27 Results
carrying by oneself or two carrying an item together, less than the minImum of food in a container, live or dead person, piece of a corpse, piece of animal carcass or a sheretz, item with a foul odor, item that is forbidden to benefit from
carrying, items of minImum value
challah separation from dough that is less than the optimal minImum size
challah taken despite it being below the minImum size, if two such doughs are later combined
chametz stuck in the cracks of a trough, obligated to dispose of? do different pieces combine to become a minImum size? does the dough prevent the removal of impurity when the trough is immersed in a mikveh or sprinkled with purifying water?
combining fabrics or hides to create a minImum size for impurity
divided the minImum size of liability in his mouth and ate it in two parts
donation of incense, minImum size of a kometz assumed when no size specified
donation to Temple, minImum amount when no size specified
grains of five species mixed together as grain, flour, or dough, combine to form minImum measure for challah?
grapes, skins, and seeds combine for the minImum size of liability, comparison to serving idols in various ways, and violation of shabbos in various ways
if a person can only produce impure bread, is it better to bake small loaves that are below the minImum size of the challah obligation, or is it better to create impure challah which will then have to be burned? baker impure, pure person exactly 4 mil away?
korah, minImum standards
maxImum percentage allowed, what is done to the excess above the maxImum
minImum amount of redemption price that would obligate owner to add one fifth to the price
minImum amount of terumas maaser of demai which requires giving it to a kohen
minImum donation size depending on language used when pledging, source
minImum food, clothing, money requirements for a wife, wheat, barley, required to produce wool knitting
minImum size lenient after initial setup
minImum size, where we learn this halachah from, configuration of surrounding work area, no other plants there
minImum value
minImum value
one who uses a minImum sized mikveh while another is emerging or already emerged
ten verse minImum for Torah, twenty one for Prophets
thirteen shekel collection boxes, new shekalim, old shekalim, bird pairs, young olah birds, wood, incense, gold for vessels, six for voluntary communal offerings minImum donations for vows of wood, incense and gold, purpose of the six boxes
whitening, disentangling, dying, spinning, minImum amount to be liable