405 Results
a divorce cannot completely sEver a yibum obligation, yibum)">chalitzah cannot sEver an ordinary marriage
a divorce cannot completely sEver a yibum obligation, yibum)">chalitzah cannot sEver an ordinary marriage
a divorce document cannot completely sEver a yibum obligation, yibum)">chalitzah cannot sEver an ordinary marriage
a girl physically having her virginal blood return despite having relations, will ordinarily only last until age three and one day, howEver this will extend an additional month if the Jewish court adds a second month of Adar to the calendar year
a lEvel of impurity that would cause a nazir to shave, compared to coming into the Temple, and impurity of creeping creatures
a person accused of killing won’t pay a monetary penalty, Even if the death penalty isn’t carried out
a pure object can be considered midras to a person engaged in a higher lEvel of purity
a virgin collects a kesubah of 200 Even if he didn’t give a kesubah, or Even if the kesubal says less than 200
a widow can stay in her husband’s house and be supported by his estate Even if not stipulated in her kesubah, can the inheritors give her money, or an alternative place to live, can she refuse? can she refuse to live together with his sons who are young men, thereby giving herself a bad reputation? how kesubos in different parts of Israel were written to address this issue, her rights don’t continue if the inheritors sell the estate
a widow can stay in her husband’s house and be supported by his estate Even if not stipulated in her kesubah, can the inheritors give her money, or an alternative place to live, can she refuse? can she refuse to live together with his sons who are young men, thereby giving herself a bad reputation? how kesubos in different parts of Israel were written to address this issue, her rights don’t continue if the inheritors sell the estate
a widow can stay in her husband’s house and be supported by his estate Even if not stipulated in her kesubah, can the inheritors give her money, or an alternative place to live, can she refuse? can she refuse to live together with his sons who are young men, thereby giving herself a bad reputation? how kesubos in different parts of Israel were written to address this issue, her rights don’t continue if the inheritors sell the estate
accepted witnesses for the new month in Ein Tav, gave sEvere warning to witnesses
Achberi - establishing a minimum lEvel of ownership in a chatzer
administrator of the Temple Pesachyah was Mordechai, spoke sEventy languages, stories of understanding people who couldn’t speak normally
adult captured by non Jews and forgot the existence of Shabbos, liable for each and Every Shabbos desecrated
afikoman forbidden at the end of the seder, leaving one’s group to join another group or after dinner rEvelry
after drinking waters, no ill effects, signs of effects, merits prEventing immediate results, witnesses against her, staying with husband
Alexandrian synagogue, anyone who didn’t see it nEver saw the glory of the Jews, details about the structure, flags, sat in groups based on their trade to help support one another, destroyed by Trajan
amount of cohamin needed to bring the tamid to the altar, nine, ten, elEven, twelve
amount of judges in sanhedrin who need to speak or understand sEventy languages, Ben Azzai,Ben Zola, Ben Chachinai, Rabbi Elazar ben Masyah
animals that transform into different animals Every sEven years
annul a vow as a sage Even if vow from a wife? at night? sitting? sage or 3 laymen?
annulling vow due to later regret or a later Event, God annulled vow of Moshe, Dasan and Aviram
anxiety due to needing to buy grain for the whole year at once, or worse when buying in smaller quantities, of Even worse when buying daily from a baker, unable to answer a Torah question
anxiety due to needing to buy grain for the whole year at once, or worse when buying in smaller quantities, of Even worse when buying daily from a baker, unable to answer a Torah question
applies to just mitzvos, or Even customs?
area under invalid schach sometimes counts to achiEve minimum sukkah size yet that area may not be used for sleeping, compared to mud in a mikveh which counts towards minimum mikveh size yet may not immerse in the mud itself
at first, then owner declared it a nedavah, or the rEverse
at what point in the procedure does the calf become unfit for benefit? Is process rEversed if killer is found?
azazel goat sent with designated person, Even a yisrael, goat ran away
Babylonian laws of bowing down on fast days, and taking willow on the sEventh day of Sukkos brought to Israel
Babylonians brought these customs to Israel, bowing on fast days, willows taken on the sEventh day of Sukkos, bloodletting
back of neck near slaughtering location, must sEver majority of trachea and windpipe
baseless hatred is equal or Even worse than illicit relations, murder, idol worship
beliEved in certain cases to report on what they saw when they were a child
Ben Zoma says a person will receive a portion that God provides, money or status can’t be taken from him, God nEver forgets
biblical books of different lEvels of holiness
blood of a nEveilah, impure? makes food items susceptible to impurity? reviis size or Even less?
blood of bull mixed with blood of goat then placed on the horns of the altar, sources, sEven sprinklings below the horns, source
blood of decapitated calf renders food susceptible to impurity? decapitation removes status of nEveilah?
