22 Results
a widow can stay in her husband’s house and be supported by his Estate even if not stipulated in her kesubah, can the inheritors give her money, or an alternative place to live, can she refuse? can she refuse to live together with his sons who are young men, thereby giving herself a bad reputation? how kesubos in different parts of Israel were written to address this issue, her rights don’t continue if the inheritors sell the Estate
a widow can stay in her husband’s house and be supported by his Estate even if not stipulated in her kesubah, can the inheritors give her money, or an alternative place to live, can she refuse? can she refuse to live together with his sons who are young men, thereby giving herself a bad reputation? how kesubos in different parts of Israel were written to address this issue, her rights don’t continue if the inheritors sell the Estate
a widow can stay in her husband’s house and be supported by his Estate even if not stipulated in her kesubah, can the inheritors give her money, or an alternative place to live, can she refuse? can she refuse to live together with his sons who are young men, thereby giving herself a bad reputation? how kesubos in different parts of Israel were written to address this issue, her rights don’t continue if the inheritors sell the Estate
after yibum she is his wife in all ways (no lingering yibum status), except kesubah is based on the first husband’s Estate, yam and yevamah become forbidden to each other’s relatives
collection of a large kesubah, living on Estate of husbands heirs, living with her father, collecting up to 25 years
debt that orphans pay due to damages or theft that their father owed, what grade of land is it paid from
does an obligation for a penalty begin when the act is committed, or by the court decision? who receives the penalty payment when if the father dies? the girl or the inheritors of the father’s Estate? who gets her earnings and findings? is the fine a debt to the father that is inherited (double to first born) and shemittah cancels? or is it only the father’s once he actually receives it? who receives penalty for her defamation? depending on her age?
Estate consisting of a small collectible debt, with a widow, a creditor, and heirs trying to collect, if one grabbed before the others, if one grabbed more than his share, what happens to the extra?
evaluation and future obligation of the groom on real Estate, vessels, money, jewelry, and cosmetics that the bride brings into the marriage
evaluation of an Estate is based on its value at the moment of death, or at the time of distribution?
father dies, leaves sons, daughters, wife, dividing assets depending on Estate size, after prior obligations
future husbands inheriting the daughter’s Estates would cause the land to become owned by a different tribe
husband obligated to ransom or heal her, may not divorce her and abandon this responsibility, yavam and Estate of dead husband don’t have this obligation, responsibility to heal her extends to his Estate, differences between chronic illness and one time healin
inheritance of the dead brother’s Estate
is attached produce evaluated as produced or real Estate?
one who gifts his Estate to his children, is supported by it along with his wife and children
order of collection when multiple wives collect their kesubah from 1 husband, kesubah obligations or other obligations, debts, contracts? priorities of payments in many scenarios, surplus Estate value of various assets beyond the kesubos amounts
sons inherit the Estate, daughters are supported by the Estate
supported by the Estate, her work (and findings?) belongs to the Estate, obligation to bury her
the woman claims she didn’t collect her kesubah from the Estate, the heirs disagree
when an orphan minor girl took a smaller dowry (or none at all) from her father's Estate, claiming it later