159 Results
‘take 20 of my figs’ as compared to ‘take a basketful of figs’ in regard to tithing Obligations and monetary law
a divorce cannot completely sever a yibum Obligation, yibum)">chalitzah cannot sever an ordinary marriage
a divorce cannot completely sever a yibum Obligation, yibum)">chalitzah cannot sever an ordinary marriage
a divorce document cannot completely sever a yibum Obligation, yibum)">chalitzah cannot sever an ordinary marriage
almonds, bitter, sweet, maaser Obligation
am haaretz gifted figs, recipient’s maaser Obligations based on the language of the gifting and other factors
am haaretz gives figs to a people in house or gate owned by one of them, bringing into his house causes tithe Obligation?
am haaretz who deducted some tithes trusted to have done other tithing Obligations?
amount of flour in the dough which creates the challah Obligation, ratio of dough which much be given as challah
baked in pan subject to challah? blessing hamotzi? fulfill Obligation on Pesach? boiled or submerged in water? baked in sun? baked with fire at side?
barley, wheat, shelling by hand, maaser Obligation or exempt depending on exactly how it is done
barter as a form of purchase, does barter create a tithe Obligation?
beam which was stolen and built into a building, Obligation is only to return the value of the beam, make it easier to repent for stealing the beam
biur Obligation when produce is finished in fields, certain types of fields may be exceptions, walled, guarded?
bowed down to grain pile then smoothed it out, became object of idol worship prior to tithe Obligations, or opposite order, warned for one or the other, strict prohibition over a less strict prohibition
buying produce with Torah granted rights (eating while working) doesn’t cause an Obligation of tithes, parameters of rights to pick and eat while working
challah Obligation after it was designated as terumah? terumah Obligation after it was designated as challah?
challah Obligation depends on intent?
challah Obligation on produce which came from outside Israel, exited from Israel, dough found when Joshua conquered Israel?
clearing rubble on day of Pesach offering where dead person was found, sometimes invalidates his inclusion in fulfilling Pesach Obligation and will need to bring another offering on Pesach sheni, in some cases he is included and won’t need Pesach sheni
comparison to chagigah and Obligation to rejoice
comparison to reiyah and the Obligation to rejoice
completing biur Obligation when traveling and not near one’s produce
court has the Obligation to raise the level of Torah observance
cow slaughtered and dough mixed while on the conversion process which may have tithe Obligations
cow slaughtered and dough mixed while on the conversion process which may have tithe Obligations
declared to be a nazir based on knowing that he had an animal for his sacrifice Obligation, which was later stolen
designated as hekdesh and redeemed prior to or after maaser Obligation took effect, or in hekdesh possession when maaser Obligation took effect, what is the maaser Obligation and at what stage of growth does the Obligation begin?
designated bikkurim then sold field, responsibilities of buyer and seller in the Obligation of bikkurim
different locations, types of houses, openings, and when Obligation begins
does an Obligation for a penalty begin when the act is committed, or by the court decision? who receives the penalty payment when if the father dies? the girl or the inheritors of the father’s estate? who gets her earnings and findings? is the fine a debt to the father that is inherited (double to first born) and shemittah cancels? or is it only the father’s once he actually receives it? who receives penalty for her defamation? depending on her age?
does premature deduction of terumah trigger restrictions or further tithing Obligations on the produce?
doubt if Pesach Obligation were fulfilled, doubt if requirements of mechusar kapparah were fulfilled to be eligible to bring the Pesach
dough forming into clumps or larger pieces, challah Obligation?
dough of dogs, if shepherds eat it too, challah Obligation, make hamotzi blessing, birchas hamazon, zimun, ok to bake it on yom tov, ok to make matzos for Pesach, the opposite if the shepherds won’t eat it, in either case it can become impure
doughs which are below the size obligated in challah, but may combine with other doughs to create challah Obligation
during second temple period they accepted upon themselves Obligation of maasros voluntarily
each mitzvah has a sub-Obligation to learn, teach, guard, and perform
enjoyment Obligation fulfilled with certain sacrificial food
evaluation and future Obligation of the groom on real estate, vessels, money, jewelry, and cosmetics that the bride brings into the marriage
exact days Obligation to check for chametz and destroy it, eat matzah, contradictory pesukim
exempt from maaser Obligations?
father dies, leaves sons, daughters, wife, dividing assets depending on estate size, after prior Obligations
figs to be dried (work not completed), brought onto courtyard (usually signals maaser Obligation), children and workers eat?
five cases of sin offerings that animals are left to die and parallel cases of Pesach offerings that are brought as a shelamim offering, offspring of sin offering animal, temurah of the animal, owner died, sin offering Obligation not fulfilled within a year, lost and later found with a blemish
five grains, some combine with each other to create a challah Obligation
five grains, some combine with each other to create a challah Obligation
from sotah we learn that an Obligation to swear can trigger Obligations to swear on other related issues
fruit juices unify ingredients of dough for challah Obligation? for dough to become impure by touching part? seven liquids only?
