24 Results
ashes must be visible
beginning fifteenth of Adar, repair roads, tend to public needs, court cases, redeem vows, give sotah bitter waters to drink, burn Parah Adumah, decapitated calf, bore ear of Hebrew slave, purify metzorah, locks removed from water cisterns, mark graves, check fields for kilayim
deaf mute insane or minor who sanctified water with ashes of Parah Adumah?
dipping eizov intio the purifying water twice water, oil of eizov may seep into the water
funded with shekalim collected in the Temple, kohen gadol to be pushed off a rocky sloped hill">azazel, goat ramp and red wool for kohen gadol to be pushed off a rocky sloped hill">azazel goat, red wool of Parah Adumah, ramp of Parah Adumah from shekalim or kohen gadol funds?, water canal in the Temple, city wall, towers, needs of city
kohen appointed must be sequestered for seven days
kohen gadol during seven days of sequestration can do work of the day, do Parah Adumah afterwards, then get sprinkled with purification water, then go to the mikveh, and then be pure for the next day
new ramp built for each Parah Adumah, reasons, Shimon Hatzadik did two, fancy gold pompous
one who contracts impurity at any level, is considered impure at the most severe level
procedure of sending off azazel goat, leaning on bull, confession of sins, strips of red wool on azazel goat, metzorah, Parah Adumah, sizes of each strip
red heifer is burned in the same place that it is slaughtered
Sadducee kohen mocked the water libation and poured the water on his feet, the people threw esrogim at him, mocked the proper procedure of the Parah Adumah and the procedure of the incense on Yom Kippur, all done by one kohen or two?
sages of the court and of kohanim administered oath to the kohen gadol that he would follow the proper procedures and not the procedures of the Boethusians, the sages and the kohen gadol cried, stories of kohanim gedolim that deviated from proper practice of the Yom Kippur incense, Parah Adumah, water libation on Sukkos, and died, corner of altar damaged
sequestration for kohen gadol before Yom Kippur is due to holiness, sequestration for Parah Adumah is due to purity, reason for the difference
slaughter, sprinkling of blood, burning, done by a non kohen or a woman
spring of water will come from the holy of holies at the end of days, water used to purify niddah and Parah Adumah?
sprinkling red heifer ashes on a camel’s collar or immersing the collar in a mikveh while he is wearing it
using a broken piece of pottery for the purification of the water, is it a vessel?
using the ashes for personal benefit
water of Parah Adumah sprinkled on kohanim
weight of red ribbons for Parah Adumah, azazel goat, and metzorah
work invalidating the cow, working with the cow for personal needs, for the needs of the cow, for the needs of the offering
working with the cow for personal needs, for the needs of the cow, for the needs of the offering