12 Results
  • eating bread of idolators

  • laborers may use money earned picking shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer

  • laborers may use money earned picking shemittah produce depending on the words used by their employer

  • minor change of language causing no shemittah sanctity on money earned picking vegetables of shemittah

  • one can borrow on Shabbos providing that they avoid the word ‘lend’ but they may use a similar word

  • one can borrow on Shabbos providing that they avoid the word ‘lend’ but they may use a similar word

  • one can say ‘bring maaser sheni to Jerusalem is that we can eat and drink together’

  • taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’

  • taking bread from a baker on shemittah in exchange for ‘when i pick vegetables in the field, i will give you some’