122 Results
a minor or a Non Jew separating terumah, designating a sacrifice or other holy things
a minor or a Non Jew separating terumah, designating a sacrifice or other holy things
a minor who grew up, or a Non Jew who converted, with a prior kesubah
Akko - Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel sat on Non Jewish bench on Shabbos
animals fertilizing fields on Shabbos, holidays, chol hamoed, Non Jewish workers
animals fertilizing fields on Shabbos, holidays, chol hamoed, Non Jewish workers
animals fertilizing fields on Shabbos, holidays, chol hamoed, Non Jewish workers
are Non Jews commanded to give up their life rather than violate their commandments?
Bais Shean - a document signed by Non Jews
bread baked by Non Jews, lenient law, obscure law
bread of Non Jews
buying a house in Israel from a Non Jew on Shabbos
causing kilayim on someone else’e property, Non Jew’s property
Pesach ">chametz of Non Jew left in Jew’s house over Pesach, Pesach ">chametz of Jew left over Pesach, forbidden, source
Pesach ">chametz of Non Jew or Jew after Pesach, during Pesach, eating, benefit
chametz of Non Jew that rolled onto the Jew’s roof
contracting on shemittah to rent a plowed field after shemittah, encouraging Non Jews who work their field on shemittah, helping the Non Jew detach his beehive
courtyard shared with Non Jew, or Jew who doesn’t accept the eruv
courtyard shared with Non Jew, resident alien, resident slave, brazen apostate, government official, quartered soldiers, Sadducee
cursed and blessed by a Non Jew
deaf mute, minor, insane, separating from what is not his, Non Jew, excluded from separating terumah, sources and reasons,
deaf, insane, minor, woman permitted to write a divorce document? can they (and blind and Non Jew) deliver it? Any of the above people whose classification changed (a Non Jew who converted) is accepted
decree not to marry a Non Jewish daughter, previously the halachah only forbade the seven nations
desecrating Shabbos to save lives is praiseworthy, consulting or questioning is like murder, should be done by adult Jews and not by children or Non Jews, miraculous stories about letting a fire burn when there is no danger to life, only loss of possessions
differences between large and small, Jews and Non Jews, halachah
differences between vows of Jews and Non Jews
does a Non Jew have ownership of land in Israel?
does a Non Jew have ownership of land in Israel?
dough of Non Jew worked by a Jew, gifted to a Jew, partnership, dough of Non Jew who converted
eighteen decrees, bread of Non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a Non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked foods, salted foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their bikkurim
encouraging a Non Jew who is working his field on shemittah
extinguishing a dangerous fire should be done by adult Jews, not minors or Non Jews, in certain cases Non Jews were encouraged to put it out, in some cases they let it burn itself out
field owned by a Non Jew, produce permitted on shemittah
fire on Shabbos, may a Non Jew or minor put it out?, must one refuse help?, hinting, parent may allow minor, or insist that he doesn’t put out the fire, minor picking grass, difference between a minor picking grass and extinguishing a fire
food re-cooked by Non Jews
gave up their lives to avoid doing a Non Jewish custom
genealogy and halachic status of a Jewish man with a slave woman or a Non Jewish woman
genealogy of Non Jews
giving food to a Non Jew who may transport it on Shabbos
goes free if sold to Non Jew or to someone outside Israel
going to Shabbos boundary on Shabbos to help a bride, care for the dead, Non Jew brought flutes, prepared coffin, grave
grafting permitted by Non Jew, not by Jew
grown in Suria, Non Jew owned, sold to Jew one third grown, or totally grown under Non Jewish ownership, kneaded in Israel, obligated in challah?
it isn’t enough that the Non Jews don’t thank us, they then put heavy taxes and fines on us
item in possesion of a Non Jew when Shabbos or Yom Tov began
Jew and Non Jew in the same chatzer
Jew working in Non Jews field, eating tevel for a snack according to all opinions
Jews and Non Jews in the conversion process who are partners who had dough below the size of obligation then added later
loan document signed by Non Jews was accepted by Reish Lakish so that lenders won’t hesitate to lend money
maaser obligation for a Jew who bought a field from a Non Jew in Suria, compared to grain partially grown in shemittah year, partially grown while ownerless, hekdesh, owned by Non Jew, in roofed house,
maaser sheni of unknown value is assessed by three people, one of who may be the owner or a Non Jew
mail sent by a Jew with a Non Jew who may violate Shabbos laws, depending on which day of the week
master borrowed money and pledged slave to guarantee loan then freed him, compared to a Jew who loans Non Jew money before Pesach with Pesach ">chametz as collateral
may eat a neveilah
Non Jew brings out produce from his home and says that it is terumah, maaser, or maaser sheni
Non Jew brought or deposited chametz into a Jew’s house, rented a room
Non Jew from overseas or convert who died who sent an olah with or without nesachim
Non Jew given piece work to do, must he be given time to complete the task prior to the start of Shabbos?