blowing shofar on Rosh Hashanah and taking a willow on sEventh day of Sukkos, calendar adjustments should ensure that they don’t fall out on Shabbos
born circumcised (redo on Shabbos?) circumcised prior to becoming Jewish, one who rEverses the appearance of being circumcised, permitted to eat terumah? is a redo necessary? circumcision is a two step process (including drawing covenantal blood in certain cases), safe to redo circumcision after drawing skin to hide his prior circumcision?
brought to a ‘hard’ ‘valley’, ‘hard’ is preferable, but not necessary , it howEver must be a ‘valley’
brought to the altar with the left hand, howEver no other way to do it, going into holy of holies twice
built by Moshe followed by services then dismantled, built fourteen times and dismantled thirteen times, sEven and six, other calculations? did he dismantle it on the last day?
burning impure sacrificial meats together despite them being different lEvels of impurity, impurity lands of the nations, glassware
burning impure terumah foods together despite them being different lEvels of impurity, tevul yom, biblical, rabbinic
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of terumah with impure terumah on Pesach, Pesach Eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of terumah with impure terumah on Pesach, Pesach Eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of terumah with impure terumah on Pesach, Pesach Eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of terumah with impure terumah on Pesach, Pesach Eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
buying animals with maaser sheni money was prohibited to prEvent diversion of potential offerings
calf that nEver worked brought to hard valley , decapitated, location should nEver be planted or worked
calf that nEver worked brought to hard valley , decapitated, location should nEver be planted or worked
can be referred to as a vineyard Even if no vines grow there
can come out on eighth, ninth, tenth, elEventh, or twelfth day
captains appointed at the front to encourage, and officers at the rear to prEvent deserters from fleeing
caring for the dead, but may not move Even a limb, supporting a broken beam,
caring for the dead, but may not move Even a limb, supporting a broken beam,
catching spilled terumah wine in an impure container to prEvent it falling into a vat of chulllin wine
chametz compared to nEveilah, nossar, condemned ox, cheilev, guilt offering based on doubt
chametz stuck in the cracks of a trough, obligated to dispose of? do different pieces combine to become a minimum size? does the dough prEvent the removal of impurity when the trough is immersed in a mikveh or sprinkled with purifying water?
ChEveil Yama - excellent genealogy
children or woman (Even a case of rape or mistake) of an inappropriate relationship are ineligible for kohen status
children or woman (Even a case of rape or mistake) of an inappropriate relationship are ineligible for kohen status
cleaned off altar, originally whichEver kohen came first, after kohen pushed and injured another, then done by lottery
committed a private sin, Everyone was held accountable, majority of Sanhedrin died in battle
community or majority impure, kohanim impure, bringing Pesach offering in a state of impurity, majority of all tribes or Even one?
complete exemption, doesn’t Even need to help supply water and food for the troops
conceiving a child cancels possibility of miun, Even if she is technically below age
condition not fulfilled due to an unavoidable Event
conditional eruv, to be clarified by later Events, bereirah
consequences of marriages which are forbidden on a rabbinic or biblical lEvel, has rights to a kesubah? no rights to fruits, sustenance for the wife, husband inherits wife, kohen husband becomes impure upon her burial, slaves eating terumah, forcing a divorce
cooking or baking a lot on Holiday Even though only a little will be eaten on Holiday
court has the obligation to raise the lEvel of Torah observance
curtain of the Temple became impure by various lEvels of impurity or new curtain that is immersed in the mikveh inside or outside the Temple
custom (at times) overrides accepted halacha, or Even if Elijah comes and declares the halacha
custom (at times) overrides accepted halacha, or Even if Elijah comes and declares the halacha
Cuthi opinion that yibum only applies to an arusah, and nEver to a nisuah
damager, debtor, or husband who owes kesubah only has certain lEvels of fields
dates, figs, partially processed bought from an am haaretz, may he eat them casually? treated as demo? tEvel?
daughters are supported Even after death until they become a bogeress or get married
David wanted the Temple to be built Even if it meant that he first had to die
day of Sivan that Moshe ascended Mount Sinai for first time preceding rEvelation? giving of the Torah on the sixth of Sivan
deaf person who speaks, may not separate terumah, howEver if done it is acceptable
debts are cancelled Even if the collection date didn’t yet occur
decree not to marry a non Jewish daughter, previously the halacha only forbade the sEven nations
definition and examples, nobody knows about it, corpse crumbled, nEveilah, zav excluded
demai, maaser, maaser sheni, hekdesh, challah, terumah, tEvel?
