35 Results
after holy ark was taken, Incense was placed on the shesiyah foundation stone, light emerged from ark, later years kohen gadol groped in the dark, reason it was called the foundation stone, sources
brought to the altar with the left hand, however no other way to do it, going into holy of holies twice
carried on shoulders of the family of Kehas, Elazar carried lamp oil in right hand, Incense in left hand, minchah of the tamid in his arm, anointing oil on his belt
cleaning menorah, burning Incense, which is done first? sources
coals for daily Incense, fire source for menorah, learned from coals of Yom Kippur, use coals and fire closest to the sanctuary
died, mincha offering brought mishnah states brought ‘whole’, explanations of what ‘whole’ means, amount of oil and Incense
donation of Incense, minimum size of a kometz assumed when no size specified
full kometz, not too much or too little, so too hands full of Incense are full but not over or under full
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of Jerusalem, women who weaved for the Temple, Incense, altars, vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and Jerusalem,
honor of burning Incense and carrying shovel of coals brought prosperity, therefore the honor was only given to each kohen once, done by lottery, source
how to deconsecrate and reconsecrate Incense to make them usable for another year after its usable date expired, leftover tamid, chatas, olah offerings
Incense amounts Yom Kippur, ordinary days, ingredients, how to make it
Incense in the morning offered between blood service and burning limbs of tamid offering, wood burning before Incense, source
items donated to the Temple including Incense or animals or wine, oil, birds without instructions whether it is for offerings or upkeep of the Temple
kohen gadol who took Incense with his hands, are his hands considered holy vessels? can someone else scoop up the Incense? use vessel the same size as hands? use vessel same size as another person’s hands? kohen gadol dies, just after taking hands full of Incense, must replacement kohen gadol do his own hands full of Incense or use the Incense measured by the first kohen gadol?
kometz of the omer, Incense of the show bread burned even if impure and no remnants, impure offering meat with blood thrown accepted, tzitz is effective
made the Incense for the Temple
made the Incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the Incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their women not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
Nadav and Avihu the two older sons of Aaron died while serving Incense and leaving out the maaleh ashan spice, they were previously warned about this
partially burned, removed with altar ash, source
prodecure of shoveling coals for Incense, differences between Yom Kippur and other days
recipe for the Temple forbidden or permitted to be made in our times?
route the kohen gadol took entering the holy of holies, procedure of putting the Incense on the coals
Sadducee kohen mocked the water libation and poured the water on his feet, the people threw esrogim at him, mocked the proper procedure of the parah adumah and the procedure of the Incense on Yom Kippur, all done by one kohen or two?
sages of the court and of kohanim administered oath to the kohen gadol that he would follow the proper procedures and not the procedures of the Boethusians, the sages and the kohen gadol cried, stories of kohanim gedolim that deviated from proper practice of the Yom Kippur Incense, parah adumah, water libation on Sukkos, and died, corner of altar damaged
shovel from where the Incense is scooped, is it a holy vessel?
shovel of coals from altar, ladle of Incense, both in the hands of the kohen gadol
simchas bais hashoevah candelabras had wicks from worn out pants of kohanim, light into every courtyard, smelling Incense and enjoying light from the Temple is permitted, worn out pants of kohen gadol made into wicks for inner menorah
six sounds coming from the Temple were heard in Jericho, smell of Incense reached Jericho
stacking two rows of seven instead of six is valid, extra are ignored, Incense put near bread instead of on top
Tabernacle carried on shoulders of the family of Kehas, Elazar carried lamp oil in right hand, Incense in left hand, minchah of the tamid in his arm, anointing oil on his belt
thirteen shekel collection boxes, new shekalim, old shekalim, bird pairs, young olah birds, wood, Incense, gold for vessels, six for voluntary communal offerings minimum donations for vows of wood, Incense and gold, purpose of the six boxes
Yom Kippur Incense services as explained by our sages, their dispute with the Sadducees and Boethusians