331 Results
Achberi - establishing a minimum level of ownership in a chatzer
Adami Adam (Damin) - non walled town located in tribe of Naftali
Adami Adam (Damin) - where the Jordan River split, 12 mil from Tzarsan
Akko - consuming terumah in Akko
Akko - grain pounders were strict on Chol Hamoed
Akko - keeping customs, grain pounders of Akko, no work on chol hamoed
Akko - part of Israel?
Akko - part of Israel?
Akko - Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel sat on non Jewish bench on Shabbos
Akrabas - one day journey south to Jerusalem
Amanah - limit to the north of where shemittah fruit may be brought
Amanah - northern border of Israel
Anasos - town of Rabbi Chanina of Anasos
Antipatras - Gabus to Antipatras 600,000 small towns
Antipatras - near border of Judea and Galilee
Antipatras - town possibly located in Judea
Arav - Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai lived in Arav (in the Galilee) for eighteen years
Arav - town in Galilee
Arbel - exchanging maaser sheni money
Ariach - trees were grafted there, and later chopped down
Ashkelon - girl was pledged to idolators
Ashkelon - impure as a result of the impurity of the dwelling place of idolators
Ashkelon - not subject to impurity of foreign lands? subject to rules of maaser?
Ashkelon - outside Israel?
Ashkelon - witches of Ashkelon in the days of Shimon ben Shetach
Ashkelon - within original borders of Israel, not recaptured during second temple, therefore considered outside Israel
Avel - drawing water from a canal in a chatzer
Ayalin (Eilon) - non walled city in tribe of Naftali
Aziz - Rabbi Yehoshua went there to visit Rabbi Yishmael
Badan - pomegranates of Badan are high quality
Bais Choron (Chavran)
Bais Choron (Chavran)
Bais Choron (Chavran)
Bais Choron (Chavran)
Bais Gurion - distributed figs to the poor
Bais Guvrin - town of Rabbi Yonasan
Bais Kosheish - kohen family Bais Nekifei lived there
Bais Lechem (Tzeraya) - in tribe of Zevulon
Bais Mammah - distributed figs to the poor
Bais Mayan - situated between Piltasah which was more uphill, and Tiberias below
Bais Me’on - near Shilo with partially obstructed view
Bais Nayin - using the greens of plants without deducting maaser
Bais Netofah - purslane has a very late biur date
Bais Shalishah - earliest growing season in Israel
Bais Sharai - town of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Bais Sharai (Bais Shearim?) - place where many were buried
Bais Shean - a document signed by non Jews
Bais Shean - within the 16 by 16 mil which is the land flowing with milk and honey
Bais Shean — low quality produce
Bais Shemesh - gazed at holy ark
Bais Shemesh - in tribe of Yehudah
Bais Shemesh - large population size
Bais Tzevoim - kohen family of Bais Anuvai lived there
Bais Yerach - one district within a town of two districts (Kinneres?)
Bar Delay - town of Rabbi Yudah ben Pazi
Bar Miktaya (possibly name of a person) - repair of collapsed cemetery
Beit El referred to as Beit Aven in mockery
Betza'ananim - non walled city, tribe of Naftali
Bik’as Rimon - place where leap year was declared, also known as ‘Kipa D’Samra’ (boulder of nails)
Bnai Chayil - Bror Chayil - Rabbi Yehoshua and his students went there to study Torah from Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakksi
border towns - more lenient in regard to shemittah
border towns with questions related to impurity, maaser, and shemittah, Chamesa of Pechal, Diklaya D’Bavel, Naveh, Darai, Botzraya, Pardeisa, Botzrah, Ammon, Moab, Ashkelon, Tyre, Yavlonah, Keziv, Amanah, Kiflaria, Egypt, Betzer, Kiflaria,
border towns, conquered by those who came from Babylon : Chomas road, Migdal Shid, Shinnah Dror, wall of Akko, fortress of Galilee, Kfar Asah, Bais Zevisah, Kuvaya, Milsah of Kir, Greater Burai, Taffies, Sanpatah, Mecharta of Yatir, road to Abathia, headwaters of Gaaton, Gaaton, Mei Sfar, Marcheshes, Migdal Charuv, greater Ulam, Nukbesa of Iyon, Yukras, Bar Sangara, upper Tarnegola of Caesarea Philippi, Trachon, Melach of Zarkai, Nimrin, Bais Sechel, Kenas, Refiach of Chagra, the great road to the desert, Cheshbon, Yabbok, Zered, Yigar Sahadusa, Rekem of Goah, gardens of Ashkelon
Caesarea - beds of Caesarea have holes in the frame through which straps are attached
Caesarea - causing damage with words
