114 Results
Alexandria - challah brought from there was rejected
Alexandria - kohen status determined by those who participate in the priestly blessings
Antochia - large city
Antris - near the border of Israel
Apamya - in Suria, sages accepted bikkurim from there
Arabia - they feed thistles to camels
Arbel - Rabbi Chiya the great and Rabbi Shimon ben Chalafta walking and talking about the redemption
Armenia - Rabbi Jacob of Armenia
Armenia - Rabbi Jacob of Armenia
Arvadi - Rodus
Ashkenaz, Rifas, Togarma - Asia, Hadyath, Germanikah
Atrabulis - Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish ruled while in Atrabulis, Tripoli, Libya
Avnaya - excellent genealogy, the glory of Chaveil Yama
Baalbek - place in Lebanon where a specific variety of garlics grow
Babylon - a person chased his bull from Israel to Babylon in one day
Babylon - announcement regarding blur and a leap year
Babylon - coins for maaser sheni
Babylon - first born animals were rejected due to them being from outside Israel
Bais Dli
Baitur - challah brought from there was rejected
Beiru (outside Israel?) - sons of Rabban Gamliel were wearing loose gold shoes on Shabbos
Botzrah - Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish saw Jews bathing where wine libations were being poured to Aphrodite
Botzrah - Rabbi Yonah of Botzrah
Botzrah - town of Rabbi Tantrum
Botzrah - town of Rabbi Yonah
Caesarea in Cappodacia
Caesarea in Cappodacia
Cappodacia - near the sea?
Cappodacia - Shmuel of Cappodacia
Cappodacia - town of Rabbi Yudan
Cappodacia - town of Rabbi Yudan
Cappodacia - town of Rabbi Yudan
Cartegna - town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Cartegna - town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Cartegna - town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Cartegna - town of Chinana of Cartegna, Carthage
Chamatz (Homs, Syria?)
Chamatz (Homs, Syria?)
Chamatz (Homs, Syria?)
Cheger - just outside border of Israel
Cheveil Yama - excellent genealogy
Cilicia - region in Turkey where a specific type of bean grows
Dahavan - near the border of Israel
Edom - barley grows and is eaten there
Egypt - Egyptian ladder
Egypt - forbidden for Jews to return there, stated three times in the Torah
Egypt - where a specific type of lentil grows
Eilam - residents had improper genealogy
Elisha, Tarshish, Kittim, Dodanim - Elis, Tarsus, Avyah, Dardania
Epiphasros - bandits died there from curse of Rabbi Yochanan
Espamya - Spain - giving tithes for honey in Spain
Gavekai - residents had improper genealogy
Gavkaya - excellent genealogy, the glory of Chaveil Yama
Gaza - Rabbi Yitzchak bar Nachmannwas ordained there on condition that he would return
Germany - German student of Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
Gomer - Germamia/Germania
Greece - announcement regarding blur and a leap year
Greece - Avsus
Kabul (outside Israel?) - sons of Rabban Gamliel went into bathhouse
Karduyin - converts accepted from there
Kesusnon - a far away (imaginary?) place
Kfar Luddim - near Lod
Kilikyah - terumah brought from Kilikyah (outside Israel) to Akko (inside Israel)
Kosnayin - Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi had tevel produce there
Lasha - Callirrhoe
Lod - city in Asia Minor, gladiators, cannibals
Ludkiya - story of Rabbi Elazar bar Rabbi Shimon
Madai - Media
Magog - Gothia
may not bring terumah from outside israel into Israel, from Suria to Israel?
Media - announcement regarding blur and a leap year
Media - most people had proper genealogy, but some not
Meisha - proper genealogical purity but some kohanim married divorcees, some said the people were mamzerim
Meshech - Musia
Moseirah - Aaron was mourned there
Nehar Vanai - eastern boundary of Babylon genealogical purity
Nehar Zerok - eastern boundary of Babylon genealogical purity
Nimrin - place where dates grow
Nimrin - where the Rosh Chodesh messengers reached
Prandin - port city in Italy?
Rekem - just outside border of Israel
Rekem - just outside border of Israel
Richpa - place where a specific variety of onions grow
Rome - city of Rabbi Elazar of Rome
Rome - Rabbi Elazar the son of Rabbi Yose saw blood stained curtain in Rome
Rome - Rabbi Elazar the son of Rabbi Yose saw the tzitz in Rome
Shunya - excellent genealogy, the glory of Chaveil Yama
Shushan - location of Purim story, Persia
Sidon - impure due to unmarked graves
Sidon - one who gave a conditional divorce
Sidon - Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel was served a platter of three hundred species of fish
Sidon - short trip from Tyre
Sidon from Tyre, walking on Shabbos, caved and huts
Sodom to Tzoar - distance
Suria - acquiring land in Suria is like buying land on the outskirts of Jerusalem
Suria - copper utensils and bedspreads used to collect the kesubah
Suria - kohen status determined by those who participate in the priestly blessings
Suria - maaser sheni, neta revai
Suria - rules of shemittah more lenient
Suria - use barley from Suria or shemittah for the omer?
Tadmor - converts accepted from there
Tiras - Persia, Tarka
Tuval - Vasniyah
Tyre - garments assumed to be shatnez free
Tyre - halacha question about shemittah asked to Rabbi Ba and Rabbi Ila
Tyre - Rabbi Zemina was ordained
Tyre - short trip to Sidon
Tyre - Tyrian ladder
Tyre and Sidon - walking between on Shabbos, caves and huts
Tzotzraya - excellent genealogy, the glory of Chaveil Yama