a mixture of terumah and chullin where the terumah part is more than one hundredth of the mixture

7 Results
  • doughs exempted from challah (rice, terumah, terumah and chullin where the terumah part is more than one hundredth of the mixture ">Medumah, belonging to no Jew) connecting other doughs which are obligated but are too small, do not combine to obligate in challah, doughs which are exempt (other species, belongs to another, new flour dough whose challah is taken) combining obligated doughs? kav of hekdesh combines, kav of challah does not combine

  • sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, Medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?

  • sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, Medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?

  • sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, Medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?

  • sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, Medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill obligation of matzah on Pesach?

  • terumah of non Jew renders mixture terumah and chullin where the terumah part is more than one hundredth of the mixture ">Medumah