93 Results
avoiding suspicion from people as well as being pure from viewpoint of God, proof from Torah, Prophets, and Writings
azazel goat and goat designated to God, one of them died prior or after the lottery
azazel goat and goat designated to God, should preferably look alike, be same size, same value, bought together
be above suspicion in the eyes of God and fellow man
Ben Zoma says a person will receive a portion that God provides, money or status can’t be taken from him, God never forgets
blessings come from God, not a kohen who commits adultery or murder
bringing from outside the techum, lashes, removing wart, God calls Pesach offering my offering
building of Tabernacle is temporary since God’s promise of entry into Israel could happen at any time
cancelled viduy maaser, cancelled announcements regarding ‘awake God from his sleep’, abolished striking the animals prior to slaughter, built rings to hold the animals, cancelled blacksmith work on chol hamoed, strengthened the laws of demai, some enactments were praised, others were criticized
cancelled viduy maaser, cancelled announcements regarding ‘awake God from his sleep’, abolished striking the animals prior to slaughter, built rings to hold the animals, cancelled blacksmith work on chol hamoed, strengthened the laws of demai, some enactments were praised, others were criticized
caused by God giving people gold and silver
charity and good deeds are more precious to God than an offering
death in tribe of Reuven, transport to burial, burial in tribe of Gad, eulogy by God
declaring oneself a nazir-Samson doesn't work, only happens by word of God
didn’t praise God in a way that they didn’t experience
discussion about love of God while being executed by Turnus Rufus
due to the honor of parents, teacher, or God, limits to reasons for annulling a vow
during seven days of miluim Moshe served with white garments, but the presence of God did not rest there until Aaron served, source
earth was cursed for violating God’s command, or due to Adam’s sin?
eighty three signators (found in chapter 10 of Nechemiah) agree to live by the Torah, this number corresponds to the amount of times the name of God is mentioned in certain biblical books
erasing the name of God in the case of a sotah, since that is required, surely in a situation of a book written by a sectarian
erasing the name of God in the case of a sotah, since that is required, surely in a situation of a book written by a sectarian
Esau will try to enter there, since he considers himself righteous, God will drag him out
forgot to write God’s name then wants to insert it
format of the words ‘holy to God’ written on the tzitz and the Yom Kippur goat lottery cards on two lines, contrary to eyewitness testimony of Rabbi Elazar the son of Rabbi Yose who saw the tzitz in Rome and said that it was written on one line
from a non Jew or Cuthi to God, proper answer to when one is blessed or cursed by them
given by God to Moshe had black fire (ink) on white fire (parchment)
given by God to the Jewish people in the time of Abraham, based on Genesis 15:18
God created the first set of tongs from which further sets were created by man
God will remove illness (Deuteronomy 7:15) refers to, fever, anxiety, evil inclination, excess bile
hints about creation and God in the shape of the letter ב
holy books written by sectarians to be burned entirely, even with the name of God written inside?
honor to Torah teacher is a form of honoring God, Moshe, Elijah, Achiyah, Elisha, Samuel, Eli
how many letters in an extra name of God in the sotah scroll would cause a sin of not erasing the name of God
ignoring a summons to bais din, desecrating God’s name, preventing performance of a mitzvah, causing eating of sacrificial food out of the proper place, disparaging a matter of halacha (washing hands), disparaging a Torah scholar, these are some of the twenty four reasons to be excommunicated
in future God will lead a dance of the righteous
In the days of Zimri, God was with him but later at the story of the concubine of Givah, God wasn't with him
In the days of Zimri, God was with him but later at the story of the concubine of Givah, God wasn't with him
Job served God out of love or fear?
