113 Results
‘take 20 of my figs’ as compared to ‘take a basketful of figs’ in regard to tithing obligations and monetary law
a daughter of a levi had illicit relations may still eat maaser
agent to deduct tithes compared to an agent to set up an eruv techumin for Shabbos in regard to trust
almonds, bitter, sweet, maaser obligation
am haaretz gifted figs, recipient’s maaser obligations based on the language of the gifting and other factors
am haaretz gives figs to a people in house or gate owned by one of them, bringing into his house causes tithe obligation?
animals designated as maaser despite being number 9 or 11, but not 10
barley, wheat, shelling by hand, maaser obligation or exempt depending on exactly how it is done
barter as a form of purchase, does barter create a tithe obligation?
buying fruit still attached to be chosen one by one by the buyer, choosing many that are still attached, exempt from tithes?
buying produce with Torah granted rights (eating while working) doesn’t cause an obligation of tithes, parameters of rights to pick and eat while working
chaver (and surely an am haaretz) who sent olives from a vat, saplings, or fenugreek needs to deduct all tithes
dates, figs, partially processed bought from an am haaretz, may he eat them casually? treated as demo? tevel?
designated as hekdesh and redeemed prior to or after maaser obligation took effect, or in hekdesh possession when maaser obligation took effect, what is the maaser obligation and at what stage of growth does the obligation begin?
designating tithes from inferior produce on behalf of superior produce of demai
divided in thirds, one part to kohanim and levied, one third to the temple treasury, one third to the poor and Torah scholars
does premature deduction of terumah trigger restrictions or further tithing obligations on the produce?
during second temple period they accepted upon themselves obligation of maasros voluntarily
eating one olive dipped in salt
Egyptian bean, six rules
enactments of demai in Suria
fig tree in courtyard, branch in garden, may eat, exempt from tithe, tree in garden, branch in courtyard, may eat one at a time, where was the man standing? did he pick them with a pole while standing in a different domain?
figs brought to courtyard, to be dried, children wife household may eat, may owner eat? why wife different than workers?
figs to be dried (work not completed), brought onto courtyard (usually signals maaser obligation), children and workers eat?
five grains are obligated in maaser
flowerpot without hole, maaser is a rabbinic law
found figs, carob, olives, dried figs, on road, between fields, keep them? obligated to tithe? feeding animals carob from roof
fruit trees not planted for their fruit, obligated in maaser?
gifting produce doesn’t cause a tithe obligation, selling does, variations of gifting and selling
gourd cooked while still attached to ground subject to maaser?
grain less than a third ripe mixed into ripe grain, not dragged along to be subject to maasros
greatness and power over divine decrees by the ones who give maaser
grew one third in unperforated flower pot, then in perforated, obligated in maaser?
hekdesh treasurer smoothed the pile of grain after it was donated, an act usually done by the owner, is his act recognized?
hevker produce exempt from tithes, found produce in a basket not exempt and must be returned to owner, eat and repay or sell to preserve the owner’s interests, tevel or demo?
houses, buildings, structures, huts, porches, rooftops which triggers a maaser obligation when produce is brought there
how to change the status of a courtyard to no longer be considered a courtyard in regard to the laws of maaser
impurity of foreign lands, obligation of maaser, shemittah, on border, beyond border towns,, questions, stories
inedible seeds not subject to maaser, may be bought from anyone, even if seeds that produced these plants were terumah
kernels of grain found in ant tunnels near a pile of grains that are obligated in maaser, are also obligated in maaser
kohen or levi assisting on the threshing floor to guide the tithes and terunah to themselves invalidates the gift and causes destruction of the temple due to the corruption
laws of maaser and kilayim can’t draw conclusions from one another
leniencies in the laws of challah, maaser, and terumah from outside Israel, terumah and maaser was later abolished
levi continually separating terumas maasar from impure pile of tevel on behalf of pure piles, inadvertently? deliberately?
levi may not eat unprocessed maaser that didn’t have terumas maaser taken off, but won’t get lashes
maaser and terumah biblical or rabbinic obligation in our time?
maaser obligation for a Jew who bought a field from a non Jew in Suria, compared to grain partially grown in shemittah year, partially grown while ownerless, hekdesh, owned by non Jew, in roofed house,
maaser rishon taken before terumah grain while still in ears, exempted from terumah?