Caesarea - city of Rabbi Abahu, place of Roman proconsul
Caesarea - city of Rabbi Prigori
Caesarea - discussion about the same grains that make chametz are the same grains of the laws of challah
Caesarea - divorce document brought from the port to the city
Caesarea - garments assumed to be shatnez free
Caesarea - grains that are obligated in challah
Caesarea - sages of Caesarea
Caesarea - sages of Caesarea
Caesarea - sages of Caesarea
Caesarea - sages of Caesarea rule one must give up their life rather than be forced to sin in front of ten Jews
Caesarea - studying Torah with Rabbi Hoshayah the Great
Caesarea - Torah study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
Caesarea - witnesses
Caesaria - considered outside Israel at that time
Chadasha - town in Judea, referenced in Joshua 15:37
Chadir - walled city
Chamas Gader - Rabbi Chama bar Chaninah and his father ate eggs there
Chamas Gader - renting space from an innkeeper to complete an eruv
Chamas, Chamsa, Chamsi - near Tiberias, walled city, tribe of Naftali, reads Megillah on fifteenth of Adar
Chamas, Chamsa, Chamsi - near Tiberias, walled city, tribe of Naftali, reads Megillah on fifteenth of Adar
Chamas, Chamsa, Chamsi - Rabbi Meir lectured there on Friday night before the meal
Chamsah, Geder, Migdal, Tiberias, between neighboring towns, large, small,
Chavran - Rabbi Chunya ruled that after growths of mustard are forbidden
Cheifa - lenient ruling for drawing water
Cheifer - near Tzippori
Cheifer - near Tzippori
Cheilef - lenient ruling for drawing water
Cheilef - non walled city, tribe of Naftali
Chikuk - Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish saw people eating mustard during shemittah
Chirayah (Yidalah)
Damin (Adami)
Efrasayim - town of Rabbi Chunya Jacob
Eilat - one day journey (?) north to Jerusalem
Eilon (Ayalin) - non walled city in tribe of Naftali
Ein Kushin - ate luf there, possibly right after shemittah
Ein Socheir
Ein Tav - Rabbi Hoshayah accepted witnesses for the new month in Ein Tav, gave severe warning to witnesses
Ein Tav - Rav Chunah traveled there on Sukkos to sanctify the new moon, didn’t drink along the way
Ephras - Yosef of Ephras who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Ephras - Yosef of Ephras who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Gabus - Gabus to Antipatras 600,000 small towns, in tribe of Yehudah?
Gaggos Tzerifin
Galilee - announcement regarding blur and a leap year
Galilee - elders of Galilee, giving shemittah fruit to one who is suspected of violating shemittah
Galilee - selling fruit
Galilee, upper, lower
Gamla - walled city
Gaza, Azza - Samson debased himself there, therefore he was punished there
Geder, Migdal, Tiberias, Chamsah, between neighboring towns, large, small,
Gedod - walled city
Gei HaCharashim - walled city in tribe of Binyamin
Geva - leeks of Geva
Ginosar - town of Yonasan ben Charsa
Ginosar - within the 16 by 16 mil which is the land flowing with milk and honey
Gufta - sukkah of Rabbi Yochanan the scribe
Haifa - town of Rabbi Avudma
Haifa - town of Yosah of Haifa who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Haifa - town of Yose of Haifa who served Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Hanekev - non walled city, tribe of Naftali
Hanekev - Tzeyadtah
Har Habarzel - place where lulavim grow
Har Hamelech - money used for maaser sheni
Hebron - morning light lit up Temple and Hebron
Henron - mentioned in regard to sunrise in the Temple to invoke the memory of our forefathers
Jaffa - town of Rabbi Adda
Jericho - highest quality dates
Jericho - maamad could have had 24,000 members, but only had 12,000 out of respect for Jerusalem
Jericho - six practices of which the sages agreed with three
Jericho - was conquered on Shabbos
Jerusalem to Bais Choron is three mil
Jordan (River)- one day journey west to Jerusalem
Judea - selling fruit
Kadshin - students of Rabbi Yosef went there
Katas - Katonis - tribe of Zevulon
Katzrah - money used for maaser sheni
Kedesh - marshes of Betzaananim
Keziv - border town in the north of Israel
Keziv - limit to the north of where shemittah fruit can be brought
Keziv - near the border in the north of Israel
Kfar Ammi - town of Rabbi Yudan, fire broke out on Shabbos
Kfar Amum - town of Rabbi Shimon ben Yehudah