designating higher quality for similar or lower lEvel, produce that wouldn’t be crossbreeding can be terumah as long as the terumah part is equal or better quality, mevushal or non mevushal wine? chate melon and muskmelon are 2 different species
destruction of Temple, the shamir and nofes tzufim stopped, and people of trust ended, produce quality decreased, promiscuity and sorcery ruined Everything
differences in marriage customs between Galilee and Yehudah, in Yehudah the young couple were allowed to be alone and Even have relations prior to the wedding, in Yehudah there were always attendants for each side, not following these customs diminished their ability to make a claim
different lEvels of impurity entering the Temple, different lEvels emanating from the same source
disputants would nEver repeat a prior dispute
do not trust that you won’t sin, Even when old
does contested debt that was resolved collect from mid range quality property, as usual, or is it collectible only from low lEvel quality property, as per biblical law? reason
does the blur requirement include unprocessed or tEvel produce?
doing a melachah which is permitted on holiday allows same act to be done Even for another purpose, limits on this rule, plowing, twenty four cases Bais Shamai lenient and Bais Hillel strict, squeezing brine from fish to eat the fish or extract the brine
done before tamid offering? at night? make up missing day? one or 3 lug? sEven or eight days?
double doubt is ruled leniently Even in a case of biblical law, single doubt of rabbinical law is ruled leniently, single doubt of biblical law is ruled strictly
double doubt is ruled leniently Even in a case of biblical law, single doubt of rabbinical law is ruled leniently, single doubt of biblical law is ruled strictly
double doubt is ruled leniently Even in a case of biblical law, single doubt of rabbinical law is ruled leniently, single doubt of biblical law is ruled strictly
dry holy items become impure, or Even transmit impurity
during sEven days of miluim Moshe dressed Aaron with tzitz and turban, sashes of Aaron and his sons, or his sons first
during sEven days of miluim Moshe served with white garments, but the presence of God did not rest there until Aaron served, source
dyeing for yourself, dyeing for others Even for free
eastern gate of the Temple had sEven names
eat in sukkah sEven days, to continue eating there after Sukkos, disqualify sukkah or make kiddush in house
eating a tereifah that became a nEveilah, one or two liabilities?
eating a tereifah that became a nEveilah, one or two liabilities?
egg found in a nEveilah carcass, rennet of a nEveilah, rennet of an animal of an idolator, making cheese
eggs, premature, started dEveloping embryos, fertilized, blood in yolk or albumen
Ein Tav - Rabbi Hoshayah accepted witnesses for the new month in Ein Tav, gave sEvere warning to witnesses
encircled the Temple altar sEven times to commemorate Joshua encircling Jericho sEven times and conquering it
enter mikveh at night (or Even during the day?)
Eve caused the death of Adam
Even effective in Rome
Even one tribe is considered a congregation
Events that occurred at his time of death and burial
Events that occurred at his time of death and burial
father appeared in a dream and rEvealed holiness status of funds, do we follow his instructions?
fenugreek bundles become tEvel, grains only become tEvel when their processing in completed
figs pressed into round cakes, into barrels, storage room, at what processing stage are they considered fully formed, and therefore tEvel, therefore obligated to separate tithes, therefore forbidden to eat for a snack? standard for being edible in regard to tEvel, and laws of muktzah on Shabbos, may not be the same
flour intermixed with terumah, tEvel for challah? obligated in challah?
food that nauseates may be spiten out Even if it is terumah
foods which are edible in a raw state are not forbidden Even if cooked
for delivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, howEver a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
for delivering a divorce, or other laws may assume that the sender is still alive, howEver a kohen husband who says ‘you are divorced one hour before my death’ his wife can’t eat terumah immediately, kohen or levi who borrow and arrange that the lender will keep their crops as repayment of loan are assumed to still be alive as repayments are ongoing
from non consecrated funds, or Even maaser sheni funds
fruit juices unify ingredients of dough for challah obligation? for dough to become impure by touching part? sEven liquids only?
fruit trees exempt from orlah Even if planted for their fruits
fulfill matzah obligation by using wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, demai, maaser whose terumah was taken, redeemed maaser sheni, redeemed hekdesh, kohanim can use challah or terumah but not bikkurim, may not use tEvel, maaser whose terumah wasn’t taken, unredeemed maaser sheni, unredeemed hekdesh, todah loaves, nazir wafers, grains used for challah
gazing Even at the heel of a woman is as if he gazed at her genetalia
Gerariko and Gaza were nEver considered impure despite being beyond the border, partial reason
glazing pressed figs figs with (rabbinic) tEvel grape juice, permitted? susceptible to impurity based on the grape juice?
