Maaser Sheni

a second ten percent designation to be eaten in Jerusalem in years 1,2,4,5 of the 7 year cycle, years 3 and 6 are given to poor people

149 Results
  • ‘give me a loaf of bread and i am certain to give you shemittah vegetables’, permitted?

  • accidentally or on purpose used Maaser Sheni funds to buy an animal, if no Temple animal left to die, buried with hide

  • accidentally or on purpose used Maaser Sheni funds to buy produce, if no Temple produce should rot

  • after transporting the Maaser Sheni in a permitted way, the owner said ‘take your share and i will take my share’

  • am haaretz was seen redeeming an amount of Maaser Sheni, how much produce can one buy from him and assume that maaser was deducted?

  • am haaretz who deducted some tithes trusted to have done other tithing obligations?

  • anoint with Maaser Sheni oil in Jerusalem? situations where Maaser Sheni is more strict than terumah

  • anointing with Maaser Sheni oil as compared to anointing on Shabbos

  • appraisal is done by one competent merchant

  • Arbel - exchanging Maaser Sheni money

  • barrels that are filled with Maaser Sheni wine, aside from the wine, what is the status of the barrels?

  • bereirah will determine which part of a pitcher of wine is Maaser Sheni or chullin based on who drinks it

  • bought slaves, land, non kosher animals, bird offerings, must spent the same money on proper Maaser Sheni purchases

  • bought with Maaser Sheni funds, water, salt, produce attached to the ground, fruits that won’t be edible if brought to Jerusalem, purchase doesn’t take effect

  • branches extending outside Jerusalem are considered part of Jerusalem

    • Perek / Halacha: Maasros 3:4
    • Oz Vehadar / Artscroll: 29a 31b-32a
    • Vilna Shas: 17a 18a
    • Academy of Hebrew Language: 277
    • Venice / Bomberg: 50b 51a
  • bring this Maaser Sheni to Jerusalem and ‘we will divide it’ as compared to ‘we will eat and drink it’, difference unclear

  • bring this Maaser Sheni to Jerusalem and we will divide it, is forbidden

  • brought on weekdays, only in pure state, when Pesach isn’t sufficient to satiate, from cattle, male or female animals, eaten for 2 days and one night, may use Maaser Sheni money unlike Pesach offering

  • buying animals with Maaser Sheni money was prohibited to prevent diversion of potential offerings

  • coin partially endowed with Maaser Sheni value, value of coin then changed

  • coins of all nations accepted for Maaser Sheni in Jerusalem

  • coins of all nations accepted for Maaser Sheni in Jerusalem

  • coins of Maaser Sheni and chullin that got mixed up, transferring Maaser Sheni status from one type of coin to another

  • coins of one person being deconsecrated onto produce of a different person, coins and produce in two different locations

  • coins, completed produce of Maaser Sheni, untithed produce entered Jerusalem, may they leave? must they be returned?

  • deconsecrated onto an unmarked coin, unusable coin, or coin not in one’s possession

  • difference between Maaser Sheni money buying todah loaves, and Maaser Sheni loaves redesignated as todah loaves

  • evaluation of Maaser Sheni as whole fruits or cut fruits which are worth less

  • exchanging small coins onto larger or the opposite, limitations on that right

  • father appeared in a dream and revealed holiness status of funds, do we follow his instructions?

  • fenugreek of Maaser Sheni preparation treated more strictly than fenugreek of terumah

  • figs and grapes in baskets intended for eating are finished and don’t need drying, tithes obligated

  • food bought with Maaser Sheni funds which became impure, deer purchased alive or slaughtered which became impure, non kosher animal, must need to be able to stand up and be evaluated? milk of animals?

  • foods that can be bought with Maaser Sheni funds according to Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Yishmael

  • forbidden to sell, use as security, trade, use as weight, but may be gifted

  • found coins, vessels or barrel with writing indicating holiness, items of deceased father, doves, what status do we assume?

