132 Results
airspace above a private, public, and karmElis domains
became inEligible to eat terumah while eating terumah
bElieved in certain cases to report on what they saw when they were a child
benefactor provided for a woman whose husband is travEling, is he reimbursed? paying of debts of others?
benefactor provided for a woman whose husband is travEling, is he reimbursed? paying of debts of others?
binding lulav with lulav leaves, or with anything? when to shake the lulav, shaking lulav after missing proper time, take lulav, shofar when travEling, reciting shema prayer when travEling
building, chisEling, final hammer blow, drill, any enduring work, liable, building tabernacle, temporary structure
burning olah bird which isn’t essential is learned from mElikah which is essential
children or woman (even a case of rape or mistake) of an inappropriate relationship are inEligible for kohen status
children or woman (even a case of rape or mistake) of an inappropriate relationship are inEligible for kohen status
completing biur obligation when travEling and not near one’s produce
custom (at times) overrides accepted halacha, or even if Elijah comes and declares the halacha
custom (at times) overrides accepted halacha, or even if Elijah comes and declares the halacha
deaf person excluded from separating terumah but can be rElied on for safeguarding pure food, pure foods do not require thought terumah requires thought
deaf person excluded from separating terumah but can be rElied on for safeguarding pure foods, pure foods do not require thought terumah requires thought
deaf, insane, minor, woman permitted to write a divorce document? can they (and blind and non Jew) dEliver it? Any of the above people whose classification changed (a non Jew who converted) is accepted
death of Rabbi Eliezer, halachic discussion with his son Horkanos
death will be Eliminated in the future
declared Hillel, Shmuel Hakatan, and Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus worthy of the divine spirit
definition of inadvertence and dEliberate in regards of liability for a sin offering, inadvertent in regards to a negative commandment or the kares penelty?
dEliberately ate terumah, repayment? lashes? both? can a person receive 2 penalties for one act?
dElivering an animal or baby in Holiday or Shabbos, summoning a distant midwife, cutting and tying umbilical cord, all the needs of circumcision (or midwife)
distant road exempt from Pesach offering, removing impurity by sprinkling purification waters on Shabbos to be Eligible for the Pesach offering, tevul yom
divorce and slave emancipation documents dElivered to or from Israel requires dElivery to have seen the witnessing writing and signing or later verification of signatures
does relations with a youngster, an animal, or unnatural relations make a woman inEligible to marry a kohen gadol?
door threshold, example of karmElis
doubt if Pesach obligation were fulfilled, doubt if requirements of mechusar kapparah were fulfilled to be Eligible to bring the Pesach
each species has terumah taken only from the same species, expansion and shrivEling of produce
Eligible to become kohen gadol as happened to Pinchas
Elijah appears in the form of Rabbi Chiyah Rabbah
Elijah stopped meeting Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi due to his involvement with turning in a person wanted by the government
Elijah’s departure from this world is like death from our perspective
Elisha, Tarshish, Kittim, Dodanim - Elis, Tarsus, Avyah, Dardania
fell aslee while travEling, didn’t set a techum as Shabbos entered
for dElivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, however a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
for dElivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, however a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
four domains, public, private, karmElis, streets not open on both sides, transferring within and between them, punishments
Gevini the crier, a person, or the call of the rooster called the kohanim leviim yisraElim to their stations, voice of Gevini was heard by King Agrippas a distance of eight parsah away
grains that didn’t take root not permitted to eat until the next year, Eligible to be the grains for the omer offering itself next year? grew one third only after Rosh Hashanah?
groom claims he didn't have relations for the first thirty days, bElieved? bElieved to affect status of child born later?
