65 Results
caper bush obligated in Orlah
caper bush obligated in Orlah?
divided the minimum size of liability in his mouth and ate it in two parts
esrog that emerged during Orlah year and completed growth in permitted year or after emerging of esrog he grafted the branch onto a tree whose Orlah years already elapsed
food cooked or baked by burning peels of Orlah
fruit tree growing in a forest
fruit tree planted for non fruit purposes
fruit trees exempt from Orlah even if planted for their fruits
grafting branch of fruit bearing tureen to non fruit bearing tree, from when is Orlah counted? grafted less than thirty days before shemittah?
herbs, dyes, or clothing dyed by mixtures of Orlah
if Orlah didn’t take effect on a tree, neta revai doesn’t apply either
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? Orlah? tereifah?
items that the Torah declares forbidden to eat also forbidden for benefit unless the Torah states otherwise? flesh of a living animal? neveilah? cheilev? blood? gid hanashah? bread roasted kernels plump kernels? sheratzim? condemned ox? Pesach ">chametz owned by a Jew on Pesach? kilayiim of the vineyard? Orlah? tereifah?
juiced oral fruit that one drank will not incur lashes unless it was olives or grapes
layered branch that was severed, method to determine how much the fruit grew after the branch was severed
mixtures of foods which can leaven, spice, or impart taste aren’t necessarily nullified, and may transmit impurity
mixtures of kilay kerem, kilayim, Orlah and terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
mixtures of kilay kerem, Orlah and terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
mixtures of kilay kerem, Orlah and terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
mixtures of kilay kerem, Orlah and terumah can cancel each other out when mixed with chullin
nullified by a ratio of 200 to 1, sources, kilai kerem and Orlah together or separately fell into 100 of chullin
nullified by a ratio of 200 to 1, sources, kilai kerem and Orlah together or separately fell into 100 of chullin
nullified terumah still needs to be paid to the kohen, undesirable terumah does not, Orlah and kilai kerem does not
orchard of Orlah is marked off with clay
Orlah based dye used on rags, dyed twice
Orlah dyed garment, having benefit
Orlah or kilayim plant that got mixed up inside an orchard, status of produce
Orlah or kilayim plant that got mixed up inside an orchard, status of produce
outside of Israel is a rabbinic law?
part of the tree planted as a hedge and part for its fruit, owner changed his mind about its use
parts of plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to Orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to Orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to Orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
parts of plants or trees that are either forbidden or permitted in regard to Orlah, neta revai, nazir, asheirah
peels also forbidden, garments dyed with peel dyes, sources
picking with the intent to nullify, milling grain intentionally to nullify prohibited part?
planted areas marked every year, or only during a shemittah year
planted in an unperforated flower pot or in a house, laws of Orlah, maaser, shemittah
planted in an unperforated flower pot or in a house, laws of Orlah, maaser, shemittah
planted in an unperforated flower pot or in a house, laws of Orlah, maaser, shemittah
planted outside Israel, replanted in Israel with its roots and surrounding earth to avoid Orlah or neta rivai
planted trees within 30 days of shemittah, partial year won’t count towards Orlah, forbidden to upkeep in shemittah year, fourth year fruits are forbidden until 15th of Shevat, planted before 30 days prior to shemittah, partial year counts to shemittah, may upkeep during shemittah, as fourth year begins new fruits are permitted
planted trees within 30 days of shemittah, partial year won’t count towards Orlah, forbidden to upkeep in shemittah year, fourth year fruits are forbidden until 15th of Shevat, planted before 30 days prior to shemittah, partial year counts to shemittah, may upkeep during shemittah, as fourth year begins new fruits are permitted
planting or grafting a new tree with fruit or branches of Orlah, tree sprouted from nut of Orlah?
questionable Orlah in Israel, Suria, and outside Israel
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, Orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, Orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, Orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, Orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
ratios that nullify terumah, terumas maaser of demai, challah, Orlah, kilai kerem or mixtures of these which gets mixed into chullin
root not as thick as stretching needle, regarded as detached from the ground or implies age is less than three years? roots grow at uniform pace or growth can manifest itself in height or length?
sap of balsam tree in regard to shemittah compared to sap of Orlah tree
sap of balsam tree in regard to shemittah compared to sap of Orlah tree
seasoning of Orlah renders mixtures prohibited even when mixture is more than two hundred times the Orlah volume? sweet grapes? shriveled grapes? fully ripened grapes?
seasonings of various prohibitions or various varieties that fell into food, did or didn’t impart good or bad flavor
six food items which are never nullified due to their high quality, can be nullified of cracked, split, or opened
stolen, dried out, from an asheirah tree, from an ir hanidachas, Orlah, terumah, demai, maaser sheni
thread within garment dyed with peels of Orlah, location of thread not known
tree partially inside Israel and partially outside, partially obligated
tree planted for a mitzvah such as esrog or oil for the chanukah or temple menorah obligated in Orlah?
tree planted for the public, planted on public land, non Jew planted, robber planted, planted on a boat, grew on its own
tree planted prior to when the Jews entered Israel
tree uprooted or partially uprooted, layered or grafted onto existing root stock
trimmed vines to down near the ground, does the oral count restart?