Non Jew lit a lamp, transported water, built a ramp, may Jew benefit? intended for himself? for the Jew? for both?
Non Jew may bring nowadays, what type of sacrifice?
Non Jew may not separate terumah, agent separating, Jew separating for a Non Jew who chooses to give terumah
Non Jew who has partial ownership in an animal fully exempts the animal from the laws of first born
Non Jew who plants kilayim, Jew replant from a cutting off of the kilayim tree?
Non Jew working for Jew on Shabbos, piece work, salary, work connected to the ground, in or out of Jewish neighborhood
Non Jew’s chametz in a Jew’s house
Non Jewish names as signators, from outside or inside Israel
Non Jewish names as signators, verify their validity by by signing in a court, synagogue, or Jewish store
Non Jewish names were common outside Israel, but uncommon in Israel
Non Jews being evaluated or declaring a valuation vow, can they be subject to or declare nazir status on a Jew?
Non Jews obligated, residents of Suria obligated?
Non Jews, kilayim, shatnez, mating different animals
Non Jews, women, slaves
not eligible to separate terumah, deaf, insane, minor, non owner, Non Jew, sources, reasons, exceptions, marriage, divorce
obligated in many mitzvos, nullify idols
offerings missing limbs not acceptable
one may lend kitchen equipment to one suspected of violating sheviis or impurity laws, but may not assist in the forbidden work to not assist a sinner, lending permitted due to peaceful ways, may encourage a Non Jew working on shemittah due to peaceful ways
one witness or the wife testifying about her husband’s death, testimony from a woman, slave, maid, written document, witness to witness, from relatives, Non Jewish innkeeper
one witness or the wife testifying about her husband’s death, testimony from a woman, slave, maid, written document, witness to witness, from relatives, Non Jewish innkeeper
partitions for drawing water from wells, leniency, travelers to Jerusalem, Jews and Non Jews sharing
promoting the mitzvah of buying land from Non Jews in Israel
promoting the mitzvah of buying land from Non Jews in Israel
redeeming people who sell themselves or their children to Non Jews
redeeming people who sell themselves or their children to Non Jews
renting from a Jew, renting from a Non Jew
renting space from an innkeeper to complete an eruv, one room rented to a Non Jew who isn’t present when Shabbos began
resident or residents of a chatzer who forgot or refused to be included in the eruv, Jews, Non Jews
resident who went away for Shabbbos, Jew, Non Jew
response to a blessing of a Non Jew or a Cuthi
restrictions on who they may marry
selling chametz to a Non Jew
selling farm equipment or a plowing cow during shemittah to people suspected of farming or a Non Jew
selling to, or loading or lifting with a Non Jew on Friday
semen of Non Jew
signed by people with Non Jewish names was considered valid with pretext that they were Jews with Non Jewish names
sitting on Non Jew’s stool on Shabbos, two brothers in bathhouse at the same time, wearing gold loose shoes on Shabbos
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a Non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a Non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
skull of Ornan (Aravnah) the Jebusite, a Non Jew, transmitted impurity from under the altar in the Temple
status of nationality of child born of mixed marriage of two Non Jews follows the father
Susisah - city of mostly Non Jews
terumah of Non Jew renders mixture terumah and chullin where the terumah part is more than one hundredth of the mixture ">medumah
terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a Non Jew
terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a Non Jew or a Cuthi
terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a Non Jew or Cuthi
terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a Non Jew or Cuthi
terumah, maaser, hekdesh, kerem rivai separated by a Non Jew or Cuthi
told student of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi that it was permitted to eat shemittah fruit from a Non Jew’s field
travelling, Shabbos arrives, give Non Jew muktzah items, or place on donkey, unloading upon arrival to first courtyard
tree planted for the public, planted on public land, Non Jew planted, robber planted, planted on a boat, grew on its own
uncircumcised Jew, Non Jew, Cuthi, without intent, with idol intent performing a circumcision
validity of documents issued by a Non Jewish court
validity of documents issued by a Non Jewish court
walled, then destroyed or became Non Jewish
washing, pickling vegetables on Yom Kippur, asking Non Jewish baker on Yom Kippur to bake loaves, preparation for breaking fast
we don't overpay for buying Torah scrolls, tefillin, and mezuzos from Non Jews, don’t buy from them at all?
what types of comments, unidentified voices, or testimony is acceptable to allow a woman to remarry, Jew, Non Jew
who doesn't agree to be circumcised or wants to remain a resident Non Jew
who had relations with a mamzer, a Non Jew, or another androgyne becomes unfit to eat terumah, his wife can still eat terumah, his slaves may not
work by Jew for a Non Jew during a holiday for idol worship
work by Non Jew on behalf of mourner
Yose ben Simlai paid Non Jewish fire fighters for their offer to extinguish a fire on Shabbos, Rabbi Yonah offered to repay their loss