28 Results
are non Jews commanded to give up their life rather than violate their Commandments?
Are women obligated in this Commandment?
Are women obligated in this Commandment?
children born to a kohen whose marriage doesn't upkeep a positive Commandment doesn't produce chalalim, this rule is held more strictly when a rule that applies to all Jews is violated
Commandment of circumcision overrides the Commandment against cutting away tzoraas when located on the foreskin
Commandments dependent on land of Israel are exempt outside Israel, all others are obligatory
comparable to all the Commandments in the Torah
definition of inadvertence and deliberate in regards of liability for a sin offering, inadvertent in regards to a negative Commandment or the kares penelty?
does a biblical Commandment not to eat something also imply a prohibition on having benefit as well?
ervah relative problem cancels need for yibum or yibum)">chalitzah, rabbinic or negative Commandment problem requires yibum)">chalitzah, additional forbidden relationships
ervah relative problem cancels need for yibum or yibum)">chalitzah, rabbinic or negative Commandment problem requires yibum)">chalitzah, additional forbidden relationships
exempt from all Torah Commandments?
first day of Sukkos fell out on Shabbos, bring lulav to Temple before Shabbos, people recognize and take their own lulav, personal ownership required, forgot to bring it before Shabbos and accidentally brought it on Shabbos no chatas offering is required since he is involved with the performance of a Commandment
frequent Commandment and less frequent Commandment, frequent is done first, when less frequent is more cherished? show bread and the two loaves of Shavuos
giving lulav to another person with a full heart when the other person takes the lulav to fulfill the Commandment
half shekel size which is six garmesin size and ten geirah size, due to sinning with golden calf at half day, which is six hours and at that time they violated the ten Commandments
law forbidding anointing with maaser sheni oil, rabbinic? biblical? negative or positive Commandment?
no exemptions for war which is a mitzvah or a Commandment, even for a new groom or bride, or even a Rabbi
one who offers parts on the altar which are to be eaten transgresses a negative Commandment, burning sacrifices on the ramp?
positive Commandment overrides a negative Commandment
positive Commandment overrides a negative Commandment
positive Commandment overrides a negative Commandment
procedure of water and wine libations, done for seven days, biblical Commandment? drained into area below ground
these are the Commandments, if you preform the Commandments in the prescribed manner they are considered Commandments but if not they are not considered Commandments
violation of a negative mitzvah, Commandment, requires repentance
which is offered first, the mussaf offering of Shabbos or the mussaf offering of Rosh Chodesh? song of Shabbos or the song of Rosh Chodesh? reasons, frequent Commandments are done prior to rare Commandments
עשה דוחה לא תעשה - a positive Commandment overrides a negative Commandment