38 Results
caused by God giving people Gold and silver
clothing of kohen gadol during various services, white, Golden, immerse in mikveh, wash hands and feet, ram, ram of the nation, lambs, order of various offerings, removing shovel and ladle from holy of holies, reasons, sources
decrees enacted while Bais Shammai was the majority was a difficult day similar to the day the Jews worshipped the Golden calf
donation to Temple, minimum amount when no size specified
done in three shifts, doors closed between groups, blood collected in silver and Gold bowls
extra shekalim or libations, Gold sheets for the holy of holies, ‘dessert or the altar’, service vessels
Gold coin viewed as a closed deal, Gold ring is viewed as less than a done deal
Gold fruit trees in Temple of Solomon, miraculously produced fruit until king Menashe brought idols into the Temple
Gold grapevine at entrance to sanctuary of Temple
Gold used to build Temple, seven types, their description, difference in weight between Temple menorah and menorah of Moshe
half shekel size which is six garmesin size and ten geirah size, due to sinning with Golden calf at half day, which is six hours and at that time they violated the ten commandments
Helene the Queen made a Gold tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
Helene the Queen made a Gold tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
Italian issur, Kurdian dinar, half Gold coin
Jews donated to build the Golden calf and later repented by donating to build the Tabernacle
Jews of good character donated to build the Tabernacle, the whole nation donated to build the Golden calf
leaders appointed due to their money are called ‘gods of silver and Gold’, their cloak is called ‘saddlebag on a donkey’
leaders appointed due to their money are called ‘gods of silver and Gold’, their cloak is called ‘saddlebag on a donkey’
line of kohanim with silver bowls, line with Gold bowls, no mixed lines to prevent theft by dishonest kohanim
made a ‘city of Gold’ jewelry for his wife, Rabban Gamliel’s wife was jealous
made a ‘city of Gold’ jewelry for his wife, Rabban Gamliel’s wife was jealous
made a Gold tablet of the Torah verses related to the sotah procedure
method of refining the Gold for the menorah by Solomon, reduction in weight after refinement?
new ramp built for each parah adumah, reasons, Shimon Hatzadik did two, fancy Gold pompous
parvaim Gold in the Temple produced fruit
placement of the table, menorah, and Golden altar in the Temple
queen Heleni donated a candelabra and a Golden tablet with the sotah text written on it
queen Heleni donated a Gold tablet with the sotah passage of the Torah written on it, is this permitted?
rich used baskets of Gold and silver, poor used willow baskets and gave them to the kohanim
sanctifying hands and feet on Yom Kippur, uses the kiyor or a Golden flask?
sitting on non Jew’s stool on Shabbos, two brothers in bathhouse at the same time, wearing Gold loose shoes on Shabbos
the building of the menorah by Solomon depleted the Gold of the treasury
thirteen shekel collection boxes, new shekalim, old shekalim, bird pairs, young olah birds, wood, incense, Gold for vessels, six for voluntary communal offerings minimum donations for vows of wood, incense and Gold, purpose of the six boxes
thirteen tables in the Temple made, some marble, some silver, Gold, used for various purposes, show bread
trapping fish while saving a drowning child, saving a person from under rubble while retrieving Gold coins
women items adornments, jewelry, which are forbidden to wear in a public domain, reasons, istema head scarf, city of Gold
wooden lots, later Golden lots donated, if Gold lots were lost would the replacements be of wood or Gold?