41 Results
Deaf minor (in age) obligated?
Deaf mute includes one who hears but cannot speak and one who speaks but cannot hear
Deaf mute insane or minor who sanctified water with ashes of parah adumah?
Deaf mute insane or minor, have legally significant action but not legally significant intention, when action demonstrates validity of actions, when preparing fruits for impurity?
Deaf mute insane or minor, have legally significant action but not legally significant intention, when action demonstrates validity of actions, when preparing fruits for impurity? Writing divorce document?
Deaf mute, insane, minor, have legally significant action but not legally significant intention, when action demonstrates validity of actions, when preparing fruits for impurity? Writing divorce document? separating terumah?
Deaf mute, minor doing or having chalitzah done, reiyah, hakhel, separating terumah
Deaf mute, minor, insane, separating from what is not his, non Jew, excluded from separating terumah, sources and reasons,
Deaf or mute can’t do chalitzah
Deaf or mute is exempt
Deaf or mute is exempt
Deaf person excluded from separating terumah but can be relied on for safeguarding pure food, pure foods do not require thought terumah requires thought
Deaf person excluded from separating terumah but can be relied on for safeguarding pure foods, pure foods do not require thought terumah requires thought
Deaf person not permitted to separate terumah, trusted to guard pure foods
Deaf person of whom the sages spoke in all places, can neither hear nor speak
Deaf person who can speak and not hear separating terumah?
Deaf person who speaks, may not separate terumah, however if done it is acceptable
Deaf person whom can speak and not hear separating terumah?
Deaf, insane, minor, woman permitted to write a divorce document? can they (and blind and non Jew) deliver it? Any of the above people whose classification changed (a non Jew who converted) is accepted
Deaf, mute, or Deaf mute, different meanings for ‘Deaf’
Deaf, one who can’t speak, Deaf in one ear
financial arrangement between a competent spouse and the other spouse who is insane or a Deaf mute
kohen reads Torah first, eruv chatzeros kept in original house, priority of water rights for upstream cisterns, finding of minor or Deaf mute protected, prey in traps are protected, olives on the ground while picking, poor idolators who pick leket, shikchah and peah
marriage between a competent person and a Deaf mute or insane person regarding yibum and related issues
married rabbinically to two wives (rabbinic for two different reasons), Deaf mute, orphaned minor, incompetent
married to one wife on a biblical level (adult, competent) and the second on a rabbinic level (Deaf mute, minor)
minor Deaf mute married off by her father can be divorced, although mentally incompetent
not eligible to separate terumah, Deaf, insane, minor, non owner, non Jew, sources, reasons, exceptions, marriage, divorce
not permitted to separate terumah, trusted to guard pure foods
originally competent and later Deaf-mute separating terumah or divorcing his wife? through writing or indication?
originally competent, later Deaf mute instructs to divorce with nodding head three times, became Deaf mute through illness nodding one time is enough
originally competent, later Deaf mute separating terumah or divorcing his wife? through writing or indication?
permitted to do basic transactions with movable objects
reading Megillah, shema, and other mitzvos
sent with Deaf mute, insane, minor, non believer of eruv laws, received by responsible person, eruv laws to promote friendship
suddenly became Deaf must nod 3 times to consent, need to be sure he has mental clarity, always was Deaf needs one consent
there is no agency for a Deaf mute person
two Deaf wives, two minor wives, or one of each, how to deal with yibum or yibum)">chalitzah
two Deaf-mutes or minors married two brothers
who may or may not read - read Megillah, Deaf but able to read aloud, minor, read for a minor or woman