73 Results
am haaretz who became careful regarding purity, said that his produce was pure, trusted?
artificial limbs becoming impure due to being considered vessels
ate half kezayis of sacrifices in state of forgetfulness regarding impurity, and second half of kezayis in state of forgetfulness regarding a sacrifice, do they combine?
ate olah or sacrificial parts not permitted for anyone to eat, not liable for kares if eaten
avos implies that there are tolados
blood of mule, story of mule of Rebbi that died
boards nailed or wedged together, one unit or many in regard to impurity or sprinkling for purification?
braided band for a person is susceptible to impurity, is the braid of an animal susceptible to impurity?
burning impure sacrificial meats together despite them being different levels of impurity, impurity lands of the nations, glassware
burning pure Pesach ">chametz of terumah with impure terumah on Pesach, Pesach eve, rabbinic laws, biblical laws
combining fabrics or hides to create a minimum size for impurity
comparison of tree seeds in regard to kilayim and impurity
corpse or piece of corpse missing, assumed to be taken away? searches necessary?
deaf mute insane or minor, have legally significant action but not legally significant intention, when action demonstrates validity of actions, when preparing fruits for impurity?
decree of impurity of foreign lands, glassware, metalware
delaying leaving the Temple when one becomes impure, the amount of delay to become liable
different levels of impurity entering the Temple, different levels emanating from the same source
earthen pots with lids under a roof with a corpse, carried by a zav
eating an amount of impure food to become impure
eight sheratzim, conveying impurity
enters Temple partially impure, either enters three times but less entry each time, or enters for a larger amount but only once
excrement unclean but not impure
flasks with a tied up (repaired) hole, tied flasks of Arabs
food stored in sea reeds, gets damp but doesn’t become susceptible to impurity
fruit juice doesn’t convey impurity except juice from olives and grapes
Gerariko and Gaza were never considered impure despite being beyond the border, partial reason
glass impurity enacted
gourd cooked while still attached to ground able to contract impurity? shriveled figs and grapes
hands transmitting impurity
holy meat of various offerings, became biblically or rabbinically impure inside or outside Temple, burned inside or outside Temple
house built on a boat doesn’t transmit tent impurity, house considered non permanent
house built on a boat, transmits tent impurity?
idols convey ritual impurity
impurity doesn’t attach to replanted plants (owner wanted to replant them), stored onions that took root, are they considered replanted in regards to laws of shabbos (since the owner had no intention to plant them)?
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, shemittah, border and beyond border towns, questions, stories
impurity of the hands, impurity of leaving the Temple, stayed in Temple overnight, hands sanctified at night for the next day’s service, hand purification for the next day done before dawn for the removal of the ashes which is done before dawn, does the tzitz negate the need to purify again? water of kiyor invalidated at nightfall
is fruit juice one of the seven liquids which makes food items susceptible to impurity?
Jordan River barge, why it is susceptible to impurity
key to house entrusted to an am haaretz, contents of house considered impure?
kohen entering cemetery in a box and not becoming impure
leniencies of terumah which are strict for holiness
leniency of corpse impurity for a kohen studying Torah in a house of study
levels of impurity on items and their ability to impart another level of impurity to other items
liquids of the butchering place in the Temple
living thing used as a goleil, transmits impurity?
minor (in age) status, in a case of doubtful impurity
moist seeds in flowerpot with or without a hole, susceptible to impurity?
olives cracked open to examine their readiness, juice leaking out makes them susceptible to impurity?
one who carries a midras object may also carry terumah, but not kodesh
planted in a box or took root in an attic, laws of impurity, shemittah, maaser, shabbos
removing a sheretz from the Temple on Shabbos, removing impure dough
sages were stringent with regard to impurity, items used only occasionally are susceptible to impurity
sandal which is broken
sea water, spoiled beverage, and undrinkable water excluded from impurity laws?
semen of non Jew
ships do not become impure, sources
six cases of doubtful impurity which upon contact, terumah must be burned
skins of animals (which are soft) have the same status as the flesh of the animal, worked into leather, status changes
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
source for rule about doubt of impurity in a private place treated strictly, doubt in public place is considered pure
spit, vessels, knife found in Jerusalem, impure? depending where and when it was found, reasons, blood of a neveilah or sheretz impure?
stylus that broke, but part is still usable, susceptible to impurity?
susceptibility to impurity by getting wet, applies to animals?
the sages do not treat an ignorant person as one with impurity of zav, with respect to terumah
tree products not susceptible to impurity except flax, linen
types of towels that are susceptible to various types of impurity
uncircumcised Jew who became impure from a corpse, may he become purified by sprinkling him with purification water?
vessels that had impure and pure oil rubbed on them, status of vessel
woman gave birth to a stillborn child, which type of impurity?
woman who emits semen within three days of relations is impure, sources