147 Results
agent to deduct tithes compared to an agent to set up an Eruv techumin for Shabbos in regard to trust
amount of food for a proper Eruv techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
amount of food for a proper Eruv techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
amount of food required
beam across opening of mavoi above 20 amos, requires lowering? reasons
beam at 20 amos high, fix problem by lowering beam, raising floor, beam below 10 tefachim, dig out floor, build a fence
bent mavoi open to the public domain at both ends
boards enclosing a well, limits on enlargement?
boards enclosing a well, reducing or enlarging the enclosure
bridge or house over a roadway, carry underneath? are roofed areas public domain? Eruv in an open mavoi?
bridge with road passing below
brothers in the same chatzer as their father, eat with father, residence where they eat or where they sleep?
carrying a circumcision knife or keys to the study hall using an enclosure of people as an Eruv
carrying between houses and the common areas of a street closed on three sides if an Eruv is done
carrying in a closed alley if board or beam were removed on Shabbos
carrying in a mavoi that has chatzeros that weren’t joined
carrying, into and out of a chatzer with a destroyed wall
carrying, into and out of a chatzer, house, or mavoi with two destroyed walls
carrying, large roof adjacent to a small roof
Chamas Gader - renting space from an innkeeper to complete an Eruv
chatzer open on one side, how to enclose
chatzer, mavoi, what details puts a courtyard in one category or the other, open to the sea
conditional Eruv, to be clarified by later events, bereirah
courtyard shared with a Sadducee
courtyard shared with non Jew, or Jew who doesn’t accept the Eruv
courtyard shared with non Jew, resident alien, resident slave, brazen apostate, government official, quartered soldiers, Sadducee
courtyards open to each other and to the mavoi as well, Eruv and combining alleys needed
demai, maaser, maaser sheni, hekdesh, challah, terumah, tevel?
didn’t join Eruv, give over rights to other residents on Shabbos?, used Eruv after giving over rights
displaced outside of his techum on Shabbos, rights of travel in new location, four amos, returns to original location, four tannaim on a boat
doorway wider than ten amos, how to rectify the opening
drawing and spilling out water through a hole in a balcony over water, partitions, surrounding mountains acting as partitions
drawing water from a canal in a chatzer, partitions, size of canal
drawing water from a water cistern shared by two chatzeros that don’t have a shared Eruv chatzeros
enclosures for wells, cisterns, public, private
Eruv and combining alleys can be done with any food other than water and salt
Eruv and combining alleys needed
Eruv chatzeros permitted at twilight due it being a rabbinic halacha and not biblical, Eruv techumin would be prohibited
Eruv chatzeros promotes peace amongst the courtyard residents
Eruv which was placed in two different locations
exited the techum, re-enter?, night arrived and the person was outside the city techum, enter?
fell aslee while traveling, didn’t set a techum as Shabbos entered
food re-cooked by non Jews
food used for Eruv, no water or salt, full loaves
halacha of Eruv follows lenient positions
halacha of Eruv follows lenient positions, but not in halacha related to partitions
house where Eruv is placed exempt from contributing to the Eruv?
instituted to promote peace and love between neighbors
intent, buying into an Eruv, Eruv techumim, Eruv chatzeros, influding a person against their will, Sadducee
Jew and non Jew in the same chatzer
karpaf, the opinion of Rabbi Yehudah
kept in same house snd with the same person week after week to avoid conflict
kohen reads Torah first, Eruv chatzeros kept in original house, priority of water rights for upstream cisterns, finding of minor or deaf mute protected, prey in traps are protected, olives on the ground while picking, poor idolators who pick leket, shikchah and peah
korah needed to close a mavoi, size, strength, and features
korah needed to close a mavoi, size, strength, and features
korah which rests on pegs protruding from the wall, doorway offset from the korah or lechi
korah, minimum standards
lechi, leeches, dimensions, positioning
lechi, wall for a sukkah, goleil, made out of a living thing?
