12 Results
Flour Offering made of coarse barley
husband brings Flour Offering for his wife, bringing her offering without her knowledge
kemitzah must permit the remainder of minchah flour for consumption to be valid, when remainder got mixed inchullin flour and nullified is it considered to be the remainder of the minchah for the kemitzah to be valid?
left over money from minchah offering of the kohen gadol, what is done with it?
minchah offering (kometz) or its remnants were lost, offering valid?
olive oil of second press of first harvest or first press of second harvest may be used, but second press of first harvest is better
pledged one type of Flour Offering, but brought a different one
procedure and order of Flour Offering and drinking the water
procedure of the Flour Offering
type of vessel used
what to do with leftover funds that had been designated for shekalim, tenth of ephah measurement for a Flour Offering, bird offerings for zav, zavah, women who gave birth, sin offerings, guilt offerings, olah offerings, Flour Offerings, shelamim offerings, nazar offerings, offerings with wrong intentions