32 Results
amount of food for a proper Eruv Techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
amount of food for a proper Eruv Techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
displaced outside of his techum on Shabbos, rights of travel in new location, four amos, returns to original location, four tannaim on a boat
eruv chatzeros permitted at twilight due it being a rabbinic halacha and not biblical, Eruv Techumin would be prohibited
exited the techum, re-enter?, night arrived and the person was outside the city techum, enter?
fell aslee while traveling, didn’t set a techum as Shabbos entered
left techum for a proper reason, may return to original techum
leniencies for poor people without food, not at the eruv location, traveler, establishing an eruv with their feet (by being there)
minor included in eruv of his mother
must be usable as Shabbos begins, tvul yom pitcher with tevel contents designated as terumas maaser at nightfall
non resident who placed an eruv in the city, measured from where he is or like a city resident?
people with differing areas of permissibility sharing food in their common permitted area
placed in a cave
placed in desolate city
placed in new city, old city, what determines if a city is new or old?
placed on tree above ten tefachim, below ten, below three, permissible to move off of the tree? placed on a bench, using a tree for walls of a sukkah compared to an eruv hanging in a basket on a tree
placed on tree above ten tefachim, below ten, in deep pit, on top of a pole, in locked closet with lost key
Rabbis discuss disembarking from their ship which came into port on Shabbos
rolled beyond the techum, rubble fell on it, burned, terumah eruv became impure, a doubtful eruv
Rosh Hashanah, Holiday, create a different eruv for each day?
sent with deaf mute, insane, minor, non believer of eruv laws, received by responsible person, eruv laws to promote friendship
set eruv in a place as compared to accepting Shabbos in that place, cave, roof of cave, karpaf, inhabited or uninhabited enclosure, roof of tower, roofs o houses, roof of overturned ship
set out to place an eruv techumim, on the way a friend offered to place the eruv but never did it
setting up an eruv Thursday for an ordinary Shabbos or Thursday prior to Friday holiday for the next day which is Shabbos
setting up on behalf of the public, as compared to eruv chatzeros
setting up two different eruvs for two consecutive holy days, permitted?
slept while traveling, woke up on Shabbos, what is his techum? techum for one who converted on Shabbos?, changing one’s mind on Shabbos about which direction techum should go?
smaller than four amos by amos isn’t considered a house, exempt from mezuzah, fence requirements, contributing to eruv chatzeros, maaser laws, can’t serve as a extension to a town in regard to Eruv Techumin, vows regarding enjoying houses, loading and unloading rights by front door, yovel laws, tzoraas of houses, returning during war based on an unused house
soldiers taking, carrying, and returning with their weapons on Shabbos, border towns more lenient
told son to set up an eruv on the opposite side of the town where he is or in the extension of the town, gain on one side results in loss on the other side
within 2000 amos of a city as Shabbos began but didn’t realize, make use of the full city’s boundaries?