God will remove illness (Deuteronomy 7:15) refers to, fEver, anxiety, evil inclination, excess bile
gold used to build Temple, sEven types, their description, difference in weight between Temple menorah and menorah of Moshe
good deeds by one person or group can achiEve repentance for sins of a prior group or person
groom claims he didn't have relations for the first thirty days, beliEved? beliEved to affect status of child born later?
growths from terumah, growths of growths, halachic status, tEvel, maaser, after growths, terumah from outside Israel, mixture of chullin and terumah, bikkurim, hekdesh, maaser sheni, redeeming growths of hekdesh and maaser sheni
halacha follows the words of Rebbi against his colleagues Even in place of Rabbi Lazar the son of Rabbi Shimon
hallel and rejoicing eight days, sukkah sEven days
having benefit from nEveilah is permitted, source
he is not obligated to support her, or Even she has to support him
height limit twenty amos from floor to ceiling Even if sitting higher than the ground, not comparable to drawing water on Shabbos from a porch with partitions overhanging the sea
hevker produce exempt from tithes, found produce in a basket not exempt and must be returned to owner, eat and repay or sell to preserve the owner’s interests, tEvel or demo?
holes in altar for wine and water libations, one wider than the other, completed draining simultaneously, one or three lug of water? sEven or eight days?
Holiday we call up five, Yom Kippur six, Shabbos sEven
holidays which fall out during mourning of sEven (shivah) or thirty days (shloshim)
holy books written by sectarians to be burned entirely, Even with the name of God written inside?
holy meats of higher and lower lEvels of holiness which were cooked with ordinary meat
hot water, food in hot water, placed prior or during Shabbos, rinsing in hot water, fish that cook easily Even from rinsing
how long does a kesubah claim or support rights last? her inheritors? 25 years? supplement amount above ordinary kesubah? what lEvel of land is the collection from?
how slave takes possession of an emancipation document, since his master owns Everything he owns
husband gives the divorce under the mistaken impression that her agent is an agent to accept the divorce, howEver he is only an agent to deliver it to her
idolators demand one person for execution or Everyone will be killed, forbidden unless he was guilty, related stories
idolators demand one person for execution or Everyone will be killed, forbidden unless he was guilty, related stories
ignorant person is beliEved about the status of kodesh and terumah only when all tribes are assembling in Jerusalem (holidays)
ignorant person who is beliEved on a part of a barrel's status, beliEved on the other contents of the barrel? beliEved during wine-pressing and olive-pressing season and prior to the season
ignoring a summons to bais din, desecrating God’s name, prEventing performance of a mitzvah, causing eating of sacrificial food out of the proper place, disparaging a matter of halacha (washing hands), disparaging a Torah scholar, these are some of the twenty four reasons to be excommunicated
immersion of utensils on Shabbos, big utensils forbidden, small utensils one may resort to subterfuge, immersing them, with which lEvel of impurity does permit apply? usage for chullin in state of purity?
inedible seeds not subject to maaser, may be bought from anyone, Even if seeds that produced these plants were terumah
infant kohen with a delayed circumcision or Even on the eighth day itself may not eat terumah
is fruit juice one of the sEven liquids which makes food items susceptible to impurity?
is tEvel nullified in majority of chullin?
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? nEveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? nEveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? orlah? tereifah?
Jerusalem is like a protected courtyard, creating tEvel for finished produce
Jew working in non Jews field, eating tEvel for a snack according to all opinions
Kimchis sEven sons served as kohen gadol, covered her hair Even in her own house, son became impure then replaced
Kimchis sEven sons served as kohen gadol, covered her hair Even in her own house, son became impure then replaced
kohen appointed must be sequestered for sEven days
kohen gadol ate all sEven days but avoided foods that could possibly cause a seminal emission
kohen gadol died, became impure, dEveloped a blemish, new kohen gadol brings tenth of ephah offering
kohen gadol during sEven days of sequestration can do work of the day, do parah adumah afterwards, then get sprinkled with purification water, then go to the mikveh, and then be pure for the next day
kohen gadol is anointed Even if he is following in a family dynasty
kohen gadol is anointed Even if he is following in a family dynasty
kohen gadol sequestered for sEven days prior to Yom Kippur, source
kohen not nearby, is it better to take a lower lEvel quality of terumah that will last longer?
kohen who brings the goat offering of Rosh Chodesh doesn’t need to be sequestered for sEven days
kometz of the omer, incense of the show bread burned Even if impure and no remnants, impure offering meat with blood thrown accepted, tzitz is effective
Kosnayin - Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi had tEvel produce there
lasts at least sEven days
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, Even if no Temple sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, Even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
laws which apply to terumah and maaser sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, Even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated
layered branch that was sEvered, method to determine how much the fruit grew after the branch was sEvered
leniency to pay for stolen beam rather than demolishing building only applies to Israel, keeping structures to help the cause of dEveloping the land
lEvels of impurity on items and their ability to impart another lEvel of impurity to other items
levi continually separating terumas maasar from impure pile of tEvel on behalf of pure piles, inadvertently? deliberately?
lice live for sEven years
line of kohanim with silver bowls, line with gold bowls, no mixed lines to prEvent theft by dishonest kohanim
lulav biblical obligation was sEven days, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai would not have made a decree upon decree
maaser rishon tEvel (of terumas maaser) mixed withchullin renders it forbidden in smallest amount, its correction
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to rEveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prEvent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to rEveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prEvent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prEvent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above suspicion
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prEvent it being used for idol worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above suspicion
making tEvel impure on purpose, permitted?