Kfar Benosnai - close to Tzippori and Kfar Chananyah
Kfar Chananyah - businessmen who trade in nearby villages, sleep at home
Kfar Chananyah - close to Tzippori and Kfar Benosnai
Kfar Imi - town of Rabbi Yudan of Kfar Imi
Kfar Ismah - town of Dostai, student of Shamai
Kfar Nevoraya - town of Jacob of Kfar Nevoraya
Kfar Nevoraya - town of Jacob of Kfar Nevoraya
Kfar Simai - between Akko and Tzippori
Kfar Tachamin - Rabbi Yudan, son of Rabbi Chamah of Afar Tachaman
Kfar Tachmin - town of Rabbi Chiya of Kfar Tachmin
Kfar Tamarta - town of Rabbi Shila
Kfar Usnai - Rabban Gamliel rules on a divorce document signed by two Cuthim
Kiflaria - northern border of Israel
Kifra - synagogue of, in Tiberias
Kinneres, Kinros, Ginosar - tribe of Naftali, town that straddled both sides of the Jordan River
Kiryas Yearim - town where holy ark was kept prior to it being brought to Jerusalem
Lakum - non walled city, tribe of Naftali
Lod - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet people got there quicker
Lod - fast day declared in Lod
Lod - halachic decision made in the attic of Nitzah’s house
Lod - more than 40 pairs of witnesses for the new moon were detained by Rabbi Akiva in Lod
Lod - one day journey east to Jerusalem
Lod - Torah study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
Lod - Ulla bar Kosheiv was wanted by the government, Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi convinced him to turn himself in
Lod - walled city, tribe of Binyamin, destroyed during pilegesh bigivah and rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, near Kfar Luddim
Lod - walled city, tribe of Binyamin, destroyed during pilegesh bigivah and rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, near Kfar Luddim
Lod - witnesses in Lod
Magdala - person with two courtyards
Mahalul - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet people got there quicker
Meonaya - bench in synagogue for visitors
Migdal Tzevayah - place where shittim trees were planted by Jacob
Migdal Tzevayah - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet people got there quicker
Migdal, Geder, Tiberias, Chamsah, between neighboring towns, large, small,
Modiis (Modiin) - a city near Jerusalem
Modiis (Modiin) - considered far from Jerusalem to be exempt from Pesach offering and eligible for Pesach sheni
Motzah - place near Jerusalem where willows grow and are taken for the willow ceremony
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - details of the blessing and curses event
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - mountains are located in Samaria or Jordan Valley?
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - of blessings and curses as described in Deuteronomy 11:26-32, 27:1-26 and Joshua 8:30-35
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - specific information about the count and division of people on the two mountains
Mount Tzevoim - their bikkurim was rejected due to it being brought too early
Mushhan - city of many Cuthi and likely many mamzerim
Nahalal - tribe of Zevulon
Nefes - town of Rabbi Yonah, fire broke out on Shabbos, Rabbi Yonah offered to repay losses
Neginar - Nagnegad - Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri repaired the partitions of a field
Neginar - Nagninar - Nagnigar - Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri burned kilayim there
Neginar - Nagninar - Rabbi Yehoshua ben Korchah went there to visit Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri
Neginar - Rabbi Yehoshua ben Korchah visited Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri, partiions in field
Netzivin - town of Rabbi Yehudah ben Beseirah
Netzivin - town of Rabbi Yehudah ben Beseirah
Netzivin - town of Rabbi Yehudah ben Beseirah
Nov, Givon - offerings brought there
Ono - town of Chananyah of Ono
Ono - walled city, destroyed during pilegesh bigivah, rebuilt, part of Gei Hacharashim, tribe of Binyamin
Ony - near the border
Ovlin - Rabbi Eliezer visited Rabbi Yosef ben Perurah there
Pamyas - Diocletianus demanded the Rabbis come right after Shabbos
Panya - Genivah gifted wine to Rabbi Avunah
Panyas (Banyas) - Diocletianus persecuted the people of Panyas
Patasah - town located 3 mil from Tzippori
Peki’in - sages traveling from Yavneh to Lod met Rabbi Yehoshua in Beki’in (Peki’in?)