left techum for a proper reason, may return to original techum
leftover wicks, torch, oil from Shabbos, permitted for use next day which is a holiday? compared to an egg laid on Shabbos, permitted the next day which is a holiday? compared to Eruv techum consumed on Shabbos, still valid for next day which is a holiday? compared to branches that fell off a tree on Shabbos no allowed to be used the next day which is a holiday
leniencies for poor people without food, not at the Eruv location, traveler, establishing an Eruv with their feet (by being there)
leniencies in halacha for army, gathering wood, washing hands, demai, Eruv, size considered an army, graves of soldiers
loaf of bread for Eruv that one made a vow not to benefit from, loaf of hekdesh, idol worship, wine for a nazir, terumah for a yisrael, Eruv for a kohen in a bais hapras, kohen in a cemetery?
making an Eruv with forbidden items, wine for a nazir, terumah for a non kohen, in a cemetery or a bais hapras for a kohen
mavoi closed on three sides, what is needed on the fourth side? lechi or 2 lechis? size of lechis, korah?
mavoi joined to another mavoi, may it be placed in the mavioi or chatzer?
mavoi with a lechi or korah that has a breach in the or two entrances, one korah used for two mavoi
mavoi with a lechi that became missing on Shabbos
minimum size lenient after initial setup
minor included in Eruv of his mother
mound of earth being used as a wall at the opening of a mavoi
mountains as partitions, mountains creating a private domain, no public domain in the world?
multiple chatzeros, some residents have rights of passage but aren’t included in the Eruv, who may carry and where?
multiple groups in one mansion, walls between groups, houses which pass thru other houses, residents with or without rights, separate Eruv chazeros needed?
must be usable as Shabbos begins, tvul yom pitcher with tevel contents designated as terumas maaser at nightfall
neighboring courtyards, some joined by Eruv chatzeros, some aren’t, carrying between
non resident who placed an Eruv in the city, measured from where he is or like a city resident?
one resident of a chatzer who forgot to join the Eruv
partitions for drawing water from wells, leniency, travelers to Jerusalem, Jews and non Jews sharing
partitions for travelers
partitions used to enclose an area, caravans with their equipment
people follow Rabbi Meir in regard to Megillah, Eruv, and taanis, even though the halacha doesn't follow him
people with differing areas of permissibility sharing food in their common permitted area
permitting a mavoi for carrying by reducing the opening size
placed in a cave
placed in desolate city
placed in new city, old city, what determines if a city is new or old?
placed on tree above ten tefachim, below ten, below three, permissible to move off of the tree? placed on a bench, using a tree for walls of a sukkah compared to an Eruv hanging in a basket on a tree
placed on tree above ten tefachim, below ten, in deep pit, on top of a pole, in locked closet with lost key
private town that became public, public that became private, city with one or more entrances, dividing a town into 2 Eruvin
promotes peace amongst the courtyard residents
Rabbis discuss disembarking from their ship which came into port on Shabbos
relinquishing rights between one chatzer and another
relying on a previous partnership in a food item to now be used as an Eruv
renting space from an innkeeper to complete an Eruv, one room rented to a non Jew who isn’t present when Shabbos began
resident of a mavoi has two separate partnerships with two neighbors with wine, or one is wine and one is oil
resident on ground level and another on gallery level, dividing use of common areas when an Eruv wasn’t made,
resident or residents of a chatzer who forgot or refused to be included in the Eruv, Jews, non Jews
resident who went away for Shabbbos, Jew, non Jew
residents living in non residential structures in a chatzer, owner retaining rights to chatzer by keeping items there or retaining access rights
rolled beyond the techum, rubble fell on it, burned, terumah Eruv became impure, a doubtful Eruv
roof edge is perceived as extending down to the ground
ropes to enclose an area, other valid enclosures with horizontal or vertical gaps
Rosh Hashanah, Holiday, create a different Eruv for each day?
