relationship are ineligible for kohen status
Children or woman (even a case of rape or mistake) of an inappropriate relationship are ineligible for kohen status
Children play with locusts
Children, educating them to fast
comparison of non contemporary brother to a woman who can’t have Children
desecrating Shabbos to save lives is praiseworthy, consulting or questioning is like murder, should be done by adult Jews and not by Children or non Jews, miraculous stories about letting a fire burn when there is no danger to life, only loss of possessions
divided with no pattern or favoritism on Mount Gerizim and Eval, when counting the Children of Jacob, their encampments with banners, their engraved names on the phon of the kohen gadol
feeding terumah to non kohanim Children, slaves, eating outside Israel, less than an olive size, repayment doesn’t include the one fifth penalty, repayment isn’t sacred, kohen may forgive, penalty payment of one fifth indicated sacredness
figs brought to courtyard, to be dried, Children wife household may eat, may owner eat? why wife different than workers?
figs to be dried (work not completed), brought onto courtyard (usually signals maaser obligation), Children and workers eat?
mamzer brother, Children, and how it affects the yibum obligation and other familial laws
man required to support his minor Children
marrying a woman who can’t have Children, zonah
marrying a woman with Children (even deceased)
men who fathered Children at young ages
minor Children of idolators, soldiers of Nebuchadnezzar army, no world to come but no judgement either
miraculously blessed with many Children and grandChildren due to having the holy ark kept in his house
must a father support his sons? daughters? grandChildren?
obligation to gladden wife and Children on holidays, wine, shoes, ribbons, walnuts, almonds, Rabbi Tarfon did so
obligations of support of wives and Children aren’t taken from mortgaged property
obligations of support of wives and Children aren’t taken from mortgaged property
one who gifts his estate to his Children, is supported by it along with his wife and Children
permitted to do basic transactions with movable objects, may be penalized if an apprenticeship was arranged
procedure of the willow ceremony, differences if done on Shabbos, Children eat esrog, invalidated esrog eaten
Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish worked on the seventh chapter of tractate Shabbos for three and a half years, the Children of Rabbi Chiya worked on it for six months
redeeming people who sell themselves or their Children to non Jews
redeeming people who sell themselves or their Children to non Jews
remarrying permitted?, collecting kesubah money from first husband after having Children from her second husband
reward given to those who bring Children to hakhel (Torah study)
sages didn’t want to set a precedent of people doing Pesach Sheni for their wives and Children thinking that it is an obligation
shabbos food creates tevel and therefore obligates maaser, actions of Children creating a maaser obligation
stepChildren marrying each other
stepChildren marrying each other
support of grandChildren, obligation?
supported thirty six Children of one yavam for one month
the kesubah value which went to her husband when she died will be inherited by her Children upon his death (and not shared with Children of his other marriages), this right is in force even if it wasn’t written in her kesubah
training Children to fast on Yom Kippur, one or two years before obligated, for a few hours, nine or ten years old
two wives of childless brothers who both claim their husbands died, one has witnesses, one has Children, each had yibum done, new husbands died
Tzippori - soldiers took Children as captives to ensure payment
wife and Children can sometimes eat figs without taking tithes, sometimes tithes are required
wife forfeits rights when she allows her husband to transfer property to the Children
women should compel their Children to study Torah
women should compel their Children to study Torah
כשירים מזנין ופסולין משליכין - proper lineage people engage in immoral behavior, but only the unfit abandon their Children