108 Results
a minor or a non Jew separating terumah, designating a sacrifice or other Holy things
accompanied the Jews when they went to war, one or two arks existed
after Holy ark was taken, incense was placed on the shesiyah foundation stone, light emerged from ark, later years kohen gadol groped in the dark, reason it was called the foundation stone, sources
am haaretz trusted for Holy things, sin offerings, and susceptibility to impurity, which are major Torah concepts
ark hidden with jar of manna, anointing oil, Aaron’s staff, box sent by Philistines, by King Hezekiah, reason
ark was used to set itself and the walls to the four cardinal directions (north south east west)
attacked by angel in the Holy of holies due to improper Yom Kippur services, angels usually not found in Holy of holies
back should not face the Holy of holies
Bais Shemesh - gazed at Holy ark
biblical books of different levels of holiness
blood discharged by woman is not considered to indicate that she may have contaminated Holy things prior to seeing the blood
brought to the altar with the left hand, however no other way to do it, going into Holy of holies twice
cases where ignorant people are trusted with Holy things, and trusted (to a lesser degree) with terumah, differences in trust between people from Galilee and Yehudah, and various seasons, the ramifications of vessel’s purity status changing
clothing of kohen gadol during various services, white, golden, immerse in mikveh, wash hands and feet, ram, ram of the nation, lambs, order of various offerings, removing shovel and ladle from Holy of holies, reasons, sources
coins found on the Temple mount assumed to be Holy or not? reasons
consecrate animals on Shabbos or Yom Tov? If a person neglected to consecrate a Pesach offering before Shabbos
convert who owned Holy items from prior to conversion
day of hearing news of death, day of burial, day of reburying bones, restrictions of mourning, eating Pesach or Holy items
differences between transferring holiness on an animal designated as a sacrifice or an ordinary Holy animal
dimensions, measurements, amount of tefachim in an amah, contents, tablets, Torah, materials Betzalel used to build it
does Holy meat that left its designated area renders hands or other meat that it touches impure?
dry foods transmit impurity in terumah or Holy foods?
dry Holy items become impure, or even transmit impurity
eighteen decrees, bread of non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, Holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked foods, salted foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their bikkurim
extinguishing a fire to save Holy books
extra shekalim or libations, gold sheets for the Holy of holies, ‘dessert or the altar’, service vessels
faulty appraisal for a sale by bais din for a kesubah, orphans, or Holy items
format of the words ‘Holy to God’ written on the tzitz and the Yom Kippur goat lottery cards on two lines, contrary to eyewitness testimony of Rabbi Elazar the son of Rabbi Yose who saw the tzitz in Rome and said that it was written on one line
from public ownership to private or from large to small city
halachah - needs sirtut (etched lines in Holy books)
hearing is the same as personally reading
height of the Holy ark was 10 tefachim, source
Holy assembly before the sages, divided their time between Torah study and work
Holy books written by sectarians to be burned entirely, even with the name of God written inside?
Holy books written in Greek
Holy books, saving from a fire on Shabbos, whether or not we read from them, written in any language, scrolls making hands impure, neglect of the Torah lecture
Holy meat of various sacrifices, became biblically or rabbinically impure inside or outside Temple, burned inside or outside Temple
Holy meat that left its designated place, defiles hands, terumah, or other Holy meats?
Holy meats of higher and lower levels of holiness which were cooked with ordinary meat
Holy of Holy offerings must be slaughtered in the north part of the Temple, which area of the Temple is considered north?
Holy sacrificial food is holier than terumah
impure person only gets lashes for entering the Holy area of 185 amos by 135 amos
intended to donate but made factual mistake when verbalizing
items imbued with holiness upon construction or use
items imbued with holiness upon construction or use
items which can be sold, traded, covered, or stacked
items whose function is for a synagogue or ark
Josiah hid away, with manna, anointing oil, staff of Aaron with blossoms and almonds, box from the Philistines
Kiryas Yearim - town where Holy ark was kept prior to it being brought to Jerusalem
kohen gadol who took incense with his hands, are his hands considered Holy vessels? can someone else scoop up the incense? use vessel the same size as hands? use vessel same size as another person’s hands? kohen gadol dies, just after taking hands full of incense, must replacement kohen gadol do his own hands full of incense or use the incense measured by the first kohen gadol?