  • fulfill matzah obligation by using wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, demai, maaser whose terumah was taken, redeemed Maaser Sheni, redeemed hekdesh, kohanim can use challah or terumah but not bikkurim, may not use tevel, maaser whose terumah wasn’t taken, unredeemed Maaser Sheni, unredeemed hekdesh, todah loaves, nazir wafers, grains used for challah

  • gave half shekel that had been designated for someone else, from hekdesh Maaser Sheni or shemittah funds, consecrated items misused

  • gift of Maaser Sheni, is it the same as a sale and therefore forbidden?

  • growths from terumah, growths of growths, halachic status, tevel, maaser, sefichin, terumah from outside Israel, mixture of chullin and terumah, bikkurim, hekdesh, Maaser Sheni, redeeming growths of hekdesh and Maaser Sheni

  • Har Hamelech - money used for Maaser Sheni

  • healing on Shabbos, eating, drinking various items, ailments from the lips and inward, danger to life, uttering incantations, applying oil, in a different way than during the week, comparison to using wine, Maaser Sheni, or terumah

  • how to circumvent the Maaser Sheni obligation, who may not partake in this strategy

  • in our time, an attempt to redeem Maaser Sheni produce onto money is ineffective

  • ingredients of Maaser Sheni that must be destroyed that got mixed into a food dish of chullin

  • items bought for Maaser Sheni which aren’t food, animal skins, wine jugs, nut shells, unfermented temed water, fruit baskets

  • Jerusalem is like a protected courtyard, creating tevel for finished produce

  • Katzrah - money used for Maaser Sheni

  • kerem rivai interacting with: shemittah year, Maaser Sheni, neta rivai, shemittah requirement to dispose of fruits which are no longer available in the fields ">biur, bikkurim, adding one fifth, holiness, hallel, redemption

  • lashes are only given for eating Maaser Sheni outside Jerusalem if it was first in Jerusalem and pure

  • law forbidding anointing with Maaser Sheni oil, rabbinic? biblical? negative or positive commandment?

  • laws which apply to bikkurim but not terumah or Maaser Sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with a sacrifice, song, waving, and staying overnight

  • laws which apply to bikkurim but not terumah or Maaser Sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with a sacrifice, song, waving, and staying overnight

  • laws which apply to bikkurim but not terumah or Maaser Sheni, designated while still attached, no limit, responsible to replace, brought together with a sacrifice, song, waving, and staying overnight

  • laws which apply to Maaser Sheni and bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources

  • laws which apply to Maaser Sheni and bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources

  • laws which apply to Maaser Sheni and bikkurim but not terumah, bringing to Jerusalem, confession, and some say they are forbidden to an onen, must do biur, and once it came into and then left Jerusalem mixtures and additional growths are forbidden to eat, sources

  • laws which apply to terumah and Maaser Sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple sharecroppers and land robbers obligated

  • laws which apply to terumah and Maaser Sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated

  • laws which apply to terumah and Maaser Sheni, but not bikkurim, reaching the threshing floor creates forbidden status on the grain, there is a required amount to be given, all fruits are obligated, even if no Temple, sharecroppers and land robbers obligated

  • leek or onion of terumah added to remove bad flavor to chullin, not add a positive flavor, hekdesh, idol worship stricter

  • Maaser Sheni money deconsecrated onto produce while Temple stood, then it was destroyed, produce should be left to rot

  • Maaser Sheni of unknown value is assessed by three people, one of who may be the owner or a non Jew

  • Maaser Sheni produce may be redeemed onto other produce providing that it is the same type of produce

  • Maaser Sheni that enters Jerusalem after the destruction of the temple

  • Maaser Sheni that one owns nowadays, what to do with it?