Sadducees reject the laws of mavoi
saving large amounts from fire, basket of loaves, cakes of pressed figs, barrel of wine, people helping, demanding pay after Shabbos, can it be saved into a courtyard without an Eruv chatzeiros?
sent with deaf mute, insane, minor, non believer of Eruv laws, received by responsible person, Eruv laws to promote friendship
set Eruv in a place as compared to accepting Shabbos in that place, cave, roof of cave, karpaf, inhabited or uninhabited enclosure, roof of tower, roofs o houses, roof of overturned ship
set out to place an Eruv techumim, on the way a friend offered to place the Eruv but never did it
setting up an Eruv techumim to run away from a lecture that he doesn’t want to attend
setting up an Eruv Thursday for an ordinary Shabbos or Thursday prior to Friday holiday for the next day which is Shabbos
setting up on behalf of the public, as compared to Eruv chatzeros
setting up two different Eruvs for two consecutive holy days, permitted?
setting up two Eruvs to attend (or avoid) a lecture from either of two scholars who are coming from two directions
Shabbos and Eruv laws are many, but derived from few biblical sources, such as many tongs which all originate from one set of original tongs
Shabbos and Eruv laws are many, but derived from few biblical sources, such as many tongs which all originate from one set of original tongs
Shabbos and Eruv laws are many, but derived from few biblical sources, such as many tongs which all originate from one set of original tongs
Shichin - set up Eruv techumim to receive figs on Shabbos, followed the sages
slept while traveling, woke up on Shabbos, what is his techum? techum for one who converted on Shabbos?, changing one’s mind on Shabbos about which direction techum should go?
smaller than four amos by amos isn’t considered a house, exempt from mezuzah, fence requirements, contributing to Eruv chatzeros, maaser laws, can’t serve as a extension to a town in regard to Eruv techumin, vows regarding enjoying houses, loading and unloading rights by front door, yovel laws, tzoraas of houses, returning during war based on an unused house
soldiers taking, carrying, and returning with their weapons on Shabbos, border towns more lenient
square mavoi, courtyards in the land of Israel are square
sukkah, Eruv (mavoi), similarities and differences in halacha analyzed
sukkah, Eruv (mavoi), similarities and differences in halacha analyzed
techum - biblical law? 12,000 amos? comparison to laws of mikveh
tefillin, Torah, found outside Eruv on Shabbos, bringing them to a safe place
tefillin, Torah, found outside Eruv on Shabbos, bringing them to a safe place
the Eruv should be kept in the original house, with the original resident
three things in preparation for Shabbos, tithes completed, Eruv set up, lighting Shabbos lights, during twilight no tithing of tevel, no immersing vessels in mikveh, no lighting lamps, but may tithe demai, make an Eruv, and insulate how water
told son to set up an Eruv on the opposite side of the town where he is or in the extension of the town, gain on one side results in loss on the other side
travelers set up makeshift Eruv, amount of people using the Eruv changed on Shabbos
two adjoined chatzeros possibly considered one based on opening or properly placed, sized, non obstructed window
two adjoining chatzeros separated by a wall ten tefachim high, joining them in an Eruv, partially breached, opening ten amos wide, eating fruits on top of wall, ladders on beachside of the wall
two adjoining chatzeros, ditch in between, filled with straw. mats, saliva
two adjoining chatzeros, haystack in between, animals eating the hay, sheet in between, building in between
two adjoining chatzeros, two balconies, board connecting the two
two courtyards with a ditch in between filled with straw and a reed mat, twigs, or even spit, making an Eruv
use of a tzuras hapesach in regard to laws of Shabbos, kilayim, and sukkah
using a cooked food that is also edible raw
using an animal as a lechi or as a coffin lid, can walk away, not permanent
using demai for an Eruv
using Eruv to make the blessing of hamotzi
well enclosure with a public thoroughfare running through it
within 2000 amos of a city as Shabbos began but didn’t realize, make use of the full city’s boundaries?
כל מה שאת יכול להקל בעירובין הקל - whenever you can be lenient in laws of Eruvin, be lenient