fulfill matzah Obligation by eating an olive sized piece made from 5 grains or any of them
fulfill matzah Obligation by using terumah, challah, bikkurim, maaser sheni, todah loaves , or nazir wafers
fulfill matzah Obligation by using wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye, demai, maaser whose terumah was taken, redeemed maaser sheni, redeemed hekdesh, kohanim can use challah or terumah but not bikkurim, may not use tevel, maaser whose terumah wasn’t taken, unredeemed maaser sheni, unredeemed hekdesh, todah loaves, nazir wafers, grains used for challah
fulfillment of the Obligation
gifting produce doesn’t cause a tithe Obligation, selling does, variations of gifting and selling
half slave, how it came to be, halachic problems with work Obligations, marriage, divorce
houses, buildings, structures, huts, porches, rooftops which triggers a maaser Obligation when produce is brought there
how to circumvent the maaser sheni Obligation, who may not partake in this strategy
human dignity can in certain cases take precedence over performance of an Obligation
husband obligated to ransom or heal her, may not divorce her and abandon this responsibility, yavam and estate of dead husband don’t have this Obligation, responsibility to heal her extends to his estate, differences between chronic illness and one time healin
if a person can only produce impure bread, is it better to bake small loaves that are below the minimum size of the challah Obligation, or is it better to create impure challah which will then have to be burned? baker impure, pure person exactly 4 mil away?
impurity of foreign lands, Obligation of maaser, shemittah, border and beyond border towns, questions, stories
impurity of foreign lands, Obligation of maaser, shemittah, border and beyond border towns, questions, stories
impurity of foreign lands, Obligation of maaser, shemittah, on border, beyond border towns,, questions, stories
is there an Obligation if the bird was a tereifah or was not being eaten?
Jews and non Jews in the conversion process who are partners who had dough below the size of Obligation then added later
kohen gadol and nazir may not become impure, yet, Obligation to bury, nazir or kohen has priority? Levi? Regular kohen, kohen gadol, various types of nazir?
kohen gadol may not become impure, yet, Obligation to bury a neglected corpse, nazir or kohen has priority?
left over food, worn out clothing, wine belongs to her or the heirs? her Obligations (limitations) to husbands heirs
lost animal, members of group slaughtered a replacement, original found and slaughtered too, both slaughtered, what is status of the animals? members completed Obligation? on which animal? Pesach sheni needed?
maaser and terumah biblical or rabbinic Obligation in our time?
maaser Obligation for a Jew who bought a field from a non Jew in Suria, compared to grain partially grown in shemittah year, partially grown while ownerless, hekdesh, owned by non Jew, in roofed house,
maaser, shemittah, challah Obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
maaser, shemittah, challah Obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
maaser, shemittah, challah Obligations for sharecroppers of Suria
make kav portions of dough to evade Obligation?
mamzer brother, children, and how it affects the yibum Obligation and other familial laws
mixing of the dough or crusting while baking is when status of challah Obligation is determined, compared to maaser status when the pile of grain is smoothed
mixtures of doughs with various grains that either combine to create a challah Obligation or cancel each other out
money put aside for shekel Obligation or sin offering, later discovered to be more than needed or not obligated
money put aside for shekel Obligation or sin offering, later discovered to be more than needed or not obligated
must a father support his sons? daughters? grandchildren?
nazir may not become impure, yet, Obligation to bury a neglected corpse, nazir or kohen gadol has priority?
obligated in challah? blessing hamotzi? Obligation of matzah fulfilled with it?
Obligation for father to teach his daughter
Obligation for leaders to praise God in song when miracles happen on our behalf, exceptions to this rule
Obligation for maaser is for food, protected, and grown from the ground, matured, or food eaten prior to maturity, source
Obligation fulfilled even on days when Megillah reading is predated
Obligation is to enter courtyard, not just the Temple Mount
Obligation of a kohen son to become impure to bury even a barley sized bone of his father, limb of living father?
Obligation of father, community, and groom to provide dowry and clothing for the bride
Obligation of frequency of marital relations based on husbands occupation, other Obligations
Obligation of offering or dedicating money for a future Temple offering cancelled in our day, what to do if money or animal was consecrated
Obligation only on grains that leaven
Obligation to clean the ash of the inner altar, sources, forbidden to have benefit from the ash, sources
Obligation to conduct business with honesty
Obligation to destroy maaser sheni that is left over
Obligation to gladden wife and children on holidays, wine, shoes, ribbons, walnuts, almonds, Rabbi Tarfon did so
Obligation to praise God in song when miracles happen on our behalf
Obligation to teach daughter
Obligation to tear garments over the destruction of Jerusalem begin from the area called ‘Tzofim’
Obligations of support of wives and children aren’t taken from mortgaged property
Obligations of support of wives and children aren’t taken from mortgaged property
one exempt from a Torah Obligation who does it anyway is considered ignorant
only an obligated person can discharge another person of their Obligation
order of collection when multiple wives collect their kesubah from 1 husband, kesubah Obligations or other Obligations, debts, contracts? priorities of payments in many scenarios, surplus estate value of various assets beyond the kesubos amounts
ordinary nazir (biblical) Obligations override nazir Samson Obligations (not biblical)
parallel machlokes, communal error bull sacrifice and Pesach offering brought in a state of impurity, other tribes follow Obligations of one tribe?