honor to Torah teacher is a form of honoring God, Moshe, Elijah, Achiyah, Elisha, Samuel, Eli
husband gives the divorce under the mistaken impression that her agent is an agent to accept the divorce, however he is only an agent to dEliver it to her
husband may dEliver the divorce document directly to his wife without the need for witnesses
ignorant person is bElieved about the status of kodesh and terumah only when all tribes are assembling in Jerusalem (holidays)
ignorant person who is bElieved on a part of a barrel's status, bElieved on the other contents of the barrel? bElieved during wine-pressing and olive-pressing season and prior to the season
impure from graves of the deep not Eligible to eat the Pesach offering
inEligible to be a judge or witness if he sells shemittah fruit, he is still Eligible if it isn’t his only job
inEligible to be a judge or witness if he sells shemittah fruit, he is still Eligible if it isn’t his only job
interpreted 3 verses in a favorable manner, Tamar at the crossroads, sons of Eli with women, sons of Samuel straying
KarmElis, karmel rach(soft) mal (crush), neither moist nor dry, rather an intermediate state, here too not public domain nor private domain rather something in between
karmElis, walkways between pillars in the market, flower designs on the bases of pillars, thorns, glass, thresholds, poles
kohanim are not Eligible to be kings
kohanim that are inEligible to eat terumah and therefore their wives and slaves too
kohanim, leviim, yisraElim participate, song and music required for atonement
levi continually separating terumas maasar from impure pile of tevel on behalf of pure piles, inadvertently? dEliberately?
limits on bElievability of a woman who went overseas and reports death of her husband, child, yavam, birth of child, yavam, or completion of yibum, other related reports, limits on reports that directly benefit the reporter
may be inEligible due to impurity from digging to find someone trapped under rubble, possible release from captivity, sick, elderly, may be included in a Pesach but not as a sole member, exempt from Pesach sheni except the impure from the digging
measurement of 'enough to cook the most easily cooked of eggs', any eggs mentioned in tractate of KElim refers to volume of an actual egg, in tractate of Shabbos refers to a dried fig sized egg
mikveh water heated for an elderly or dElicate kohen gadol, reasons why it is permitted
minor girl receiving her divorce by husband dElivering it to her courtyard or within 4 amos of her
Modiis (Modiin) - considered far from Jerusalem to be exempt from Pesach offering and Eligible for Pesach sheni
Moshe delayed the circumcision of his son Eliezer
must be dElivered from husband to her domain
must be dElivered from husband to her domain
not Eligible to separate terumah, but acceptable if done, because unable to say blessing or to properly choose
not Eligible to separate terumah, deaf, insane, minor, non owner, non Jew, sources, reasons, exceptions, marriage, divorce
one who eats a shElishi (third level of impurity) is disqualified from eating holy
one witness trusted to say that the sun rose, Temple service can begin, one witness or woman bElieved when child was born
Ovlin - Rabbi Eliezer visited Rabbi Yosef ben Perurah there
Peki’in - sages travEling from Yavneh to Lod met Rabbi Yehoshua in Beki’in (Peki’in?)
Peki’in - sages travEling from Yavneh to Lod met Rabbi Yehoshua in Beki’in (Peki’in?)
prodecure of shovEling coals for incense, differences between Yom Kippur and other days
purchase terumah with maaser sheni money? reduces likElihood of it being consumed, as compared to buying shelamim with maaser sheni money, Pesach offerings got mixed with first borns
putting tefillin in the wrong order makes a person inEligible to say viduy maaser
putting tefillin in the wrong order makes a person inEligible to say viduy maaser
Rabbi Akiva seemed to be disrespectful to his teacher Rabbi Eliezer, but was actually reminding him of his previous opinion
Rabbi Eliezer was excommunicated despite performing miracles, why he didn’t submit to the majority
Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair, diligence, cleanliness, purity, holiness, humility, fear of sin, piety, divine inspiration, resurrection of the dead, Elijah the prophet,
rabbinic? biblical? 2000 amos? 4000? 12 mil, size of the IsraElite encampment in the desert?