married to one wife on a biblical lEvel (adult, competent) and the second on a rabbinic lEvel (deaf mute, minor)
marrying a woman with children (Even deceased)
matzah made or smeared with bEverages, boiling water, lukewarm water, cold water, kohanim using lukewarm water
may be brought all days of Holiday , Even Shemini Atzeres, as learned out from Pesach, preferable on first day, not on Shabbos
may become impure (Even biblical impurity) to preserve human dignity
may eat a nEveilah
measuring, weighing, or counting tEvel?
meat found in Temple courtyard or in Jerusalem, are they assumed to be olos, sin offerings, shelamim, nEveilah? are they burned, forbidden, or permitted to eat?
mention of bread on its own from wheat or barley, the five species, or Even other grains?
mixture of dough, some of the dough had challah removed and some didn’t, tEvel and chullin mixed
mixtures of terumah, chullin, maaser, maaser sheni, hekdesh, tEvel, after growths, pure, impure
Moshe received scripture, mishnah, talmud, aggadah, and Even what a student will innovate to his teacher
Mount Gerizim and Mount Eval - details of the blessing and curses Event
moving pure terumah, demai, maaser whose terumah was taken or not taken, maaser sheni or hekdesh that was or wasn’t redeemed, dried lupines, tEvel, luf, mustard, terumah mixed with chullin">dimua
must be usable as Shabbos begins, tvul yom pitcher with tEvel contents designated as terumas maaser at nightfall
must be written with intent for the specific man and woman, howEver these women may be forbidden to marry kohanim or may need to divorce if a similar kiddushin document was written
must know litigants to prEvent plots against innocent people
nazir forEver is allowed a yearly haircut, nazir of finite time, Even beyond his lifetime, no yearly haircut
nEver gazed at a coin
nEver gazed at a coin
nEver looked at his circumcision
nEver looked at his circumcision
no exemptions for war which is a mitzvah or a commandment, Even for a new groom or bride, or Even a Rabbi
not a fully dEveloped fast day
obligation fulfilled Even on days when Megillah reading is predated
obligation of a kohen son to become impure to bury Even a barley sized bone of his father, limb of living father?
obligation sEven days, eating, strolling, sukkah similar to house, exempt due to rain, heat, flies, obligation when rain stops
offers a reward of konditon (alcoholic bEverage) to a student who can answer a question
on a condition, condition not fulfilled due to an unavoidable Event
on a higher lEvel than angels
one the way to do a mitzvah, sick people (Even mildly sick) and their attendants,, exempt from sukkah obligation, sanctifying new moon, members of wedding party, guards, visiting one’s Torah teacher, Torah scholar shouldn’t travel, eating prior to massif
one who contracts impurity at any lEvel, is considered impure at the most sEvere lEvel
one who eats a shelishi (third lEvel of impurity) is disqualified from eating holy
one who lent or rented a measure container isn’t required to demand it back, Even if misused on shemittah
one who repents can have his excommunication rEversed Even prior to 30 days
one witness trusted to say that the sun rose, Temple service can begin, one witness or woman beliEved when child was born
only one question at a time, what if asked two questions at once? King David asked two questions and was Even answered on what he didn’t ask, sources
only sheep or ram’s wool with ordinary linen, Even if fabric was dyed
payment of fines to the father and his rights to sell her during the 3 stages of her dEvelopment, minor, naarah, adult
penalizing for selling an animal to an idolator, Even if it is maimed
penalties on a field that was wrongly worked on during shemittah was rescinded and nEver reinstated
penalty for lending with interest, forfeit interest or Even principal?
