Kerem Rivai - Neta Rivai

fourth year fruit which must be eaten in Jerusalem

13 Results
  • adding one fifth when redeeming, peret, oleilos, do these laws apply to kerem rivai?

  • appraisal procedure for redeeming

  • enactment limiting the owner’s ability to redeem grapes when they are close to Jerusalem, reason

  • kerem rivai interacting with: shemittah year, maaser sheni, neta rivai, shemittah requirement to dispose of fruits which are no longer available in the fields ">biur, bikkurim, adding one fifth, holiness, hallel, redemption

  • non Jews obligated, residents of Suria obligated?

  • pious orchard owners set aside money for people took produce without the proper procedure, done at morning or night?

  • planted areas marked every year, or only during a shemittah year

  • planting area of kerem rivai is marked off with clumps of earth

  • rivai is property of the owner, is owner therefore obligated in maaser?