77 Results
amounts of money and quality of money typically found in the kesubah of various types of wOmen
Are wOmen obligated in this commandment?
Are wOmen obligated in this commandment?
baker intends to divide dough into small parts, wOmen who gave their small pieces of dough to a baker who combines them
captured by bandits who may have had relations or raped them, are wOmen trusted to relate what happened?
categories of wOmen whose vows can’t be revoked
Pesach ">chametz mixtures forbidden on Pesach, subject to kares? lashes?, Babylonian kutach, Median beer, vinegar of Edom, broth of dyers, dough of cooks, glue of scribes, wOmen’s cosmetics
closing the eyes of a person at mOment of death is murder
differences between men and wOmen regarding metzorah, nazir, marrying off daughter, execution, sold into slavery for stealing
differences between men and wOmen regarding metzorah, nazir, marrying off daughter, execution, sold into slavery for stealing
evaluation of an estate is based on its value at the mOment of death, or at the time of distribution?
exempt from the obligation of sukkah, wOmen, slaves, minors who don’t need their mother, Shamai built sukkah for newborn
exemptions for wOmen, slaves, lame, sick, and aged
fifteen wOmen who will be exempt and cause their co-wives to also be exempt from yibum, exceptions
forfeit her kesubah if she violated the ‘code of Moshe’ of the ‘code of Jewish wOmen’, unseemly behavior
funds from shekalim or funds for the upkeep of the Temple used for Torah teachers who taught kohanim, teachers who taught about blemishes, scribes who corrected the Torah of the Temple courtyard, judges of Jerusalem, wOmen who weaved for the Temple, incense, altars, vessels, chambers, courtyards, walls of the Temple and Jerusalem,
gap of time required for wOmen and men between marriages
gap of time required for wOmen and men between marriages
group of wOmen, slaves, minors, not permitted, reasons
in the future wheat and fruit will ripen faster, leaves will be edible and have curative power, open the wombs of barren wOmen, open mouths of the mute
interpreted 3 verses in a favorable manner, Tamar at the crossroads, sons of Eli with wOmen, sons of Samuel straying
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their wOmen not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
made the incense for the Temple, smoke raising plant, didn’t want to reveal their secrets, replaced by craftsmen from Alexandria, brought back Avtinas at very high wages, kept secret to prevent it being used for idol worship, praised for their wOmen not wearing perfume to be above suspicion, stories about Avtinas family, sages remove censure of Avtinas family
may restrict usage of any type except wOmen doing laundry
more restrictions placed on wOmen upon marriage compared to men
multiple wOmen being divorced by their husbands on one divorce document
must be written with intent for the specific man and woman, however these wOmen may be forbidden to marry kohanim or may need to divorce if a similar kiddushin document was written
non Jews, wOmen, slaves
one man did kiddushin with one of five wOmen, he wants to get divorced, isn’t sure which woman it was
ornaments, jewelry where can they not be worn? what is the punishment? wOmen and men?
pilgrimage to Jerusalem, wOmen, wife of the prophet Jonah
pilgrimage to Jerusalem, wOmen, wife of the prophet Jonah
previously married wOmen also have blessings at their weddings with a quorum of ten men as learned from Boaz
reclining, leaning, obligation at the Pesach seder, slaves, wOmen, the meat of the Pesach offering
satan prosecutes in times of danger, wOmen die due to neglect of laws of niddah, challah, Shabbos lights, unfulfilled vows
self-righteous wOmen are from the destroyers of the world
simchas bais hashoevah, balcony built to prevent mingling between men and wOmen, deviated from prophetic architecture of Temple for good reason and with scriptural support
slaves and wOmen are trusted to search and dispose of chametz
some legitimate, some not, wOmen refraining from work erev Shabbos or after Shabbos, certain days, Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh Av until 9th of Av
stories of Rabbis who derived meaning from casual statements made by others
temple gate where sotah procedure is done, purification of wOmen who gave birth, purification of metzorah
three wOmen baking matzah in an oven that can only do one at a time, concern that the dough might become chametz
two closely related wOmen who fall in yibum
two doughs of the same grain that are touching combine to obligate challah? if belong to one or two wOmen? being particular about not mixing
two wOmen, later fit to marry a kohen?
warnings and lashes for each mOment nazir doesn't leave cemetery, same as impure person delaying leaving the temple, continuous drinking of wine, kohen delaying leaving cemetery
what to do with leftover funds that had been designated for shekalim, tenth of ephah measurement for a flour offering, bird offerings for zav, zavah, wOmen who gave birth, sin offerings, guilt offerings, olah offerings, flour offerings, shelamim offerings, nazar offerings, offerings with wrong intentions
which wOmen fit the definition of a zonah?
witnesses,and judges of different social classes, excluding wOmen and minors, source
wOmen adorning themselves or applying lime to their skin
wOmen and slaves are trusted to search and dispose of chametz
wOmen and slaves are trusted to search and dispose of chametz
wOmen and slaves, obligated on Pesach to eat Pesach matzah and marror?
wOmen are lazy
wOmen are lazy
wOmen die in childbirth due to neglect of niddah laws, challah, and Shabbos lights, unfulfilled vows, satan prosecutes in times of danger
wOmen doing Pesach sheni, obligated? optional? not permitted?
wOmen from the Trokti family who don’t have virginal blood
wOmen gave dough to baker, he combines them, an amount that obligates challah, yet exempt, not considered ‘completed’
wOmen items adornments, jewelry, which are forbidden to wear in a public domain, reasons, istema head scarf, city of gold
wOmen obligated despite no obligation for reiyah
wOmen relatives believed to deliver a divorce document even though they aren’t believed to say the husband died
wOmen should compel their children to study Torah
wOmen should compel their children to study Torah
wOmen sometimes required to separate from husband for three months to clarify a child’s lineage
wOmen wearing tefillin
wOmen who don’t drink the water, and may lose their kesubah money
wOmen, wife of the prophet Jonah
wOmen's accessories, interpose or don’t interpose when immersing in a mikveh
wOmen’s and men’s testimony in cases of one witness, one man’s testimony against many wOmen, one woman against more than one woman
wOmen’s and men’s testimony in cases of one witness, one man’s testimony against many wOmen, one woman against more than one woman
wOmen’s and men’s testimony in cases of one witness, one man’s testimony against many wOmen, one woman against more than one woman
אפילו חסיד שבחסידים אין ממנין אותו אפיטרופוס על עריות - even the pious of the pious aren’t appointed supervisors over forbidden wOmen
כל גומרה דלא כויה בשעתה לא כויה - coal that doesnt burn the first time is harder to light, important to act at the first mOment
נשים עצילות הן - wOmen are lazy
נשים עצילות הן - wOmen are lazy