Peki’in - sages traveling from Yavneh to Lod met Rabbi Yehoshua in Beki’in (Peki’in?)
Perech - walnuts of Perech are of high quality
Pitasah - near Tiberias
Ragav - known for quality olive oil
Rimmon - cast a dead newborn into a pit
Safsufah - Rabbi Issi captured by bandits, Ze’ir bar Chinana captured
Sechusa - bathhouse renovation on Chol Hamoed
Sennabris - town of Rabbi Levi
Sharon - special sized plowing yoke
Sharon - unstable land causes houses to collapse
shemittah regions and sub-regions, Galilee region - upper Galilee, lower Galilee, the valley, Kfar Chananyah, Tiberias, Judeah region - mountains, lowlands, valley, Lod, Har Melech, Bais Choron, trans-Jordan
Shichin - fire broke out
Shichin - set up eruv techumim to receive figs on Shabbos, followed the sages
Shichin - town of Nechemya
Shichin - town of Yose ben Simlai near Tzippori
Shichin - town of Yose ben Simlai near Tzippori
Shichin - town of Yose ben Simlai near Tzippori, allowed a fire to burn on Shabbos
Shilo - sin offering of nazir
Shimron - tribe of Zevulon
Simunya - Levi (the amora) appointed to be the head of the community
Simunya - valley surrounded bt mountains
Southland, upper, lower - announcement regarding blur and a leap year
Sovnaya - synagogue, mistake in Torah reading
Susisah - also called Tov, not obligated in maasros
Susisah - city of mostly non Jews
Susisah - testimony about time of day
Tarbenas (in Israel?) - Torah teacher dividing pesukim
Tekoa - immersing in a spring on Shabbos
Tiberias - cold water pipe ran thru natural hot springs
Tiberias - fishermen of Tiberias were strict on Chol Hamoed
Tiberias - fortress/ walled city, tribe of Naftali
Tiberias - half sheminis, a measurement of volume
Tiberias - hot springs
Tiberias - keeping customs, fishermen of Tiberias, no work on chol hamoed
Tiberias - korban Pesach cooked in hot springs of Tiberias
Tiberias - locks on the door of the synagogue
Tiberias - Magdala - very close to each other
Tiberias - mountains surrounding act as partitions?
Tiberias - near Bais Mayan
Tiberias - parsaos fruits grow in 1 year in Tiberias, in Tzippori in 2 years
Tiberias - person with two courtyards
Tiberias - Rabbi Abahu visited, face shone from studyingbTorah
Tiberias - Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai wanted to improve Tiberias the way Jacob improved Shechem in Genesis 33:18
Tiberias - sea of Tiberias
Tiberias - store of Rabbi Hoshayah
Tiberias - student hit a swineherd who later became Emperor
Tiberias - Torah study or performance of a mitzvah, which is greater?
Tiberias - Tzippori, crops depleted in Tiberias brought to Tzippori
Tiberias - writing on Shabbos, one letter in Tiberias and one in Tzippori
Tiberias, Chamsah, Migdal, Geder, walking between neighboring towns, large, small,
Tiberias, Tzippori, Bais Meon - walking between on Shabbos, caves and huts
Timnas - place of Samson’s first wife
Timnas - two places named Timnas?
Tivin - had a synagogue
Tzarsan - where the Jordan River split, 12 mil from Adam
Tzeir - fortress/walled city, near Tzidim, tribe of Naftali
Tzidim - fortress/walled city, also called Kfar Chitaya, tribe of Naftali, near Tzeir
Tzillaya - harvesting barley fields on Chol Hamoed
Tzinbarai (Tzinabra) - Arsicinas (Roman general) burned the Torah of Tzinabra
Tzinbarai (Tzinabra) - one district within a town of two districts, near Tiberias (Kinneres?)