kohen noticed different floor tile near wood chamber, place where Holy ark is hidden, ark went to Babylon, beneath Holy of holies
miraculously blessed with many children and grandchildren due to having the Holy ark kept in his house
money paid to prostitute used to buy item offered on altar, item itself paid to prostitute not allowed to use offered on altar
multiple items in one vessel combines for holiness
never gazed at a coin
never gazed at a coin
no overcharge claims on sales of slaves, contracts, land and Holy items, unless extreme overcharge
non Holy food prepared on a Holy standard is treated as Holy
north part of the Temple courtyard, place where Holy of Holy offerings are slaughtered, what areas are included?
nullification of Holy things which got mixed into other Holy things which can later be brought as a sacrifice
nullification of sacrificial bread and meat
object created in a Holy state but not specifically guarded for holiness needs to be immersed in a mikveh to be used for holiness, but mikveh isn't needed to use for terumah, stories about this rule
oil that remains attached to a barrel after it was poured out, Holy or chullin?
one amah between the curtains separation the Holy and the Holy of holies, is it part of the Holy or the Holy of holies?
one ark or two arks? sources
one or two curtains separated the Holy and the Holy of holies? sources
one who declares the handiwork of his wife (or his slave) to be Holy, who supports her?
one who eats a shelishi (third level of impurity) is disqualified from eating Holy
one who is pure for terumah is the same as one pure for Holy sacrifices
onen and mechusar kippurim require immersion in mikveh to enable eating Holy things, but not required for terumah
onen on erev Pesach, received news of death of close relative, gathered bones of close relative, converted erev Pesach, partake in Pesach offering or other Holy foods that night?
people of Bais Shemesh gazed at the ark
permitted when Holy ark was not in place
placed inside, or next to, the Holy ark?
prayer of the kohen gadol upon exiting the Holy of holies, short prayer, Shimon Hatzadik predicted his own death after prayer
prefixes to God’s name are not Holy, suffixes are Holy, which names may or may not be erased
problem mixtures when cooking the holier part of the nazir’s ram together with the less Holy, other similar mixtures
rooms built open to the Holy parts, to the less Holy parts, open to both, their roofs, which rooms and roofs are Holy?
route the kohen gadol took entering the Holy of holies, procedure of putting the incense on the coals
sacrificial food handling requires washing in mikveh or just rinsing?
sacrificial meat (what level of holiness was the meat?), piggul and nosar that were together nullified by ordinary meat
sacrificial meat that must be burned that one took while leaving Jerusalem, at what location and for how much meat is returning obligated?
selling Holy items
selling synagogue to buy house of study
separating from immorality makes one Holy
setting up two different eruvs for two consecutive Holy days, permitted?
shemittah produce, when exchanged, still retains its holiness, exchanges with non Holy, will transfer shemittah status to those items, further exchanges will transfer, the second (and further) items in a chain of transfers, will not retain their Holy status, except the last
Shimon Hatzadik saw an image of God in the Holy of holies
shovel from where the incense is scooped, is it a Holy vessel?
size and construction of the ark, how the tablets and the Torah fit inside
size of quorum needed to sell public items
sotah scroll imparts impurity (as is the case with a Holy scroll)?
spring of water will come from the Holy of holies at the end of days, water used to purify niddah and parah adumah?
steps to achieve closeness to God, diligence, cleanliness, purity holiness, humility, fear of sin, divine inspiration, piety, revival of the dead, Elijah the prophet, sources
the amah between the Holy, and the Holy of holies
the words ‘ענייה’ ‘אמירה’ ‘ככה’ ‘כה’ indicate the Holy language
time of announcements needed prior to a sale of kesubah, orphans, or Holy items
Torah in the Temple, kept in the Holy ark or outside?
town square
transferred blood from one Holy vessel to another Holy vessel, is offering still valid?
uncircumcised kohen eating Holy sacrifices
upon seeing the king’s fig cutters coming (to take his tree) he declared the tree Holy for the Temple
using stones of destroyed synagogue
was the Holy status of the God camps and Levite camps and show bread maintained during travels in the desert?
wears fully ordinary linen clothes when entering the Holy of holies
מעלין בקודש ולא מורידין - in regard to Holy things we only ascend, not descend
מעלין בקודש ולא מורידין - in regard to Holy things we only ascend, not descend