maaser rishon tevel (of terumas maaser) mixed withchullin renders it forbidden in smallest amount, its correction
maaser taken off, the rectified produce is identified later
maaser, shemittah, challah obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
may maaser be given to a kohen?
may maaser be given to a kohen?
methods of calculating maasros and times of year that calculations are made
mitzvah for a fruit to be obligated in maaser, and mitzvah of esrog may have two different standards
mixture of olives, some had maaser deducted, some didn’t
mushrooms and truffles not considered produce of the land
obligated in maaser and exempt from challah, rice, millet, poppy, sesame, legumes
obligation for maaser is for food, protected, and grown from the ground, matured, or food eaten prior to maturity, source
one may eat a full cluster of grapes that grew in a courtyard according to Rabbi Tarpon, reason
one who separates his tithes properly will not lose anything
onion planted, maaser taken off, replanted, onion grew more, maaser due on the whole onion again
owner told Levi that he will give him maaser, Levi deducts terumas maaser, owner had already given it to another Levi
ownerless produce exempt from maaser
passes through a courtyard, tithe obligation? picked produce before Shabbos to eat after Shabbos, tithe obligation?
planted in a box or took root in an attic, laws of impurity, shemittah, maaser, shabbos
planted in an unperforated flower pot or in a house, laws of orlah, maaser, shemittah
planted maaser, what obligations exist on the growth of the plant?
plants that produce more than one edible part, maaser obligation for each? intent for use of plant changed
produce (but not the land) of Suria owned by Jew, sharecropper, what is his maaser obligation?
produce becomes level and therefore obligated in maaser, pickling, cooking, salting, squeezing and collecting oil in one’s hand, skimming wine in a cooked pot, purchased, separating terumah, Shabbos food, entering a protected courtyard
produce grown in courtyard, ate at top of tree, figs fell into courtyard, branches or roots inside courtyard or inside Israel, the rest outside
produce grown in overseas soil from that was brought into Israel, obligated in maaser, shemittah, challah?
produce that only grows outside of Israel is exempt from maaser, and may be bought from anyone
products that are harvested late for the purpose of growing more seeds, but not food, or just for food
proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, maaser sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?
purchased figs or brought them into a courtyard, then wants them one at a time, tithes obligated?
rebuke those who try to circumvent tithe obligations
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial bread
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial bread
relationships that enable or disqualify a woman from eating terumah, maaser, breast, thigh, sacrificial bread
replanting saplings, turnips, radishes, onions, wheat kernels
restriction on selling attached produce to untrustworthy people when maaser stage is reached
restriction on selling straw, olive residue, grape skins to an untrustworthy person, separating maaser for extracted juice
sale of produce triggers an obligation to tithe?
salting creates tevel and therefore obligates maaser
selling the rights of which levi the maaser will be given to, levi takes maaser without the owner’s permission
shabbos food creates tevel and therefore obligates maaser, actions of children creating a maaser obligation
smoothing the pile of someone else’s grain, completes to process of making it tevel and therefore obligation of maaser
soil in a ship brought from overseas to Israel, treated as land of Israel?
stage of growth when the maaser obligation begins
temed produced from sediments that were untithed, fermented, not fermented
temed, when more liquid extracted than the water which created the temed, subject to maasros, but not terumah
temporary place of dwelling can sometimes qualify as bringing into one’s house, to obligate tithes
terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a non Jew or Cuthi
the point in production when various foods or oil become obligated in maaser
transferring to outside Israel, made ownerless, declared to be peah, requires tithes to be taken off?
tree partially inside Israel and partially outside, partially obligated
tree partially inside Israel and partially outside, partially obligated
trusting a person who isn’t trusted for maaser to purchase food which had maaser properly taken off
turnips, radishes that are being replanted to eat later, obligated in tithes at time of uprooting?
unfinished fruit placed in a basket that had terumah or maaser taken, is casual eating permitted?
usually deducted at the threshing floor or at home?
vegetables and fruit which are subject to maaser either early and or late in their growth
when picking two figs with an interval in between, is considered one picking
which grain considered new or old in regard to maasros?
wife and children can sometimes eat figs without taking tithes, sometimes tithes are required
wine drinking, formal way and casual way
wine in barrels designated as terumah as compared to sacks of grains designated as terumah or maaser
workers eating produce they are working with, depending on if it’s part of their pay, or not included in their pay
Yochanan kohen gadol abolished saying viduy maaser, reason
Yochanan kohen gadol abolished saying viduy maaser, reason