20 Results
after Holy Ark was taken, incense was placed on the shesiyah foundation stone, light emerged from ark, later years kohen gadol groped in the dark, reason it was called the foundation stone, sources
airspace above ten tefachim off the ground is separate domain, sources, learned from height of the Holy Ark or wagons
ark hidden with jar of manna, anointing oil, Aaron’s staff, box sent by Philistines, by King Hezekiah, reason
ark was used to set itself and the walls to the four cardinal directions (north south east west)
Bais Shemesh - gazed at Holy Ark
danced before the Holy Ark, criticized by Michal his wife, Saul her father was very modest, David defends his rejoicing, Michal died in childbirth
dimensions, height of the Holy Ark, height of the Holy Ark cover (kapores)
dimensions, measurements, amount of tefachim in an amah, contents, tablets, Torah, materials Betzalel used to build it
height of the Holy Ark was 10 tefachim, source
Josiah hid away, with manna, anointing oil, staff of Aaron with blossoms and almonds, box from the Philistines
Kiryas Yearim - town where Holy Ark was kept prior to it being brought to Jerusalem
kohen noticed different floor tile near wood chamber, place where Holy Ark is hidden, ark went to Babylon, beneath holy of holies
miraculously blessed with many children and grandchildren due to having the Holy Ark kept in his house
one ark or two arks? sources
oriented itself to east west north south
permitted when Holy Ark was not in place
placed inside, or next to, the Holy Ark?
size and construction of the ark, how the tablets and the Torah fit inside
Torah in the Temple, kept in the Holy Ark or outside?