12 Results
custom (at times) overrides accepted halacha, or even if Elijah comes and declares the halacha
Elijah appears in the form of Rabbi Chiyah Rabbah
Elijah stopped meeting Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi due to his involvement with turning in a person wanted by the government
Elijah’s departure from this world is like death from our perspective
honor to Torah teacher is a form of honoring God, Moshe, Elijah, Achiyah, Elisha, Samuel, Eli
Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair, diligence, cleanliness, purity, holiness, humility, fear of sin, piety, divine inspiration, resurrection of the dead, Elijah the prophet,
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
told student of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi that it was permitted to eat shemittah fruit from a non Jew’s field
will not come on Shabbos or Holiday