35 Results
are Non Jews commanded to give up their life rather than violate their commandments?
Bais Shean - a document signed by Non Jews
bread baked by Non Jews, lenient law, obscure law
bread of Non Jews
contracting on shemittah to rent a plowed field after shemittah, encouraging Non Jews who work their field on shemittah, helping the non Jew detach his beehive
definition of unintentional transgression of Shabbos, forgets or does not know essence of Shabbos? forgets essence of Shabbos liable to one sin offering or one for each Shabbos? child captured and raised among Non Jews, considered forgetting?
desecrating Shabbos to save lives is praiseworthy, consulting or questioning is like murder, should be done by adult Jews and not by children or Non Jews, miraculous stories about letting a fire burn when there is no danger to life, only loss of possessions
differences between large and small, Jews and Non Jews, halacha
differences between vows of Jews and Non Jews
eighteen decrees, bread of Non Jews, cheese, oil, daughters, semen, urine, baal keri laws, impurity of lands outside Israel, eating or drinking foods of impurity, rules about mikveh, holy scrolls are impure, unwashed hands, tevul yom, liquids that made other items impure, giving a non Jew his purse to carry on Shabbos, zav not eating with a zavah, items covering an impurity spreads the impurity, harvesting grapes in a bais hapras, mikveh water unwittingly collected in a pipe, wine, vinegar, brine and sauce from fish, preserves, cooked foods, salted foods, split kernels, foreign languages, testimony of idolators, their gifts, sons, and daughters, and their bikkurim
extinguishing a dangerous fire should be done by adult Jews, not minors or Non Jews, in certain cases Non Jews were encouraged to put it out, in some cases they let it burn itself out
food re-cooked by Non Jews
foods which are edible in a raw state are not forbidden even if cooked
genealogy of Non Jews
it isn’t enough that the Non Jews don’t thank us, they then put heavy taxes and fines on us
Jew working in Non Jews field, eating tevel for a snack according to all opinions
Jews and Non Jews in the conversion process who are partners who had dough below the size of obligation then added later
loan document signed by Non Jews was accepted by Reish Lakish so that lenders won’t hesitate to lend money
Non Jews being evaluated or declaring a valuation vow, can they be subject to or declare nazir status on a Jew?
Non Jews obligated, residents of Suria obligated?
Non Jews, kilayim, shatnez, mating different animals
Non Jews, women, slaves
partitions for drawing water from wells, leniency, travelers to Jerusalem, Jews and Non Jews sharing
promoting the mitzvah of buying land from Non Jews in Israel
promoting the mitzvah of buying land from Non Jews in Israel
recooked food is not subject to this restriction
redeeming people who sell themselves or their children to Non Jews
redeeming people who sell themselves or their children to Non Jews
resident or residents of a chatzer who forgot or refused to be included in the eruv, Jews, Non Jews
status of nationality of child born of mixed marriage of two Non Jews follows the father
Susisah - city of mostly Non Jews
thought does not effect susceptibility to impurity, for terumah his thought has legal impact
validity of documents issued by a non Jewish court
we don't overpay for buying Torah scrolls, tefillin, and mezuzos from Non Jews, don’t buy from them at all?