passes through a courtyard, tithe Obligation? picked produce before Shabbos to eat after Shabbos, tithe Obligation?
planted maaser sheni, what Obligations exist on the growth of the plant?
planted maaser, what Obligations exist on the growth of the plant?
planted terumah, on purpose, by accident, Obligation of tithes including terumah, threshing using animals, may not muzzle, but they must be allowed to eat, planted terumah of flax
planting grain in a vineyard, or the opposite, Obligation to remove the fold plants, weeding out kilayim plants
plants that produce more than one edible part, maaser Obligation for each? intent for use of plant changed
preferable to separate from dough that is exempt on behalf of what is subject to Obligation of challah, or to separate impure on pure dough?
produce (but not the land) of Suria owned by Jew, sharecropper, what is his maaser Obligation?
promised dowry money to son-in-law or daughter, he died, Obligation to daughter? to the yavam? Obligation canceled?
questionable Obligation for circumcision isn't done on Shabbos
rebuke those who try to circumvent tithe Obligations
rebuke those who try to circumvent tithe Obligations
reclining, leaning, Obligation at the Pesach seder, slaves, women, the meat of the Pesach offering
relatives of mourners have some mourning Obligations as well
replacement of bikkurim, purchased from market, Obligation of additional fifth penalty if eaten by
right to revoke tied to Obligation of support?
rules of eating terumah inadvertently or deliberately and the difference in regard to the Obligation of the sin offering
sages didn’t want to set a precedent of people doing Pesach Sheni for their wives and children thinking that it is an Obligation
sale of produce triggers an Obligation to tithe?
saved up money for the shekel Obligation or a sin offering, later realized that he wasn’t obligated or had already given
second degree relatives; Obligation to tear clothing and mourn?, say shema, wear tefillin
second degree relatives; Obligation to tear clothing and mourn?, say shema, wear tefillin
shabbos food creates tevel and therefore obligates maaser, actions of children creating a maaser Obligation
situations when one act can cause Obligations for multiple sin offerings
small doughs that aren’t obligated in challah can combine to create a challah Obligation if the dough become attached or the baked loaves are placed in one basket
smoothing the pile of someone else’s grain, completes to process of making it tevel and therefore Obligation of maaser
sourdough from wheat dough whose challah is not separated placed in rice dough has taste of wheat grain, subject to challah Obligation?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill Obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill Obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill Obligation of matzah on Pesach?
sponge bread, honey bread, wafers, pan loaf, medumah, what is the proper blessing? exempt from challah? fulfill Obligation of matzah on Pesach?
stage of growth when the maaser Obligation begins
support of grandchildren, Obligation?
supported by the estate, her work (and findings?) belongs to the estate, Obligation to bury her
taking challah from a pure dough to include the Obligation on a impure dough as well, pure and impure terumah
taking challah from a pure dough to include the Obligation on future doughs of demai that are likely to become impure
ten situations of Obligation to tear garments (which may not be repaired), required upon death of sages or students, what status of Torah knowledge would trigger this Obligation, upon death of Nasi, head of Bais Din, bad news, upon hearing one curse God or a secondary name of God, burning of a Torah (requires two tearings) , seeing the ruins of Jerusalem, and the Temple
terumah taken from produce involved with mitzvos, non full ownership, Obligation, age, or location
terumah, tithe Obligations and non kohen who eats date honey, apple cider, vinegar of winter grapes, fruit juices
the additional kolbon payment when giving the half shekel, paying on behalf of others, brothers partners Obligation of kolbon and maasar beheimah, what kolbon funds were used for
the size of one woman’s dough in a group dough can affect the Obligation of challah compared to smoothing out someone else’s grain to give the grain the status of tevel
three regions with different challah Obligations
types of breads challah Obligation
Tzippori - almonds, Obligation of maaser for types of almonds
Tzofim - north of Jerusalem where Temple Mount is visible, Obligation to tear garments begins here
warning to wife Obligation or optional?
which grain considered new or old in regard to challah Obligation?
which of the five grains combine with each other to create a challah Obligation
wind blown or plants that lean into each other, Obligation to remove
women obligated despite no Obligation for reiyah
כל מי שהוא פטור מהדבר ועושהו נקרא הדיוט - one exempt from a Torah Obligation who does it anyway is considered ignorant