  • may be assessed based on the worst time of the day, season, and year for the redemption price

  • may be used for eating food, drinking drinks, anointing with proper oils or creams, must be completely consumed in their proper way, not spoiled

  • minimum amount of redemption price that would obligate owner to add one fifth to the price

  • mixtures of chullin and Maaser Sheni values the Maaser Sheni percentage if recognizable, recognizable by weight or flavor?

  • more money than what was needed was set aside to redeem Maaser Sheni or hekdesh

  • obligated in challah and exempt from maaser, leket, shikchah, peah, hevker, maaser that terumah of maaser was removed, redeemed Maaser Sheni or hekdesh, leftover of the omer offering, sources, grain that didn’t grow one third?

  • obligation to destroy Maaser Sheni that is left over

  • of Jerusalem obligated to separate challah?

  • one can say ‘bring Maaser Sheni to Jerusalem is that we can eat and drink together’

  • one may not deconsecrate one’s Maaser Sheni coins onto the produce of an am haaretz unless they are demai

  • owner of Maaser Sheni produce and another potential redeemer place competing bids, owner must add one fifth to his bid

  • permitting produce or bitter vetch to leave Jerusalem for the purpose of processing

  • price fluctuation during a transaction of buying Maaser Sheni

  • profiting from a price differential by exchanging Maaser Sheni coins in another place

  • proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, Maaser Sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?

  • proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, Maaser Sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?

  • proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, Maaser Sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?

  • proper order of tithes, bikkurim, terumah, maaser, Maaser Sheni, lashes for deviating from this order?

  • purchase terumah with Maaser Sheni money? reduces likelihood of it being consumed, as compared to buying shelamim with Maaser Sheni money, Pesach offerings got mixed with first borns

  • purchased a non domestic animal for a shelamim or a domestic animal for meat of desire, does offspring have first born status? are the sacrificial parts burned?

  • redeemed according to wholesale prices, not retail

  • redeemed Maaser Sheni with coins by thought without verbalizing

  • redeeming bitter vetch of Maaser Sheni the became

  • redeeming ma”aser sheni not permitted if evaluation is 1/36 below value, or onto half perutah coin

  • redeeming Maaser Sheni that has a different value in different places, evaluation of Maaser Sheni , permissible to move it?

  • redeeming Maaser Sheni, calculate value of actual Maaser Sheni ingredients and non Maaser Sheni ingredients

  • rules of sacrifices, Maaser Sheni, and sacrifices of lower level holiness from prior to the Tabernacle, thru the periods of Gilgal, Shilo, Nov and Givon until the Jerusalem Temple

  • since maaser beheimah can’t be sold, it may be more strict than Maaser Sheni which can be redeemed or deconsecrated

  • take this Maaser Sheni wine to Jerusalem and we will eat oil there’, permitted?

  • temed unfermented is water, therefore invalid for Maaser Sheni, can invalidate a mikveh, if fermented it is okay for Maaser Sheni

  • temed used for Maaser Sheni

  • that became impure can be redeemed even in Jerusalem, became impure prior to or after entering Jerusalem, higher level or lower level impurity

  • using Maaser Sheni money to buy animals or produce outside Jerusalem

  • when Maaser Sheni money is used to acquire items not appropriate for Maaser Sheni, the transaction and holiness is transferred to the purchased items despite that he needs to go out and buy new Maaser Sheni food

  • when selling Maaser Sheni produce, the produce should be represented as if it is chullin

  • when value to redeem is too low, deconsecrating onto a sela coin, even multiple times

  • why are some inappropriate Maaser Sheni purchases cancelled, and others requires new equivalent purchases?

  • wine designated as terumah or Maaser Sheni includes the sealed barrel, oil doesn’t include the barrel

  • wine designated as terumah or Maaser Sheni includes the sealed barrel, oil doesn’t include the barrel

  • wine in barrels designated as Maaser Sheni excludes the barrel if some of its contents are chullin

  • wine in barrels designated as terumah as compared to sacks of grains designated as terumah or maaser