159 Results
afikoman forbidden at the end of the seder, varieties of song and Food desserts
amount of Food for a proper eruv techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
amount of Food for a proper eruv techumin, ill person, minor, glutton
amount of Food needed, based one size of group
amount of Food required
amount of various Food items needed to be liable
Ashishim - roasted ground lentils, kneaded with honey, fried
bitter chate melon considered edible? with regards to all matters or only with regards to terumah?
blood of a neveilah, impure? makes Food items susceptible to impurity? reviis size or even less?
blood of decapitated calf renders Food susceptible to impurity? decapitation removes status of neveilah?
breaking open barrel to get the Food inside, resealing it
built a ramp, escorted goat and designated person, booths along the way, Food and drink offered, breaking fast on Yom Kippur
bull and goat offerings, convey impurity to Food and drinks due to their future ability to convey impurity to those who carry it?
burning impure terumah Foods together despite them being different levels of impurity, tevul yom, biblical, rabbinic
buy any Food with maaser sheni funds except water and salt
carob undried is animal Food
carrying by oneself or two carrying an item together, less than the minimum of Food in a container, live or dead person, piece of a corpse, piece of animal carcass or a sheretz, item with a foul odor, item that is forbidden to benefit from
carrying muktzah indirectly, holding child who is holding a stone, basket of Food with a stone, pure terumah with impure
carrying olives on Shabbos, liablity based on olive oil potential therefore a revi’is, or as Food and therefore the size of a fig
carrying, amounts to be liable for various animal feeds, human Food, whether small amounts of various feeds combine to effect liability
carrying, container with less Food inside than what would make him liable
certain vows on Foods include other Foods or ingredients, some Foods don't include other Foods or ingredients
certain vows on Foods include other Foods or ingredients, some Foods don't include other Foods or ingredients
chagigah and all other cooked Foods served with the Pesach offering must be finished by midnight, usually a chagigah can be eaten for 2 days and 1 night
committments of support to a wife’s daughter from a previous marriage, how this was stipulated, how it is treated if he divorces her and she or the daughter remarries, she requests cash instead of Food, if the husband dies, how smart people wrote this condition, collectable from his properties?
complete exemption, doesn’t even need to help supply water and Food for the troops
completing and using vessels that are needed to prepare for Food needed for Chol Hamoed or Yom Tov
considered ‘cooked by idolators’? cooking on Shabbos? cooking milk and meat? laws of maasros? nedarim?
cooked Food on Shabbos, penalized after Shabbos the same amount of time it took to cook
cooking accidently is treated more strictly if it a type of Food that improves as it cooks longer, eggs improve as they cook
cooking Foods that improve as they condense, cabbage, peas, minced meat, turnip tops, leak, eggs, hot water?
cooking non kosher Food on Yom Tov, digging for the purpose of obtain earth to be used for covering blood after slaughter, squeezing fresh to prepare for eating or to extract brine
cooking shemittah Food in terumah oil increases the possibility of it becoming invalidated
cooling Food in a pit or cool water, warming Food in warm water
costus and other spices, buy with maaser sheni money?, conveys Food impurity?
deaf person excluded from separating terumah but can be relied on for safeguarding pure Food, pure Foods do not require thought terumah requires thought
deaf person excluded from separating terumah but can be relied on for safeguarding pure Foods, pure Foods do not require thought terumah requires thought
deaf person not permitted to separate terumah, trusted to guard pure Foods
difference between a vow not to have any benefit and a vow not to enjoy Food
discovered that he (the kohen) or the terumah was invalid, or bug in the Food, while it was in his mouth, spit out?
does a biblical commandment not to eat something also imply a prohibition on having benefit as well?
drinking is in the same halachic category as eating, sauces
dry Foods transmit impurity in terumah or holy Foods?
eating an amount of impure Food to become impure
eating pure Food all year or at least during the week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
eighteen decrees, bread of non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking Foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked Foods, salted Foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their bikkurim
enjoyment obligation fulfilled with certain sacrificial Food
eruv and combining alleys can be done with any Food other than water and salt
exceptions to the rule which permits eating half measures of biblical forbidden Food (according to Reish Lakish)
Food accidentally or purposely left on stove, Food permitted? permitted to others? permitted later?
Food bought with maaser sheni funds which became impure, deer purchased alive or slaughtered which became impure, non kosher animal, must need to be able to stand up and be evaluated? milk of animals?
Food chewed considered already eaten
Food cooked or baked by burning peels of orlah
Food of chullin and terumah (and avodah zarah) that mixed or cooked, imparted good or bad taste
Food or drink that became impure from a metzorah is sent out of all three camps of Jews
Food re-cooked by non Jews
Food shrunken in the sun? expansion through rain? initially an olives volume?