people follow Rabbi Meir in regard to Megillah, eruv, and taanis, Even though the halacha doesn't follow him
performed Even on Shabbos
permissible if the act is proven to heal, permitted after three Events
placenta buried as a deposit for a person’s Eventual burial, preserved until after Shabbos
planted areas marked Every year, or only during a shemittah year
planted areas marked Every year, or only during a shemittah year
preparation for Yom Kippur, kohen gadol sequestered for sEven days, replacement kohen gadol if needed due to impurity, replacement wife if his wife dies? source
preparing flour and ground beans on Pesach Even for use after Pesach
previous week’s bread is no longer valid, howEver no new bread is available
procedure of water and wine libations, done for sEven days, biblical commandment? drained into area below ground
process of purification needed based on lEvel of holiness
produce becomes lEvel and therefore obligated in maaser, pickling, cooking, salting, squeezing and collecting oil in one’s hand, skimming wine in a cooked pot, purchased, separating terumah, Shabbos food, entering a protected courtyard
Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai lived in Arav for eighteen years and only two halachic inquiries were asked to him, he declared ‘Galilee Galilee how you despise Torah you will Eventually become occupied with bandits’
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi would listen to the Torah portion being read by his grandson Every erev Shabbos
Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi showered on sEventeenth of Tammuz
Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish worked on the sEventh chapter of tractate Shabbos for three and a half years, the children of Rabbi Chiya worked on it for six months
Rabbi Yochanan rEvealed the secret cure of tzifdonah despite being told it by the daughter of the Roman general Demityanus of Tiberias who demanded he not rEveal it
rabbinic law (not biblical) in out day and Even dating back to when the first tribes were exiled (first Temple era)
Rav says maris ayin Even applies in private, six mishnayos and beraisas disagree with Rav
refraining from doing a harmless act (taking a toothpick of wood) because if Everyone did it harm would be caused
relations are considered incestuous with certain relatives only after a marriage takes place, some forbidden relations are Even without a marriage taking place, sources
remains in force Even after the arrival of Messiah
remains in force Even after the arrival of Messiah
removal of mezuzah upon vacating house, sEvere punishment
resident on ground lEvel and another on gallery lEvel, dividing use of common areas when an eruv wasn’t made,
Rosh Chodesh Nissan and Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah) are nEver 2 days except once due to a mistake
Rosh Chodesh Nissan and Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah) are nEver 2 days except once due to a mistake
rules of offerings, maaser sheni, and offerings of lower lEvel holiness from prior to the Tabernacle, thru the periods of Gilgal, Shilo, Nov and Givon until the Jerusalem Temple
sacrificial meat (what lEvel of holiness was the meat?), piggul and nosar that were together nullified by ordinary meat
sacrificial meat (what lEvel of holiness was the meat?), piggul and nosar that were together nullified by ordinary meat
sad Events prohibited
sages are pleased when someone accepts the validity of a transaction, Even if formal act of acquisition didn’t take place
salting creates tEvel and therefore obligates maaser
sanctity of planted terumah devolves Even while attached to ground after it has grown a third
scripts of blessings and amulets (Even those which include verses from the Torah) may not be saved from a fire on Shabbos
sea water, spoiled bEverage, and undrinkable water excluded from impurity laws?
sealing Temple money for future use done by treasurer, supervisor, kohen gadol and king, unsealing in rEverse order
seasoning of orlah renders mixtures prohibited Even when mixture is more than two hundred times the orlah volume? sweet grapes? shriveled grapes? fully ripened grapes?
sent with deaf mute, insane, minor, non beliEver of eruv laws, received by responsible person, eruv laws to promote friendship
sequence of verses in the Torah is not necessarily the order of Events in the Torah
sequestration of kohen gadol for sEven days learned from miluim or due to concerns of relations with his wife who becomes a niddah
set out to place an eruv techumim, on the way a friend offered to place the eruv but nEver did it
sEven and nine month pregnancies are viable, a nine months pregnancy born in the eighth month is not viable
sEven and nine month pregnancies are viable, a nine months pregnancy born in the eighth month is not viable
sEven day mourning (shivah) and thirty day mourning (shloshim) restrictions
sEven days of feasting for a marriage, source from Moshe
sEven days of sequestration or any regular day the kohen gadol can do any work and take all or a portion
sEven sages convene to declare a leap year
sEven seas of israel
sEven seas of israel
sEven sprinklings on top of altar, remaining blood poured on base of altar, flowed into channel that led to Kidron valley
sEven types, some are sincere, some just acting pious to gain a reputation
sEventy days between letters of Haman and Mordechai correspond to the 70 days that Egypt mourned Jacob
shabbos food creates tEvel and therefore obligates maaser, actions of children creating a maaser obligation
shekalim and bikkurim are only when there is the Temple, what if a person declared these despite no Temple? grain tithe, animal tithe, first born offerings are required Even without the Temple
shevah brachos recited in front of the groom Even if the bride is not present
showered on sEventeenth of Tammuz
sifting through the back of the siEve
significant items and land attached produce do not become nullified, when of definite prohibited status, nEveilah of questionable status, nullified?
significant items and land attached produce do not become nullified, when of definite prohibited status, nEveilah of questionable status, nullified?
simchas bais hashoevah candelabras had wicks from worn out pants of kohanim, light into Every courtyard, smelling incense and enjoying light from the Temple is permitted, worn out pants of kohen gadol made into wicks for inner menorah
simchas bais hashoevah celebration, one who didn’t see this celebration nEver saw true happiness
simchas bais hashoevah, balcony built to prEvent mingling between men and women, deviated from prophetic architecture of Temple for good reason and with scriptural support
sins of eating eating forbidden fats or engaging in illicit relations will obligate a sin offering Even if partly done inadvertlenty
six food items which are nEver nullified due to their high quality, can be nullified of cracked, split, or opened
six food items which are nEver nullified due to their high quality, can be nullified of cracked, split, or opened
smoothing the pile of someone else’s grain, completes to process of making it tEvel and therefore obligation of maaser
smoothing wood, drilling, cutting, liable Even if task not completed? or Even preparations without doing forbidden work?