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the opinion of Rav as rEliable
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the opinion of Rav as rEliable
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the opinion of Rav as rEliable
Rav says in case where two witnesses say that her husband died and she does yibum and the husband returns, we assume that he is not the same man, story about students of Rav beat up Rabbi Abba bar Ba for not fully accepting the opinion of Rav as rEliable
rejected the sinful sons of Eli
rElinquishing rights between one chatzer and another
retracting an old custom, travEling on the great sea
rules of eating terumah inadvertently or dEliberately and the difference in regard to the obligation of the sin offering
sages travEling from Yavneh to Lod met Rabbi Yehoshua in Beki’in (Peki’in?)
sages travEling from Yavneh to Lod met Rabbi Yehoshua in Beki’in (Peki’in?)
sent with deaf mute, insane, minor, non bEliever of eruv laws, received by responsible person, eruv laws to promote friendship
separating terumah from impure produce on to produce that is pure? dEliberately or inadvertently?
slaughtered for those inEligible, some of group inEligible, blemished animal, wrong type of animal, owners withdrew, died, became impure
slaughtered for those inEligible, wrong intent, wrong time
slept while travEling, woke up on Shabbos, what is his techum? techum for one who converted on Shabbos?, changing one’s mind on Shabbos about which direction techum should go?
smeared, soaked, roasted with terumah oil, group of kohanim, yisraElim, cooked hen in impure terumah oil that must be burned
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
stories of Shimon Hatzadik, Yochanan kohen gadol, Hillel, Shmuel Hakatan, Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
stories of Shimon Hatzadik, Yochanan kohen gadol, Hillel, Shmuel Hakatan, Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus
Tabernacle rejected the corrupt sons of Eli
teachings in the name of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai are not authoritative and should not be rElied upon
that God will Eliminate in the future
the bElievability of a woman who reports the death of her husband and how that report affects her co-wife
the ervah relative of a yavam’s co-wife will be inEligible for yibum unless the ervah relative’s marriage is terminated prior to his death
the sea is a karmElis
the sea is a karmElis
thieves and tax collectors are bElieved to say which vessels they touched, and are further bElieved on kodesh items in Jerusalem, and even for terumah at holiday times, limitations on this rule
throwing an object over the airspace of a private domain isn’t considered to have entered the domain, yet a divorce document that enters the airspace of the wife is considered dElivered
to dEliver a divorce may be cancelled prior to dElivering it, once agent to receive has it, it can’t be cancelled
transferring from a private to a public domain through a karmElis, walking, throwing
two witnesses are contradicted by two witnesses, which set is bElieved?
understanding the sins of Eli’s sons in a less negative way
unique method as compared to other rEligions
unrEliable mishnah
unrEliable mishnah
unsigned divorce but witnesses of dElivery of divorce, using unsigned divorce to collect kesubah
when a person makes a claim that is both advantageous and detrimental for himself, he is bElieved
when a person makes a claim that is unlikely, he is bElieved for his own causes, but not bElieved to harm others
when a person makes an unlikely claim, they are bElieved to obligate themselves, but not bElieved to harm others
who is and isn’t bElieved to give testimony about the death of a man and why
why Bais Hillel originally only bElieved a wife is only trusted during harvest season
why Rabbi Eliezer didn’t accept the opinion of the majority
wife bElieved during peaceful times but not during war times
wife not bElieved if she and her husband had a bad relationship
witnesses who contradict on a main point are rejected, co-wives who come with different stories about how their husband died may be different since it is a case where one witness is enough, and each co-wife isn't bElieved regarding issues related to her co-wife
witnesses who verify their own signatures or relate other halachic information, but claim to have been forced, were minors, or were unfit for testimony, if others verify their signatures or also relate the same information, the first ones are less likely to be bElieved to negate the testimony of the others, cases where the witnesses verify their own signatures but other witnesses do as well, amount and qualification of witnesses needed to verify each signature
woman bElieved when she says that she had relations with another man
women relatives bElieved to dEliver a divorce document even though they aren’t bElieved to say the husband died
young girl becoming pregnant and giving birth, likElihood of her survival based on maturity level
הפה שאסר הוא הפה שהתיר - the one who forbids is (more likely to be) bElieved to permit