Food stored in sea reeds, gets damp but doesn’t become susceptible to impurity
Food that nauseates may be spiten out even if it is terumah
Food used for eruv, no water or salt, full loaves
Food, animal feed, dye from plants, which decompose are subject to shemittah laws
Foods that can be bought with maaser sheni funds according to Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Yishmael
Foods which are edible in a raw state are not forbidden even if cooked
Foods which may or may not be bought with maaser sheni funds
forbidden additives to Foods which impart a bad taste
forbidden additives to Foods which impart a bad taste
forbidden Foods to which was added enough permissible amount, accidentally or purposely
gathering Food items
giving Food to a dog who may transport it on Shabbos
giving Food to a non Jew who may transport it on Shabbos
grapes and olives preferred as Food or wine and oil?
grapes and olives preferred as Food or wine and oil?
halachah and stories about uncovered water and other drinks and liquids, other Foods
healthful Food is not using medicine on Shabbos
healthful Food is not using medicine on Shabbos
holy sacrificial Food is holier than terumah
hot water, Food in hot water, placed prior or during Shabbos, rinsing in hot water, fish that cook easily even from rinsing
human Food, animal Food, cosmetics, medicine, firewood, wants to change it’s ordinary use, intent changed
ignoring a summons to bais din, desecrating God’s name, preventing performance of a mitzvah, causing eating of sacrificial Food out of the proper place, disparaging a matter of halachah (washing hands), disparaging a Torah scholar, these are some of the twenty four reasons to be excommunicated
impure produce is inherently unimpaired retains identity as Food, punctured Food regarded as earth therefore incapable of serving as terumah
ingredients of maaser sheni that must be destroyed that got mixed into a Food dish of chullin
insulating Food, forgot before Shabbos, insulated prior to Shabbos then it became uncovered, insulating with cold water jar, adding insulation
insulating materials near lot lines of neighbors forbidden due to damage, similar materials forbidden to insulate Shabbos Foods
internal animal organs are not Food for humans
is fruit juice one of the seven liquids which makes Food items susceptible to impurity?
items bought for maaser sheni which aren’t Food, animal skins, wine jugs, nut shells, unfermented temed water, fruit baskets
just as divorce document may not be written on a living thing, so too water coming off an animal won’t make Food item susceptible to impurity?
kohen gadol ate all seven days but avoided Foods that could possibly cause a seminal emission
kupach oven, returning Food to oven permitted if fueled by straw or stubble, forbidden if fueled by fruit pulp or wood
lashes for eating Foods with flavors from prohibited Foods mixed into permitted Foods? flavor from Foods prohibited to nazir?
left over Food, worn out clothing, wine belongs to her or the heirs? her obligations (limitations) to husbands heirs
leniencies for poor people without Food, not at the eruv location, traveler, establishing an eruv with their feet (by being there)
liquids from cooked terumah vegetables is considered Food, yet considered water in regards to the halachah of mikveh
liquids from cooked terumah vegetables is considered Food, yet considered water in regards to the halachah of mikveh
may be used for eating Food, drinking drinks, anointing with proper oils or creams, must be completely consumed in their proper way, not spoiled
minimum Food, clothing, money requirements for a wife, wheat, barley, required to produce wool knitting
mixed Foods which have different biur dates
mixtures of Foods which can leaven, spice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, and may transmit impurity
mixtures of Foods which can leaven, spice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, and may transmit impurity
mixtures of Foods which can leaven, spice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, chullin added to mixture and terumah no longer imparts flavor, permitted, amount needed to permit mixture increases over entire mixture or only against what is forbidden?
mixtures, cooking permitted Food with prohibited
non holy Food prepared on a holy standard is treated as holy
not permitted to separate terumah, trusted to guard pure Foods
not to eat ‘cooked’, Food from a pot, boiled, pickled, partially cooked, roasted, salted, fish fishes
not to enjoy Food, includes items which are involved with producing Food
not to have benefit, as compared to neder not to enjoy his Food
obligation for maaser is for Food, protected, and grown from the ground, matured, or Food eaten prior to maturity, source
onen on erev Pesach, received news of death of close relative, gathered bones of close relative, converted erev Pesach, partake in Pesach offering or other holy Foods that night?