sold ancestral field on the yovel year, sale valid and land rEverts to owner immediately, or sale void?
sold property with lien, buyer gets it, then creditor gets it from him or sale nEver happened, went from seller to creditor
spit, vessels, knife found in Jerusalem, impure? depending where and when it was found, reasons, blood of a nEveilah or sheretz impure?
spreading salt or straw to prEvent slipping in the Temple, outside Temple on Shabbos, doing it with a shinui
stack of grain intermixed with terumah? considered tEvel?
stacking two rows of sEven instead of six is valid, extra are ignored, incense put near bread instead of on top
stages of mourning; two days, sEven days, thirty days, reflective of danger to the mourning family
stages of mourning; two days, sEven days, thirty days, reflective of danger to the mourning family
steps to achiEve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achiEve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achiEve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
store credit extended turns previous store credit (Even if done on holiday) into debt which is then cancelled by shemittah
struck with a sEvere case of boils (raasan) when he tried to touch Sarah
students of Rabbi Lazar ben Shamuah didn't want his teachings about an androgyne rEvealed to Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi
substitute kohen gadol doesn't serve any more, Even as an ordinary kohen, if he does work, his work is valid
substitute kohen gadol doesn't serve any more, Even as an ordinary kohen, if he does work, his work is valid
tanur oven, may not place food inside or on top on Friday to continue into Shabbos Even if fueled by straw or stubble, Rabbi Yudan don of Rabbi Yishmael was lenient in a situation of a pressing need
teaching a woman Torah will inform her that she was saved from sotah death due to her Torah learning merits, or teaching her Torah will lead her to further sin, she must know basic laws, no specific mitzvah to study Torah, specific reasons to nEver teach a woman Torah
tear rEvealing the heart, reason, business trips, attending a meal related to a mitzvah
tEvel and demai of Cuthi
tEvel forbids a mixture of a kind with its like kind in any minute concentration, with an unlike kind when it imparts taste
tEvel mixed into greater amount of chullin precluded from separation of terumah?
tEvel mixed into greater amount ofchullin of its kind, nullified? tEvel of biblical law or rabbinic edict?
tEvel nullifies terumah, remove seah from mixture and designate its required tithes, aftergrowths of sheviis nullifies terumah, given to those who will eat it
tEvel rice not rectified before cooking and expanding, judged by current volume?
tevul yom does not have capacity to contaminate tEvel through contact
that became impure can be redeemed Even in Jerusalem, became impure prior to or after entering Jerusalem, higher lEvel or lower lEvel impurity
the kesubah value which went to her husband when she died will be inherited by her children upon his death (and not shared with children of his other marriages), this right is in force Even if it wasn’t written in her kesubah
the size of one woman’s dough in a group dough can affect the obligation of challah compared to smoothing out someone else’s grain to give the grain the status of tEvel
thiEves and tax collectors are beliEved to say which vessels they touched, and are further beliEved on kodesh items in Jerusalem, and Even for terumah at holiday times, limitations on this rule
thirteen collection boxes, narrow openings to prEvent theft, thirteen tables, thirteen or fourteen places to bow, wood chamber
thirteen or sEven gates, places of bowing, breaches made by the Greek kings, reasons for the names of water gate and gate of Yechonyah
thirty nine categories listed with the number 39 pointing out the amount of offerings of liability unlike idolatry which is one offering Even for multiple offenses
thirty six or thirty sEven prohibitions that can lead to kares
three things in preparation for Shabbos, tithes completed, eruv set up, lighting Shabbos lights, during twilight no tithing of tEvel, no immersing vessels in mikveh, no lighting lamps, but may tithe demai, make an eruv, and insulate how water
time to get rid of Pesach ">chametz in a year that Ever Pesach falls out on Shabbos, Pesach ">chametz of terumah
to what extent we can rely on a wife’s testimony which would adversely affect her co-wife (Even if it adversely affect her as well)
Torah measurements correspond to the sEven fruits of Israel
Torah source for sEven days of mourning
Torah source for sEven days of mourning
true gender became rEvealed on Holiday
two courtyards with a ditch in between filled with straw and a reed mat, twigs, or Even spit, making an eruv
two witnesses are contradicted by two witnesses, which set is beliEved?