knew how to write the four letter name of God holding four pens and doing them all at the same time
knows the future? goat would not be brought
knows the future? mourned for the great flood’s victims prior to the flood
kohen gadol said name of God ten times on Yom Kippur, people bowed down, said ברוך שם, tried to forget pronunciation, people improperly used the name, stories
leaders appointed due to their money are called ‘Gods of silver and gold’, their cloak is called ‘saddlebag on a donkey’
leaders appointed due to their money are called ‘Gods of silver and gold’, their cloak is called ‘saddlebag on a donkey’
learns lesson that there is no such thing as a son of God
lesser scholars of Israel are more dear to God than the great Sanhedrin of outside Israel
libations beloved by God in a way that is compared to intoxication
lottery procedure for choosing which of the two Yom Kippur goats are offered to God and which is sent to Yom Kippur goats is sent out to the desert by the kohen gadol to be pushed off a rocky sloped hill">azazel, pushed off cliff
more dear to God as compared to written Torah
Moshe merited God burying him because he buried Joseph, Joseph merited because he buried Jacob, Canaanites merited because they honored Jacob
Nebuchadnezzar learned that this statement or idea is inappropriate
obligation for leaders to praise God in song when miracles happen on our behalf, exceptions to this rule
obligation to praise God in song when miracles happen on our behalf
one’s action should find favor in the eyes of God and his fellow man
oral Torah move dear to God?
out of love or fear?
pairs of verses from the Torah which God stated simultaneously and we miraculously understood, meant to convey nuanced halachic points, zachor shamor
people who trust that God will provide while they teach Torah without interruption
personalities in the Bible that praised God in their own unique way
prefixes to God’s name are not holy, suffixes are holy, which names may or may not be erased
punishment of sotah matches her crime, so to how God deals with people measure for measure
repentance and cleansing before God, mikveh purifies, God purifies
repentance and cleansing before God, mikveh purifies, God purifies
second cup of seder, child asks four questions in mah nishtanah, father respond accordingly to each of four types of sons, wise wicked simple not able to ask, Pesach matzah Pesach seder">maror main points of the seder, seeing one’s self as having left Egypt, thanks to God for miracles and freedom,
Shimon Hatzadik saw an image of God in the holy of holies
simchas bais hashoevah ceremony, torches, music, Psalms, statements by pious people. people of great deeds, people who repented, Hillel condemned bad behavior. praised good behavior. God prefers praise form Israel rather than from angels, if we are not here who is here?
simchas bais hashoevah ceremony, trumpets, kohanim declared allegiance to God, disavowed their idolatrous past
sins between man and God, sins between man and another man
speaks about not fearing the enemy and God battling for us
speech about weekday matters, unnecessary speech, requests from God, story of pious man with a broken fence
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
ten situations of obligation to tear garments (which may not be repaired), required upon death of sages or students, what status of Torah knowledge would trigger this obligation, upon death of Nasi, head of Bais Din, bad news, upon hearing one curse God or a secondary name of God, burning of a Torah (requires two tearings) , seeing the ruins of Jerusalem, and the Temple
that God will eliminate in the future
the only woman that God spoke to directly, all others were through intermediaries
the words את and גם add on, אך and רק exclude, את used describing fear of God includes God’s Torah
three pairs of goats, sprinkled blood from one which was designated to God, if one becomes piggul they all become piggul, if sacrificial parts of one are lost, he can use from another, they are all one sacrificial entity
Tzippori - name of God, teaching pronunciation, stories
verses read at the willow ceremony, God shares in the salvation of Israel, verses read understood as mystical references to the various exiles and salvations
voice of God merged with voices of Levites, medium level sound
was happy even when hearing mockery about the Temple being rebuilt quickly by his son Solomon which meant his early death, God promised not to diminish his life span
was the holy status of the God camps and Levite camps and show bread maintained during travels in the desert?
water, earth, dissolved ink in sotah procedure as reminder to birth, burial, future trial before God
white parts, brain, bones, sinews come from the father, red parts, skin, flesh, blood from the mother, spirit, soul, vitality come from God
writing God’s name with a prefix
writing letters of God’s name, one letter to complete God’s name, one letter to complete a book, one letter during the week and the second letter on Shabbos, one letter in Tiberias and the second letter in Tzippori, one letter on one Shabbos and the second letter the next Shabbos, liable?
wrote the name of God, but intended to write יהודה, how to fix?
אין הקדוש ברוך הוא עונש אלא אם כן הזהיר - God does not punish without first warning
אלו ואלו דברי אלהים חיים - both sides of a Torah dispute are the words of the living God
מידת הטובה המרובה - God’s generosity rewards for good deeds in a higher proportion than punishment for sins