30 Results
became a convert on Erev Pesach, permitted to partake in the Pesach offering?
burning of disqualified sacred offerings, impure terumah, chametz, on Erev Shabbos or Erev of holiday that will continue burning into Shabbos and holiday? burning sacrifices on holiday, holiday that falls on Friday night?
eating and benefitting from Pesach ">chametz, when on Erev Pesach do these prohibitions begin?
eating and benefitting from Pesach ">chametz, when on Erev Pesach do these prohibitions begin?
eating or drinking on Erev Pesach or Erev Shabbos late in the day, forbidden? permitted? make kiddush and continue eating?
Erev Pesach returning a hen or a replacement hen to sit on her eggs
Erev Pesach returning a hen or a replacement hen to sit on her eggs
follow local custom, no work on Erev Pesach after midday, work until midday? custom?
follow local custom, no work on Erev Pesach after midday, work until midday? custom?
grafting date palms on Erev Pesach, residents of Jericho
grafting date palms on Erev Pesach, residents of Jericho
Hillel the Elder forgot the halacha that the slaughter knife of the Pesach offering is transported attached to the animal when Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos
kiddushin using Pesach ">chametz on Erev Pesach from the sixth hour and onward
kiddushin using Pesach ">chametz on Erev Pesach from the sixth hour and onward
not to work on the 14th of the month of Nissan
onen on Erev Pesach, received news of death of close relative, gathered bones of close relative, converted Erev Pesach, partake in Pesach offering or other holy foods that night?
permitted Erev Pesach more than chol hamoed, setting up, cleaning chicken coops, taking and retrieving tools from a craftsman
permitted Erev Pesach more than chol hamoed, setting up, cleaning chicken coops, taking and retrieving tools from a craftsman
proper time for the tamid and korban Pesach on Erev Pesach
proper time for the tamid and korban Pesach on Erev Pesach
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi would listen to the Torah portion being read by his grandson every Erev Shabbos
Rebbi and Rabbi Chiya the great and Rabbi Yishmael the son of Rabbi Yosah were sitting and explaning the scroll of Lamentations on Erev Tisha Bav which fell on Shabbos, Rebbi injured his finger, placed a dry sponge on the wound and tied a grass reed around it, from the conduct of Rebbi we learn three things
six practices of the people of Jericho, three the sages opposed, three they didn’t oppose, grafting dates trees on Erev Pesach, wrapping shema, reaping stacking omer, benefit from hekdesh branches, eating fruit fallen from trees, peas from vegetables
soldiers and guards converted to Judaism on Erev Pesach and ate the Pesach offering that night
some legitimate, some not, women refraining from work Erev Shabbos or after Shabbos, certain days, Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh Av until 9th of Av
working Erev Pesach, permitted, custom against, forbidden by halacha? from nightfall or sunrise?
working Erev Pesach, permitted, custom against, forbidden by halacha? from nightfall or sunrise?
working Erev Pesach, work which had already begun, tailors, barbers, launderers lenient, reasons
working Erev Pesach, work which had already begun, tailors, barbers, launderers lenient, reasons