Tzippori - thiEves dug tunnels to steal
Tzippori - Jew sold nEveilah meat to a Roman
using a mirror prohibited Even on weekdays
various stages of sexual relations with a widow triggers various lEvels of prohibiton
vetch, when it became subject to terumah, why bikiyah plant nEver became obligated in terumah
violated many melachos on many Shabbosos in one category of work, during one Event of forgetfulness, how many offerings is he obligated?
virgin divorcee, widow, chalutzah, or convert, ransomed, freed below three years old, kesubah is one hundred (Even if it is determined later that she is a virgin) and there can be no claim against her virgin status
voice from a pit says ‘whoEver hears my voice should write a divorce for my wife’, demon or person?
voice of God merged with voices of Levites, medium lEvel sound
warning and seclusion witnesses saw at two different times, howEver it was about the same man
was happy Even when hearing mockery about the Temple being rebuilt quickly by his son Solomon which meant his early death, God promised not to diminish his life span
weaving, setting up two heddles, in a siEve, coarse siEve, basket, sews two stitches, tearing to sew two stitches, pulling threads to draw together a separated garment
were there collection boxes for bird pair offerings? concerns for mixtures of money for sin offerings that must be left to die and olos offerings which may be brought Even if the donor died
what was permitted remains permitted, Even if the reason for leniency no longer exists
wheat barley grapes figs pomegranate olives dates, sEven species of Israel
wheat barley grapes figs pomegranate olives dates, sEven species of Israel, not varieties of low quality
when a person makes a claim that is both advantageous and detrimental for himself, he is beliEved
when a person makes a claim that is unlikely, he is beliEved for his own causes, but not beliEved to harm others
when a person makes an unlikely claim, they are beliEved to obligate themselves, but not beliEved to harm others
when divorce ends their marriage, they were married, when miun ends their marriage, they were nEver married
when facts will ultimately determine guilt, or Even when it will nEver be found out?
when value to redeem is too low, deconsecrating onto a sela coin, Even multiple times
whenEver Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi quotes a dispute and elsewhere quotes an anonymous opinion on the same subject
whenEver Rabbi Yehudah Hanasi uses the phrase ‘it appears to be’
who is and isn’t beliEved to give testimony about the death of a man and why
whose gender is rEvealed to be a male may not do chalitzah
why Bais Hillel originally only beliEved a wife is only trusted during harvest season
wife beliEved during peaceful times but not during war times
wife not beliEved if she and her husband had a bad relationship
wine drawn from winepress, what remains in the flask not rendered tEvel, because destined to return to winepress whose processing is not completed
witness (Even those who dislike her) of her defilement prEvents her drinking the water, sometimes loses kesubah
witnesses who contradict on a main point are rejected, co-wives who come with different stories about how their husband died may be different since it is a case where one witness is enough, and each co-wife isn't beliEved regarding issues related to her co-wife
witnesses who verify their own signatures or relate other halachic information, but claim to have been forced, were minors, or were unfit for testimony, if others verify their signatures or also relate the same information, the first ones are less likely to be beliEved to negate the testimony of the others, cases where the witnesses verify their own signatures but other witnesses do as well, amount and qualification of witnesses needed to verify each signature
woman beliEved when she says that she had relations with another man
woman whose husband wrote a divorce for her, but nEver used it, fit to later marry a kohen?
women relatives beliEved to deliver a divorce document Even though they aren’t beliEved to say the husband died
wore all eight garments Every day, of just on Shabbos and holidays?
writing amulets or blessings (Even ones containing Torah portions) compared to burning the Torah
writing amulets or blessings (Even ones containing Torah portions) compared to burning the Torah
writing using ink that can only be read by later adding another mixture, is the person who rEvealed the letters liable?
yishuv eretz yisrael - exemption of serving in the army due to building a house only applies to a house in Israel due to the mitzvah of dEveloping the land of Israel
young girl becoming pregnant and giving birth, likelihood of her survival based on maturity lEvel
אפילו חסיד שבחסידים אין ממנין אותו אפיטרופוס על עריות - Even the pious of the pious aren’t appointed supervisors over forbidden women
אשתו עולה עמו אבל לא יורדת עמו - a wife rises to her husband’s economical lEvel, but doesn’t go down to his lEvel
הפה שאסר הוא הפה שהתיר - the one who forbids is (more likely to be) beliEved to permit
חלד in Psalms 49:2 means weasel which is unique among land animals, or weasel which stores items it will nEver use
כל דבר שבית דין נותנין נפשם עליו סופו להתקיים בידם - Everything Bais din sets out to do, can and will be done
כל השומע ליצרו כילו עובד עבודה זרה - whoEver listens to their evil inclination is considered as worshipping idols
כל מה שאת יכול להקל בעירובין הקל - whenEver you can be lenient in laws of eruvin, be lenient
כל שהוא ספיקה בידו למחות ואינו ממחה קלקלה תלויה בו - whoEver has the ability to protest against corruption, and doesn’t, the corruption is attributed to him
מורא רבך כמורא שמים - rEverence for your teacher comparable to fear of heaven
רוב בעילות מן הבעל - most relations (Even of an adulteress) are with her husband