12 Results
examples of close readings by tannaim of kesubos and Contracts led to deeper understandings and rulings
examples of close readings by tannaim of kesubos and Contracts led to deeper understandings and rulings
examples of close readings by tannaim of kesubos and Contracts led to deeper understandings and rulings
examples of tannaim and amoraim analyzing Contracts
examples of tannaim and amoraim analyzing Contracts
no overcharge claims on sales of slaves, Contracts, land and holy items, unless extreme overcharge
one who Contracts impurity at any level, is considered impure at the most severe level
order of collection when multiple wives collect their kesubah from 1 husband, kesubah obligations or other obligations, debts, Contracts? priorities of payments in many scenarios, surplus estate value of various assets beyond the kesubos amounts
sale of slaves, Contracts, and moveable items don’t require announcements
writing loan documents, seforim, tefillin, mezuzos, fixing a Torah, making tzitzis, appraisals, work Contracts
written by borrower without witnesses, witnesses but no date, date with only one witness