29 Results
bringing from outside the techum, Lashes, removing wart, God calls Pesach offering my offering
but exempt from monetary payment
Pesach ">chametz mixtures forbidden on Pesach, subject to kares? Lashes?, Babylonian kutach, Median beer, vinegar of Edom, broth of dyers, dough of cooks, glue of scribes, women’s cosmetics
covering kilayim seeds with earth, Lashes
declaration of nazir in cemetery or he left the cemetery, purified, then re-entered the cemetery, warnings, Lashes
deliberately ate terumah, repayment? Lashes? both? can a person receive 2 penalties for one act?
for rebelliousness
impure person only gets Lashes for entering the holy area of 185 amos by 135 amos
in a case where penalties of Lashes or kares as well as payments are due, are only Lashes given? money?
juiced oral fruit that one drank will not incur Lashes unless it was olives or grapes
kares penalty and monetary fine? Lashes?
kares penalty and monetary fine? Lashes?
Lashes and payment? when warned or not warned? a matter given over to Heaven? alongside a death penalty? one transgression or two transgressions? one act or two acts? becoming subject to Lashes and payment at the same time? transgression has permissibility after its prohibition?
Lashes are only given for eating maaser sheni outside Jerusalem if it was first in Jerusalem and pure
Lashes for eating foods with flavors from prohibited foods mixed into permitted foods? flavor from foods prohibited to nazir?
levi may not eat unprocessed maaser that didn’t have terumas maaser taken off, but won’t get Lashes
meat found outside Jerusalem, permitted? Lashes? meat bought in store some kosher some not, found outside store, found in the hand of an idolater, stories
mixed animal types, leading together, leading or sitting in wagon, Lashes?
mixtures of 5 grains made into one dough, non kohen liable for Lashes if he eats it
no Lashes and monetary punishment for two transgressions in one act, terumah chametz, terumah wine nazir, terumah Yom Kippur
no Lashes for violating a custom
non kohen inadvertently eats terumah, payment monetary or penalty? receives Lashes and pays?
plowing in shemittah, Lashes? digging ditches for other purposes?
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, Lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, Lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, Lashes for deviating from this order?
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, Lashes for deviating from this order?
warnings and Lashes for each moment nazir doesn't leave cemetery, same as impure person delaying leaving the temple, continuous drinking of wine, kohen delaying leaving cemetery