43 Results
access path to land locked property was lost, must owner re-buy a new pathway?
cases of monetary Claims (kesubah amount and her virgin status) can lead to a case of execution for the woman or her husband’s (false) witnesses, therefore different size courts are needed, 3 judges for monetary cases and 23 for possible death sentence cases
Claims of non virginity in Yehudah
Claims of non virginity time limits, reason, he says she isn't a virgin from before kiddushin, and she says she was raped after kiddushin or that she was a virgin and the evidence was destroyed, other bodily defects
Claims that yibum wasn’t completed, yevamah swears not to have benefit from the yavam
custom of Yehudah for pre marriage couples to be alone and have relations, reason, therefore no non virgin Claims
debtor produces document against borrower, does a subsequent sale of land undermine his debt Claim?
differences in marriage customs between Galilee and Yehudah, in Yehudah the young couple were allowed to be alone and even have relations prior to the wedding, in Yehudah there were always attendants for each side, not following these customs diminished their ability to make a Claim
first Pesach Moshe’s powerful voice explained Pesach procedures, Pharaoh’s voice proClaimed freedom
first Pesach Moshe’s powerful voice explained Pesach procedures, Pharaoh’s voice proClaimed freedom
groom Claims he didn't have relations for the first thirty days, believed? believed to affect status of child born later?
how long a man can Claim to not have had relations despite living together with a woman
how long a man can Claim to not have had relations despite living together with a woman
how long does a kesubah Claim or support rights last? her inheritors? 25 years? supplement amount above ordinary kesubah? what level of land is the collection from?
husband Claims that wife not a virgin after many days?
husband gave divorce document, took it back, destroyed it, Claimed it was invalid, or others found it to be not valid
land stolen, resold, buyer improved land, Claims against thief and buyer
messengers Claim that shekalim were stolen or lost during transport
multiple Claimants or multiple parts of a Claims which he denies or denies in parts, liable? multiple liabilities?
no overcharge Claims on sales of slaves, contracts, land and holy items, unless extreme overcharge
once a woman reaches bogeress age, her husband can’t Claim that she isn't a virgin, reason
one or two witnesses who say that someone accepted to be a nazir, became impure, ate forbidden fat, entered Temple while impure, he denies, Claims to have done it on purpose, or is silent
only possible when he marries and has relations and Claims that she wasn't a virgin (not a yibum or yiud marriage)
ownership Claim on land which the Claimant occupied for 3 years, but previous owner had occupied it until his death
partial admission to Claim
people returning lost objects, or admitting to part of a Claim of a debt against them which couldn’t have been proven, aren’t forced to swear that they didn’t keep some of what they found or saved
she Claims to be a mukas eitz, he Claims that she had previous relations
signs deed of sale then challenges ownership, prefers to Claim against new buyer
Sikrikon law - procedure for reClaiming and buying land in Israel which had been seized by bandits
swearing in a case of a partial admission to a Claim
the Torah’s references to the husband’s showing a non bloody sheet and the father of the bride disproving his Claims by showing a bloody sheet are merely graphic hints to both sides bringing witnesses to their Claim
the woman Claims she didn’t collect her kesubah from the estate, the heirs disagree
two have debt documents against each other, cancel each other out or both active? practical differences
two wives of childless brothers who both Claim their husbands died, one has witnesses, one has children, each had yibum done, new husbands died
used as evidence in a monetary Claim
virgin divorcee, widow, chalutzah, or convert, ransomed, freed below three years old, kesubah is one hundred (even if it is determined later that she is a virgin) and there can be no Claim against her virgin status
when a person makes a Claim that is both advantageous and detrimental for himself, he is believed
when a person makes a Claim that is unlikely, he is believed for his own causes, but not believed to harm others
when a person makes an unlikely Claim, they are believed to obligate themselves, but not believed to harm others
when an orphan minor girl took a smaller dowry (or none at all) from her father's estate, Claiming it later
wife who needs support (while her husband is away) swears (either once or twice?) about how much money she needed, the exact swear explained, is the mishnah about a wife or a widow? woman returns from trip with her husband and Claims that he died or divorced her, husband says she should have supported herself, court granted her the right to borrow and the husband is responsible, supported by her father, or anyone else? her findings, burial
witnesses who verify their own signatures or relate other halachic information, but Claim to have been forced, were minors, or were unfit for testimony, if others verify their signatures or also relate the same information, the first ones are less likely to be believed to negate the testimony of the others, cases where the witnesses verify their own signatures but other witnesses do as well, amount and qualification of witnesses needed to verify each signature