19 Results
Dispute in a mishnah followed by an anonymous mishnah, we follow the anonymous mishnah
Dispute, yet accepting of each other in marriage under the proper conditions
Disputes that appears to be about facts are really about two different outcomes of investigations
kings are only anointed if there is a Dispute as to who will rule
lost kesubah, Dispute over whether she had a 100 or 200 kesubah, witnesses can report evidence
mishnah which records a Dispute, a later mishnah records an anonymous opinion, we follow the anonymous
mishnah with a Dispute and Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi taught a later mishnah with an anonymous opinion, we follow that opinion
originally only one halachic Dispute, then four in times of Hillel and Shamai, then numerous Disputes
Rabbi Imi didn’t want to rule in case where 2 previous opinions ruled one way, and 2 other opinions ruled the other way
received tradition greater than logic?
respect given to lower courts, to avoid Disputes
stories related to the history of the Disputes between Bais Hillel and Bais Shamai
terumah that is impure nullified by one hundred times of pure terumah, Dispute of Bais Shamai and Bais Hillel
whenever Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi quotes a Dispute and elsewhere quotes an anonymous opinion on the same subject
who the halacha follows in Disputes between certain rabbis
will not end until times of Messiah
Yom Kippur incense services as explained by our sages, their Dispute with the Sadducees and Boethusians
אלו ואלו דברי אלהים חיים - both sides of a Torah Dispute are the words of the living God