39 Results
ash of all things that must be burned are permitted except ash from burned item of Idol Worship
Aviyah was punished after defeating Yeravam ben Nevat because he shamed Yeravam, or he shamed Achiyah HaShiloni, or he didn’t destroy the Idol Worship, or due to defacing the corpses so as not to have them identified which could have allowed the widows to remarry
baal bris was a very small idol shaped like a male organ
baseless hatred is equal or even worse than illicit relations, murder, Idol Worship
bowed down to grain pile then smoothed it out, became object of Idol Worship prior to tithe obligations, or opposite order, warned for one or the other, strict prohibition over a less strict prohibition
chalitzah compared to a shofar of Idol Worship or an ir hanidachas
complete animal required, shearing wool permitted? animal did sodomy? victim of sodomy? designated for Idol Worship?
denigrating idols, altering the name of an idol for purpose of mockery, Beit El called ‘Beit Aven’
dyed a living creature for idolatrous purposes
earth, or earth that was shaped into an image
egg of Idol Worship or hekdesh that became a chick
egg of Idol Worship or hekdesh that became a chick
food of chullin and terumah (and Idol Worship) that mixed or cooked, imparted good or bad taste
healed after an incantation form idolatry
healing incantation in the name of Jesus Pandira, Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said it would have been better that he died and not heard, he died 'like an error proceeding from the ruler'
Hezekiah removed idolatry from the Temple
idols convey ritual impurity
leek or onion of terumah added to remove bad flavor to chullin, not add a positive flavor, hekdesh, Idol Worship stricter
loaf of bread for eruv that one made a vow not to benefit from, loaf of hekdesh, Idol Worship, wine for a nazir, terumah for a yisrael, eruv for a kohen in a bais hapras, kohen in a cemetery?
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for Idol Worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for Idol Worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for Idol Worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above suspicion
made the show bread for the Temple, wouldn’t share the secret, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Garmu at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for Idol Worship, praised for not eating white bread to be above suspicion
medical treatment by a doctor who is an idolator
multiple idolatrous transgressions in one lapse of awareness, liable to a separate sin offering for each one?
of Idol Worship, of an ir hanidachas, compared to a lulav of similar origin
pretext to permit use of a worshipped river
proper kosher slaughter with intent for Idol Worship use
proper kosher slaughter with intent for Idol Worship use
public items can’t become forbidden
reasons for destruction of Tabernacle of Shilo, first Temple, second Temple, Idol Worship, illicit relations, murder, disgracing holidays and offerings, love of money and baseless hatred despite meticulous observance of mitzvos and study of Torah
running and hiding to save one’s life, hide in house of idolatry, or house of sectarian worship?
when forced, one should sin to save his life except violating Idol Worship, certain forbidden relations, murder
who owned wine and is sure that it was not used used for Idol Worship
with intent for Idol Worship
work by Jew for a non Jew during a holiday for Idol Worship
worship of a building or the building materials prior to construction, pieces of a destroyed idol
worshipped for Idol Worship, permitted for use?