Tzippori - thieves dug tunnels to steal
Tzippori - a place more than day distance from Jerusalem, yet people got there quicker
Tzippori - after growths of mustard in a shemittah year, Tiberias
Tzippori - almonds, obligation of maaser for types of almonds
Tzippori - Arshela of Tzippori led the Yom Kippur goat to the cliff
Tzippori - bean grinders of Tzippori were strict on Chol Hamoed
Tzippori - built partitions for Shabbos when a government official visited
Tzippori - butcher sold non kosher meat, dies and dogs licked his blood
Tzippori - custom established, but not considered final halacha
Tzippori - fire on Shabbos, Roman governor’s men came to extinguish it
Tzippori - government official visited
Tzippori - Jew sold neveilah meat to a Roman
Tzippori - keeping customs, bean grinders of Tzippori, no work on chol hamoed
Tzippori - kohen who grabbed more bread than his proper share
Tzippori - low quality produce
Tzippori - mentally thinking of using an item on Shabbos is enough to remove muktzah status
Tzippori - mukah shchin lived there
Tzippori - name of God, teaching pronunciation, stories
Tzippori - near Shichin, Romans stationed there
Tzippori - parsaos fruits grow in Tzippori in 2 years, 1 year in Tiberias
Tzippori - Rabbi Chelbo pledged money to a charity in Tzippori and thought to give it in his hometown (not Tzippori)
Tzippori - Rabbi Chiyah, a kohen, lit a lamp of oil that required burning, for a non kohen
Tzippori - Rabbi Manah didn’t fully mourn Rabbi Abun due to Chol Hamoed
Tzippori - Rabbi Meir greeted mourners on Shabbos
Tzippori - Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi lived in Tzippori for 17 years just as Yosef lived in Egypt for 17 years
Tzippori - repair of waterway on Chol Hamoed
Tzippori - residents asked a shemittah question
Tzippori - residents of Tzippori hid from the authorities by bandaging their noses, were later betrayed by informants
Tzippori - soldiers took children as captives to ensure payment
Tzippori - synagogue of Babylonian Jews
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Avdumi
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chananyah of Tzippori
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chaninah of Tzippori
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chaninah of Tzippori
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chiyah of Tzippori
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Chiyah of Tzippori who was a kohen let his yisrael worker use impure terumah oil
Tzippori - town of Rabbi Mana
Tzippori - towns near Tzippori and Akko considered in Israel?
Tzippori - trees that were grafted and later chopped down by students of Bais Shamai
Tzippori - Ursicinus was searching the area for residents of Tzippori
Tzippori - within the 16 by 16 mil which is the land flowing with milk and honey
Tzippori - writing on Shabbos, one letter in Tiberias and one in Tzippori
Tzippori, Bais Meon, Tiberias - walking between on Shabbos, caves and huts
Tzippori, Bais Meon, Tiberias - wraking between on Shabbos, caves and huts
Tzippori, Tiberias - a person moving from one to the other
Tzofim - north of Jerusalem where Temple Mount is visible, obligation to tear garments begins here
valley of Galilee is valley of Ginosar, mount of Judea is mountain of the king, valley of Judea is from Ein Gedi to Jericho, mountain of trans-Jordan is Machvar and Gedor, lowlands of Transjordan is Cheshbon, Devon, Bamos, Baal, Ba’al Me’on, valley of Transjordan is Bais Haram, Bais Nimrah, Sukkos, Tzafon, Bais Haram is Bais Ramasah, Bais Nimrah is Bais Nimrin, Sukkos is Dar’alah, Tzafon is Amsu
Yavne’el (Kfar Yama) - non walled city, tribe of Naftali
Yavneh - academy there also known as Kerem B’Yavneh, place where Sanhedrin went after Jerusalem in the time of the destruction of the Temple
Yavneh - halacha taught there about Jordan River barge being susceptible to impurity
Yavneh - Rabbi Yochanan ben Broka and Rabbi Elazar Chasmah męt Rabbi Yehoshua
Yavneh - Rabbi Yochanan ben Broka and Rabbi Elazar Chasmah męt Rabbi Yehoshua
Yavneh - when dates are considered ripe
Yavneh - where a heavenly voice declared that the halacha follows Bais Hillel against Bais Shamai
Yavneh - where a heavenly voice declared that the halacha follows Bais Hillel against Bais Shamai
Yidalah (Chiraya) - walled city
Zion - alternate name for Jerusalem