penalty for leaving uncooked Food on stove before Shabbos to cook on Shabbos
people with differing areas of permissibility sharing Food in their common permitted area
permitted Food nullifies forbidden which got mixed in if 60 or 100 times as much
playing with kosher Food prohibited
pot in which Pesach ">chametz was cooked, reuse on Pesach after using pot for a different Food three times
produce becomes level and therefore obligated in maaser, pickling, cooking, salting, squeezing and collecting oil in one’s hand, skimming wine in a cooked pot, purchased, separating terumah, Shabbos Food, entering a protected courtyard
product derived from combination of permitted and forbidden sources?
products that are harvested late for the purpose of growing more seeds, but not Food, or just for Food
putting coins in mouth, cooked Food under bed, bread under armpit, knife in radish or esrog, non facial sweat
recooked Food is not subject to this restriction
relying on a previous partnership in a Food item to now be used as an eruv
removing boxes of Food from storage rooms on Shabbos, muktzah?
rights of widows to sell husband’s property to collect her kesubah money or for Food support, in some cases bais din approval needed, retaining or losing right to Food support, divorcee, selling it in parts, when sale may be voided, if wife sold properties to satisfy her kesubah and one sale is invalid, does it cancel all of them?
sacrificial Food handling requires washing in mikveh or just rinsing?
saving extra Food from a fire by suddenly inviting more people
seasonings of various prohibitions or various varieties that fell into Food, did or didn’t impart good or bad flavor
seasonings of various prohibitions or various varieties that fell into Food, did or didn’t impart good or bad flavor
seasonings of various prohibitions or various varieties that fell into Food, did or didn’t impart good or bad flavor
seasonings of various prohibitions or various varieties that fell into Food, did or didn’t impart good or bad flavor
seasonings of various prohibitions or various varieties that fell into Food, did or didn’t impart good or bad flavor
selecting Food from waste, Shabbos, Yom Tov, Food from other Food, different sized Foods
sent Rabbi Hoshayah Rabbah large Food gifts understood as either matanos levyonim or mishloach manos
shabbos Food creates tevel and therefore obligates maaser, actions of children creating a maaser obligation
six Food items which are never nullified due to their high quality, can be nullified of cracked, split, or opened
six Food items which are never nullified due to their high quality, can be nullified of cracked, split, or opened
sourdough of combinations of terumah and kilai kerem that fell into dough or spices into a pot of Food, wasn’t enough of each to accomplish leavening or spicing on their own
sourdough of combinations of terumah and kilai kerem that fell into dough or spices into a pot of Food, wasn’t enough of each to accomplish leavening or spicing on their own
storing plants/Food underground, planting grain kernels together
stove heated by straw or stubble, stove heated by Food pulp or wood, placing cooked Food in stove, covering ash or coals
substances that impart flavor are nullified one in sixty or in one hundred, learned from foreleg of nazir’s ram that is nullified in the rest of the ram
taking Food, permitted items which are covered or surrounded by muktzah which would be moved, straw, coals, dirt, mud
tanur oven, may not place Food inside or on top on Friday to continue into Shabbos even if fueled by straw or stubble, Rabbi Yudan don of Rabbi Yishmael was lenient in a situation of a pressing need
the point in production when various Foods or oil become obligated in maaser
three rules applicable in cases of substances imparting flavor
Torah law suspended due to emergency, feeding forbidden Foods to a person with bulmos, terumah to a non kohen, feed dog liver to a person bit by a mad dog, medicine for throat pain on Shabbos,
trusting a person who isn’t trusted for maaser to purchase Food which had maaser properly taken off
turning animal or human Food into juice
two half measure transfers between two domains, combine to create liability? eating two half measures of forbidden Foods
tying knots, untying, untying with one hand, tying and untying curtain panels in the mishkan, tearing open Food basket
using a cooked Food that is also edible raw
villagers can provide Food, yet work is forbidden
villagers can provide Food, yet work is forbidden
vow against cooked Food includes smoked, fried, cooked by hot springs?
vow against having benefit, entering his field before or during shemittah, eating fruits hanging outside the field, borrowing, lending items, selling each other items, animals, the one who made the vow doesn’t have Food or needs help such as building a house, and the person he vowed not to have benefit from wants to help him
ways to assess amount of flavor imparted from prohibited Foods
when maaser sheni money is used to acquire items not appropriate for maaser sheni, the transaction and holiness is transferred to the purchased items despite that he needs to go out and buy new maaser sheni Food
while threshing and a basket of Food on its neck, wouldn’t be a violation of muzzling
whole cluster of grapes grown in courtyard may be eaten without tithing, because he started in state of permissibility or single Food containing a few portions is considered a single portion?
work permitted when one doesn't have Food
written on Food, something alive, a branch, bony part of horn, horn itself, attached to the ground, low quality paper