26 Results
amounts of hadasim, cut tops, aravos, one Esrog, one lulav, chosing proper hadasim
binding lulav with lulav leaves, or with anything? when to shake the lulav, shaking lulav after missing proper time, take lulav, shofar when traveling, reciting shema prayer when traveling
buying a shemittah Esrog from an am haaretz
Esrog defects, boils, broken pitam (crown, stem), punctured, peeled, split, missing a piece, black or green Esrog, only invalid for the first day
Esrog that emerged during orlah year and completed growth in permitted year or after emerging of Esrog he grafted the branch onto a tree whose orlah years already elapsed
Esrog tree has halachic similarities to both trees and vegetables
Esrog tree new year is 15th of shevat, does that date adjust to take the solar seasonal calendar into account?
Esrog was larger than pomegranate
Esrog, hadar fruit, translated by Akilas as hidor (growing near water, hydro)
give an Esrog with a condition that it is returned, give a divorce document on condition that it is returned
giving an Esrog to someone to fulfill their obligation on the condition that he returns the Esrog to him
horn on corner broke then repaired with salt when Sadducee kohen gadol was attacked with Esrogim after doing the services in an improper way
horn on corner broke then repaired with salt when Sadducee kohen gadol was attacked with Esrogim after doing the services in an improper way
identifying an Esrog, fruit and tree beautiful, fruit stays on tree from one year to next, grows near water, tree and fruit have similar taste
minimum size, holding Esrog and lulav in one hand, unripe, valid for maaser yet invalid as an Esrog, spotted, shaped in a mold, round, Rabbi Akiva had a large Esrog
minimum size, holding Esrog and lulav in one hand, unripe, valid for maaser yet invalid as an Esrog, spotted, shaped in a mold, round, Rabbi Akiva had a large Esrog
mitzvah for a fruit to be obligated in maaser, and mitzvah of Esrog may have two different standards
mitzvah for a fruit to be obligated in maaser, and mitzvah of Esrog may have two different standards
procedure of the willow ceremony, differences if done on Shabbos, children eat Esrog, invalidated Esrog eaten
putting coins in mouth, cooked food under bed, bread under armpit, knife in radish or Esrog, non facial sweat
Sadducee kohen mocked the water libation and poured the water on his feet, the people threw Esrogim at him, mocked the proper procedure of the parah adumah and the procedure of the incense on Yom Kippur, all done by one kohen or two?
shortage of Esrogim, prices high, sharing Esrog with son
stolen, dried out, from an asheirah tree, from an ir hanidachas, orlah, terumah, demai, maaser sheni
tree planted for a mitzvah such as Esrog or oil for the chanukah or temple menorah obligated in orlah?
תרונגייא - Esrog, citron, turunj (Persian for citron)